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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Yep, this week in fact.

I have been getting really good at logging my calories, and I don't want to fast at the minute, I was going to on Tuesday, but I was hungry when I woke, then again on Wednesday, I wanted breakfast. Tuesday I need more snacks at 10 am, but since then breakfast and dinner are the meals I have been eating and this leaves me under my calorie goal even with a few beers in the evening.

I have been out in the garden, and it's hard work, so any form of fasting seems too much, but the exercise in the garden I have used in part to help the Cider go down.

I fasted pretty much 3 days a week for three months, lost 28lb, and now I want to see if or what I loose a week by actually only targeting a 1lb a week.

That way when I want to fast again, I should have a great bench mark on what I need to do in a week to loose the amount I want to loose.

As moogie says, you have to listen to your body I think, and I know one thing, without having fasted, there is no way I would have skipped lunch, and even having skipped it I have eaten Hairy biker/Low Fat Low ish Cals for my Dinner.

I Did have a sneaky weigh in this morning to make sure I wasn't getting it wrong, and I haven't which is great.
The only days I've found hard have been the days....not very many of them...where I've done 2 in a row.
I don't attempt them now for that reason. I'd rather just do 1 fast day if I can only fit 2 days in a row in, due to social engagements.
Personally if I gave up on the 2nd day I would feel like a failure.
Great info and advice on this thread. It's my 7th fast today, and at 12.30pm I really felt like giving up so I said to myself "have a glass of water and if I still feel like this in half an hour, I can eat! " Anyway I felt fine in half hour so carried on! I also thought about my egg cob I have every Fri morning and thought if I didn't complete todays fast this I would have to fast tomorrow or one weekend day and tried a weekend before and didn't succeed!
Thanks everyone. I think I will discontinue the 2 days in a row fast UNLESS I'm going to be missing 2 weeks in a row of fasting 2 days.

I had my toast and a 6 inch subway for lunch and will plan on the dinner I was going to have anyway (400 cals) so it won't be a pig-out day or anything.

I do feel a bit disappointed in myself that I couldn't work through it but I have a busy day at work today that requires a lot of thinking and I just didn't see it working out for me without a few more calories in my bloodstream :)
With an attitude like that I have a feeling you'll still be here in the future! Not to lose weight, but because you're maintaining! :smile:
Claire23 wrote: It's my 7th fast today, and at 12.30pm I really felt like giving up so I said to myself "have a glass of water and if I still feel like this in half an hour, I can eat! " Anyway I felt fine in half hour so carried on!

That's a really good suggestion. If after the 30 minutes, you still feel awful, then skip that day. So long as you are still doing 5:2 more weeks than you're not, it's OK. It's only when it becomes 7, 7, 6.5:0.5, 7 that it's probably really a problem!

I am new here but I need help.I've been on 5:2 for 3 weeks now and have not lost any weight what so ever. My fasting days are Mondays and Thursdays and those days I eat nothing until 6 pm then I eat about 400 calories, nothing else until morning.
Hi Owen - so sorry to hear about that and I would also be frustrated. Do you have any medical conditions, or other symptoms? What is your diet like on non-fast days? Any other details you can share?

I know I went six weeks without losing anything, despite not overeating on feed days and sticking to my calories on fast days - but I also had a blood test which showed my thyroid levels were too low and that does indeed inhibit weight loss.

Welcome to the forums
Hi pumisimo. I fasted yesterday and was ready to throw in the towel at 9.00 am. I went for a long walk and drank lots of lemon water and it ended up being one of my easiest fast days (have only done 6). I managed to get through until 7 before I ate and was feeling very proud. However I woke up at 2.00 am ravenous and ended up having a bowl of cereal at 3.00 am! So bit of a mixed day! Good luck with it - there is always another day!
Hi Tracieknits,
Thank you ,I have gerd for a long time but I don't think will effect my weight lost.I fasted 3 days this week lets see any weight lost, by the way I need to lose only 10 pound but I cant do it, on non fast days I don't eat much but I really like my bread and pastry, I have been eating under my calorie goal. I REALY DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO I AM REALLY TRYING NOT TO GIVE UP..
Hi this is my first week, I've done 3 fasts, weekend off and will start again on Monday. I'll probably try to go for another 4:3 net week as I tend to lose my appetite alot the week after my period. I am bit anxious the week after that as I tend to be at my hungriest mid-cycle so hoping I'll manage 5:2 that week - I'm anticipating it's likely to be way more challenging - I've found it surprisingly easy this week. Over the years I've come to recognise my eating patterns in terms of my menstrual cycle. Mind you, like I said I'm only actually 5 days in so we'll see how I'm feeling several weeks in. Good luck
And I still haven't assigned myself particular Fast Days, sometimes i dread them too, i still don't love them either. So I just make sure i do two at sometime during the week. I often end up doing one of them on the weekend just because I've run out of time.
Just do the best you can when you can, good luck. x
I had a week off for a holiday and that was fine

I find fasting with only one feed day inbtween very hard. Ie tues and Thurs. Usually I do monday thurs so I'm not surprised you found 2 days in a row tricky.

Sadly due to the bank hol. Got to do another tues Thurs fast this week. Boo!
Not missed a fast yet, I do make sure I always have my 600 cals and do 2 separate days. 2 days together is a diet!
I try and eat all my cals at night, but sometimes I get a knawing hunger - I have some full fat yoghurt, 100 cals, once or twice and cut my evening meal.
I guess I've been lucky it has worked well...
Yes. This week. My father died on Monday
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