The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Knowing as we do that 5:2 is an amazing life-changing way of eating, we can take a bit of criticism, can't we? So maybe it is salutary to see how some people still see us. This thread on is about 5:2 and has now been locked by moderators there on the grounds that it is a fad diet. Threads on the same subject on that website have been blocked as promoting a starvation diet. No, really.

Sorry to link to such an unbalanced page, but you might notice that the 2nd reply does tell people 'there is a good support site - google 5:2 to find it'. Now where could that be referring to? :wink:
Myfitnesspal is usually pretty strict on anything that promotes a starvation diet- but there 2 groups on there which are pretty well used and free from disdain to attack, which indicates that they recognise it I'd t a daddy starvation approach.
Start a new thread about a modification of the NHS-approved VLCD. The modification is that you only follow the VLCD on two days a week so it is a less severe intervention than the one approved by the NHS. Must think of a snappy name...let's only do the diet 2 days and eat normally on 5...ideas anyone?
Ha! Thanks carorees! I was getting quite depressed reading that forum. I think we all have to be patient while the rest catch up with us and realise 5:2 works!
Bit ironic that the ad directly to the side of the argument is a link to a You-Tube video promoting 2 day fasting!
Out of curiosity, what is the definition of a starvation diet? Restricted to no intake over day?

When I started 5:2, one of my concerns was insufficient food and hunger. However, in one seating, I am actually surprised how much food can be consumed with only 600 calories, provided one makes sensible choices. However, that is only one meal a day.
Well my definition would be restricting to under say 50% of TDEE for many months. 5:2 is a restriction to 79% of TDEE which is generally higher than most dieting websites suggest! Can you see any logic in the accusation of being a starvation diet?
In fact when I registered at calorie count their suggested daily calories for me was 1200 which is lower than the average I've been having on 5:2 (1500)! Perhaps I should complain about them promoting starvation diets to their members by suggesting dangerous calorie restrictions that have been shown to result in metabolic slow down!!!
Understandably not everyone will agree, and that is why loosing weight products is such a growing industry.
Personalities differ!
Someone who wants all the information about 5:2 will get to this forum in the end, and hear what "real" people say.
In the end, the proof is in doing it. And the idea of going without food for more than 12 hours, scare them off.
I have not had my first weigh in yet. I have been exercising 10 years,I am a fitness professional(5 years), eating healthy,love good food high in calories, been on different diets/eating plans, which taught me different things about eating AND about myself
My eating has evolved and this is the next phase.

Except for being anemic all my life, I am healthy.
The few days since I have started, I can see/feel a list of changes(all positive).And yes fast is not EASY.
Best of all is that at 3pm on fast days my blood pressure is 115/65 iso low energy days of 95/55
It makes sense for me to stay here :like:
Thanks Dominic, I had no idea there are such strong feelings against 5:2! :shock: I wonder why they feel so threatened by others losing weight and getting healthier in a way that works for them. Ah well, it's their loss and our gain - or maybe I should say our loss and their gain! :smile: Just dropped into the 'overweight' category with my BMI today, so this works beautifully for me and I'm sticking to it!
Dude wrote: Out of curiosity, what is the definition of a starvation diet? Restricted to no intake over day?


Starvation is the result of a severe or total lack of nutrients needed for the maintenance of life.

Adequate nutrition has two components, necessary nutrients and energy in the form of calories. It is possible to ingest enough energy without a well-balanced selection of individual nutrients and produce diseases that are noticeably different from those resulting from an overall insufficiency of nutrients and energy.
from http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictio ... starvation
It is the old debate about religion and science.

The diet fundamentalists versus the diet scientists.

Is 5:2 a fad? It might be, only time will tell. The science may change and there may be a better way to lose weight.

Will 5:2 lead to eating disorder? Again who knows. It seems to have put me right. Eating too much regularly is some kind of disorder that everyone follows. I now get a full feeling. (Slogan: The 5:2 diet is full feeling :lol:)

As for binging - who doesn't want to binge. But now I binge on a normal sized meal and feel stonkered afterwards.

5:2 has helped me develop an eating order (as opposed to disorder).

Have you read The Diet Delusion by Richard Dawkins? :razz:
Bahaha dohpeterchina, must get my hands on The Diet Delusion :)
Haaaa haaaaaaa that thread made me laugh out loud, thanks so much for sharing it, Dominic!
There's someone who says that those who fast are miserable to be around on fast days. Yeah, right. While it is not miserable to be around someone who translates every glass of wine or every bite in points and calories and I don't know what else...
I find the reaction of people to new things very interesting. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's jealousy, sometimes they just follow the sheep around them and don't know what will happen if they change their path.
Personally, I'm into anything new. New diet, new recipes, new clothes, new shoes, new restaurants and shops. And I do feel sorry for those who prefer to not enjoy life than to try and enjoy it but it's their life so why should I care???
Am I reading it wrong? There were some negative viewpoints from died in the wool calorie counters, but a lot of reasonable and positive comments about the 5.2 WOL. My feeling overall was that those endorsing the 5.2 plan won the argument hands down. Most of the negative and hostile comments were from people who had successfully lost weight counting calories, and as we know how difficult and hard won that battle is (and with no respite like we have) they are maybe understandably sticking to their guns. We have found this great way of losing weight enjoyably and in a truly liberating way, let's not get smug or defensive about it, just encourage others to join us by seeing how much we love our new WOL and how great we feel :smile: Also, before the horizon programme aired I would have dismissed fasting out of hand too, as I'm sure many of us would have done :?: We need to get out there and educate and inform people and that is what we are doing with this fab forum!
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