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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi all. I've been doing the 5:2 for 6 weeks although 2 of the weeks I only did 1 fast in the week (once due to not being able to accomplish it and once due to social obligations). As of last week I was down just over 7 pounds in those 5 weeks.

Last week was my best yet, I didn't struggle with the fasting and I lost 3 pounds. This week...I just feel like I CANT. It's only 9 am here and I'm starving, I feel terrible and I really feel like just giving up and starting again next week (I did a fast yesterday and was doing another today as they are the only days in the week I don't have things going on involving food that I can't control).

Those of you have been doing this for a while, do you ever just "take a day off" or a week off from fasting and what effect does that have? I feel this is mostly mental for me, I just don't feel like feeling hungry today so it's not that I'm getting ill or anything...
It's absolutely alright to take a day/week off :)
If I wake up in the morning and feel hungry I usually don't fast.
Listen to your body, take a break and start again next week :)
This is for the long term, so a blip for a day or two here and there won't matter at all. Don't worry about it, do what feels right for you :)

I had my first optional blip on Monday - it was our wedding anniversary and we'd had dinner the night before so I could fast on Monday. Come Monday night and my mini beef fillet & veg I just really wanted stilton sauce and chips with it too, so I had them. Fasted all day up until then, but probably had more like 800-900 cals. Nevermind, it's only a day :)

That said, I do have days where I just don't feel like it, usually quieter days where I'm bored and just want to nibble for something to do. But, I'm very stubborn (or should that say determined?) and I tend to just stick with it because of that!
I was supposed to be fasting today but I decided a couple of hours ago to give up and try again another day, it felt like too much hard work and I have a huge work thing to do for tomorrow so I just didn't want the added stress of having to count calories for dinner or the distraction of thinking about being hungry and not being able to eat etc.
This was supposed to be my 5th fast so no idea what the result will be on Saturday when I weigh myself but as so far I have quite enjoyed fasting I didn't want to try to make myself fast today and feel deprived, I think it's important that fasting doesn't feel like a big hastle so that you can stick to it long term, I'll just know to pick my fast day better next time!
Short answer - YES! Why? Various reasons, feeling too hungry was one time so I changed it to the next day, and during week 4 or five I dreaded it and so just didn't do it. I feel much more settled into it now, but I won't hesitate not to do it again if I don't feel up to it. This is not supposed to be agony - it's about it being completely sustainable and imo that means the occasional day off, blip call it what you will. Don't force yourself to be rigid, rules are meant to be flexible, and the 5.2 lends itself beautifully to being a kind taskmaster! :smile:
This is my 19th fast day and so far have fasted every Monday and Thursday but will be taking a 2 week vacation pretty soon and am not planning on any fast days during this time but also planning on eating with moderation so I don't get carried
I had a day like that last week. I was starving from the moment I got up (very unusual for me), had a stressful day & ended up on a massive binge around 3pm. Learning point for me was not to force it but listen to my body each fast day. Most are fairly effortless & seem to be getting easier.

Just read Dhana's post - totally agree - sustainable is my keyword for weight loss & health.
Most definitely yes...

I have been doing 5:2 for almost 5 months now and I purposely took 3 consecutive weeks off in March just to see what would happen. I just ate normally but did not overdo it...just minus the fasting days. Good news is that I didn't gain any weight back, stayed pretty much the same weight for those 3 weeks.

I do occasionally miss days here and there also, but sometimes will make up for it the following week by doing 3 fasts, or skipping meals here or there on other days.
Thanks everyone. I gave in and had a slice of toast with peanut butter and chia seeds and feel like a new woman. I'll just start again Monday. :)
Good attitude! :star: :star: WOL not a 2 week wonder!
I almost gave in today due to fatigue and hunger. But after my 500 kcal afternoon meal (delicious sashimi) I decided to go on anyway. But this week, my 4th, has been tough. I hope next week goes smoother.
I have a really hard time with being flexible around this - I want to follow my plan and not deviate but this was probably a week where I should have gone easier on myself and skipped fasting....but then I would have beaten myself up mentally....and I can be a mean bitch :wink:
Not yet but there will be. Like Moogie I'm pretty determined and also very organized so I plan my week on a Sunday when I do my food shop and up 'til now all the unexpected things have happened on non fast days - unplanned lunch out yesterday, no problem. I've had planned changed fast days and I have had some fast days where I've struggled but have felt stronger for completing them. I have no doubt life will get in the way sometimes but that's ok.
I have not yet skipped a day. Some fasts are harder than others, but the more you do them, the easier they get. I get hungry in the morning, too, but that hunger generally passes in a few hours and things get easier. If the hunger is too unbearable, I eat scrambled egg whites. It makes the hunger go away for the rest of the day.
I think that unless you are properly mentally prepared for it, doing two days in a row can be hard. As you fasted yesterday, I'm not surprised you're finding it hard today! I've never failed to complete a fast day but I've never tried to do two days in a row!
I haven't yet had a blip (15wks in), but think this is due to stubbornness rather than anything else, I have swapped days around social events and added in the occasional half fast and once deliberately went over my 500cals as was having a hungry day. I agree with above that fitting this into your life is key and if today isn't the day then tomorrow may be better! Be kind to yourself!
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