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I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 12:11
After losing 6lbs in my first week yesterday I cracked a bit and ate 2 kitkats and some chocolate :oops:, will be really disappointed if I have put weight on!

It is my first fast day of the week today and I am determined not to weigh myself until Satuurday after I have done both of my fast days.

It does say you can eat what you want on a none fast day, so hope my weight has not been affected. I still ate less than 2000kcals.

Did measure my waist though and appears to be 1 1/2" less than last week but have religiously been doing Davina Mcall workout religiously and 10 mins fat cycle on my exercise bike!

I highly recommend the Davina Mcall free app which has 15 or 20 minute workouts with many different types of workouts.
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 12:17
It's sort of the point that you can. I've ate more chocolate than I have for years, bored of it now and the novelty has worn off.

Guilt = depression = comfort eating in my experience.
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 12:20
Did you still lose weight?
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 12:25
If it wasn't a fast day then you're OK - but just don't do it every 'feed' day!!! Don't beat yourself up about it. Stand firm and get back on track. It will SO be worth it. Good luck
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 12:32
I cant see that will make too much difference on a feed day, I had a freddo as it was the only thing I could find in the depths of my bag ha ha, havent replaced it yet and must do so before my daughter realises :oops:
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 14:22
Doing it repeatedly will have a much bigger effect than just doing it once. I try to plan treats in, now, so I always have something to look forward to. I know if I cut everything out, I'll binge, so I allow myself a little bit and it seems to take the edge off.
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 15:00
Having only done my first fast day on Monday I have found already that I don't want to eat so much on the feast days as I would usually!! I was out for dinner last night and had planned chocolate cheesecake for dessert but found I was too full after my chicken burger so didn't have it. Also today I stopped at Costa and had a coffee and usually that would have meant a cake or something too but I resisted. I am sure it if only the honeymoon phase and by next week I will be back on the chocolate on feast days - making the most of it while it lasts and hoping for a couple of pounds off when I weight on Sunday. Looking forward to 2nd fast day tomorrow!
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 17:27
Has anyone lost lots of weight on it yet?, it looks promising so far but I'm only on my second week so I am reserving judgement.
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
30 Jan 2013, 18:55
Hi Paula, I'm doing Davinas exercise DVD too, but not on fast days. I really feel its helping with the feel good factor!
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
06 Feb 2013, 20:15
paula70 - I've been on 5:2 since November and have lost nearly a stone. I put on a few lbs over Christmas/New Year - but I can certainly see the scales steadily but slowly going downward. I've got another 2.5 stone to go - so am looking at this as a life change - it seems to be working for me. Good luck, hope it works for you too :)
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
06 Feb 2013, 20:26
I have lost weight, not too much but enough, about a pound a week.

I've also had chips a fair bit, a takeaway, an all-day brekkie and a cream cake spread over the weeks. I'm doing ADF though so more fast days so taking a very liberal approach to feed days.

Have to say that as the weeks go on, I'm getting more disciplined with the treats and in between the treats, I cook nice food from scratch pretty much every day.
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
06 Feb 2013, 20:40
As you can see, I've lost 1½ stone. I eat cake and sometimes puddings on feed days. I had chocs too after xmas. Still averaging a bit over 1 lb a week.
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
06 Feb 2013, 21:24
I had a slice of Opera cake at the new patisserie in town. The pastry chef trained in France and it shows.

Buuuut - I couldn't finish it! I ate about 1/2 of my slice, with black coffee, and I had the rest boxed up to go. Tomorrow is a fast day, and I don't know if I'm going to bother eating the rest of it.

In all honesty, this is not something I would have done a month ago. I would have wolfed the whole thing down whether I wanted it or not.
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
06 Feb 2013, 22:58
Paula - I've been doing it about 6 months and have lost 15kg (33lbs). The loss has slowed now but is pretty steady and to be honest I have a treat or two most days and still lose weight :)
Re: I ate 2 kitkats yesterday
08 Feb 2013, 15:51
I have just eaten 5 Jaffa cakes and feel very guilty! I shouldn't - it is a feed day and I had a couple of poached eggs on toast for breakfast and a cuppa soup for lunch so not really over done it so far!!

They were nice though! ;)
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