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Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 11:09
Ohh I love a good confession thread! On Tuesday night I had an early dinner with my children as we go out to Tae Kwon-Do that evening. After I got the kids to bed I went downstairs, felt peckish and ended up drinking half a bottle of red wine and eating tons of cheese and crackers, tons! I felt so guilty as I'd already eaten my dinner. But, I still lost 1 lb this week and my two fasts went great so I'm not going to beat myself up about it and neither should you!! :-) xxx
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 11:21
Oh I have days like these too Sophie. But now I'm finding that when temptation to binge strikes I try and focus on how awful my stomach felt after a previous binge and that seems to halt the urge these days. Hopefully that might work for you too.
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 11:48
Esmeralda wrote: You're only human Sophie and unfortunately we all overeat now and again. I've been experimenting and I've found that one day a week splurging (this week i ate four choc bars too!) whilst I fast three days and eat my TDEE on three days has led to a good loss over the last couple of weeks. I have been counting calories though to make sure it all evens out over 7 days. But I think it does my metabolism good to keep changing things up all the time, so that my body doesn't get used to the same calorie intake day after day.

ETA: I'm not suggesting you should binge regularly but just pointing out that overdoing it once a week needn't be the end of the world, and actually may even do some good in terms of weight loss.

More and more people are reporting this kind of thing. Ages ago (in this forum's timescale) talkinpeace suggested something like: 2x fast, 2x eat at TDEE, 2x eat below TDEE, 1x splurge as the best way to do 5:2. It seems like this is good advice. So if you have a binge day, just compensate with two below TDEE days and call it part of the plan!
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 14:56
Virginia wrote: Confession....
Last Friday night...had a lovely healthy dinner...butttttt spurred on my a glass or 3 of red wine....I wanted a choc fix!!!!
Now any 'normal' human being might have eaten a couple of squares of chocolate?.....even on a bad day a bar?
I have a recipe for chocolate cake that cooks in 6 minutes in the micro!!! its delish
so...made choc cake and thought...mmmmm wot will I have with it....
errr made hot chocolate sauce....mmmmmm now I need vanilla ice cream to go with that
Sooooo hot choc cake...choc sauce...vanilla ice cream wolfed savouring each mouth full for this piglet.... did you know if you eat it quickly there are less calories!!! lol
but have nt binged since...we all need to let rip now and again!!!

That made me chuckle Virginia - sounds delicious! :grin:
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 14:58
I wish you hadn't titled your topic "enough is enough"...that song is going round and round in my head now! :roll:
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:00
Virginia wrote: Confession....
I have a recipe for chocolate cake that cooks in 6 minutes in the micro!!! its delish

WOW!! what's the receipe??!! :lol:
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:05
I had the same problem today, I bought 4 cakes and 2 gingerbread boys for a pound at the bakery today, and have eaten two cakes and one cookie myself, to the point I feel ill from all the carbs/sugar! I think that it is cyclical but I can't be sure since I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago. So, tomorrow I am going to do better. End of.
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:12
What a refreshing thread. Thanks for starting it Sophie, and Virginia, like Lulabella, I'd like the recipe too. Maybe we could put it in the recipe section :grin:

I find that I am falling into a natural weekly routine of fasting x 2, being good x 2 and then there's the weekends...... seems to be working though. You know what they say about all work and no play!

My weakness is starting to eat again after a fast day, I am finding it so easy to be hungry. Scary thought but there I've said it :bugeyes:
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:16
lulabella wrote:
Virginia wrote: Confession....
I have a recipe for chocolate cake that cooks in 6 minutes in the micro!!! its delish

WOW!! what's the receipe??!! :lol:

My son is always making this for his dessert whenever I don't have any 'proper' dessert planned!

His recipe is:
4 tbsp self-raising flour
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 egg
3 tbsp oil
3 tbsp milk
dash vanilla essence
optional chocolate chips/walnuts etc etc.

Mix up dry ingredients in a big mug. Mix in egg, oil, milk, vanilla until smooth. Put mug in microwave for 3-6 mins depending on the power of your microwave. Ours is a 1000watt one and so it only takes 3 mins. You need a BIG mug or divide into two. It makes a substantial dessert for 1 (suitable for teen boy) or a more reasonable one for two people!
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:20
Thanks Caroline - will definitely be trying this out!! :)

Not going to bother with calorie count!! LOL!
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:26
Sophie, I think you're 'normal' and I think anyone else who says they've never done anything like that is fooling themselves.....well I think I've justified myself. :wink:

I came off my 2nd 36 hour no food fast this morning with 2 slices of wholemeal toast, butter and jam. I've had lunch out with a friend - soup with more homemade bread and, wait for it, a huge slice of homemade black forest roulade with fresh yummy. Dinner will be pizza, I'm sure wine will find its way into a glass tonight instead of water and I bought a packet of Thai Chilli Roasted Almonds for nibbles. So all in I'd say a very high carb day. Certainly a high calorie day but I'm not worried and I will enjoy every bit of it.

I've been trying to follow talkinginpiece's advice as Caroline posted.

The more you fast the less often I find I do daft things, although I can still eat a whole packet of jaffas in one sitting :oops:
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:31
Oh no, you just mentioned TOAST and Jaffa cakes in one post! Glad I'm not the only one that can eat a whole packet in one go, you do mean the 12's and not the 36's though, please say yes!

Ballerina x
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:33
Sophie, what don't you empty your house from all the naughty stuff? If you can't avoid eating them, then avoid having them there to eat...
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:37
Don't give me ideas Ballerina :shock: I did say packet not box and you know how it is when you open the packet :dazed: My husband has a habit of saying 'how brilliant would we be if we finish this', so regularly 6 at a time and when no-one is around 12 at a time. :oops:
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 15:43
I have no shame, don't care who sees me make a pig of myself,

Ballerina x
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