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What is everyone else doing in terms of clothes (and more importantly bras!) whilst losing weight? My clothes are getting too big now but I am happy to put belts on/wear dresses with leggings for the next couple of months as I do not want to waste money buying new clothes when I could be another dress size smaller in a couple of months. However, bras? My most recent bras that I bought in January (flipping expensive) are now faaarrrr to big - I clearly need a smaller size but, as with the clothes, I am somewhat loathe to waste my money when I could be down a bra size in, in all likelihood, another month. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem/what they were doing?
I don't know what size you are so not sure if this will work for you, but I manage my ever changing bra size by buying cheap (often primark) bras. When you settle to a happy weight then buy decent ones. With 2 pregnancies, spending 2 of the last 3 years breastfeeding and weight gain/loss I don't even really know what size I am right now!
My OH is having the same problem, especially her running bras. Maybe there is scope for some entrepreneur to start a bra rental company, for short-term loans of temporary support? :wink:
I have resorted to using "chicken fillets" from an old bra and sewing on an extra pair of hooks and eyes on some of mine as a temporary measure. I know what you mean - a good bra is expensive! I'm holding out as long as I can too. Had to giggle at your topic title - I hope none of the men have this problem! :lol:
Haha creakypete!!

AbbieTaylor, I'm having exactly the same problem - nothing fits!!! I want to look better for losing weight not worse because I'm in baggy, ill fitting clothes! Cheap stuff is the way to go until we reach target weight. However, a good dressmaker/ seamstress will alter clothes - including bras - and can alter them again later if needs be.
Creakypete Dhana - I am currently sat on the floor in hysterics!
Good morning Abbie,

I know exactly what you mean, I think it is fair to say that most of are going through something similar. I have bought myself a few cheap things from Primark to see me through the summer, but if I am still maintaining my weight by Christmas then I plan to hit the shops big time and buy myself some real treats.I am reluctant to buy too much at the moment just in case put weight on again, as has always happened in the past, but with this way of life I do not see that happen this time. I started trying to lose weight gradually last June, started 5:2 in October, and reached my target weight in Feb/Mar so this is the longest I've ever gone without any weight gain.

Sorry for the ramble, I shall now cut to the chase, BRAS:- mmmm! I have treated myself to new knickers but I fully understand what you mean about bras, such an investment.I have bought a couple of cheap ones from Debenhams own range as a stop gap, and they are rather nice and some of my existing ones are fine if I use the tightest clasp but the rest, boo hoo, will have to go in the bin. It is heartbreaking but I'd rather bin big bras than be fat.

Not much of a solution, was it? Perhaps the men may be more forthcoming with ideas of what to do with your big bras, hee hee!

Ballerina x :heart:
I got lucky...I found a Per Una bra in the sale at M & S for £3! However, the band is getting a bit loose now (I could hardly do it up at first), so I'm thinking of sewing on some extra hooks. When I wash it, I use an old bra that I grew out of and which sort of fits again. I don't seem to have lost much weight from my boobs, just the back and under bust so it's the band that's the problem more than the cup size.

I have taken in a couple of pairs of trousers and skirts and am hanging on until summer, as I too don't want to spend on clothes that I'll shrink out of!

What a nice problem to have eh?
I can recommend Primark bras. I actually find they fit better than some of my more expensive ones. I think so much is made cheaply abroad these days that actually, they probably all come from the same place and its just the price that differs, depending on the shop!!

I also think its really important to wear clothes that fit you as you lose weight as it helps you to feel good about yourself. Weight loss is a journey, its not just about the destination!

Go on, treat yourself!!!
Charlie, I'm Scottish! Got a reputation to keep up! Spend money on new clothes? Pass me the needle and thread someone and a few safety pins! :lol: Seriously though, I have so much confidence that I am going to continue losing weight that I will wait it out for another couple of months. :smile:
No, it's not a thread for women only - I have enjoyed thinking about it :oops:

A nice problem for everyone!
Having been everything from a 34C to a 38GG and nearly back again in the last few years (and I'm not counting the period when I was nursing twins!) I can empathise...

Don't throw away your bras that are too big but in good condition. Donate them to the bra bank at your local hospital (by the clothing bank in the case of my local hospital) or there is a specific charity I forget the name of but you can send them off and they are donated to women in refuges.

Chicken fillets and the pads out of old bras are definitely useful.

I've had a lot of wear out of some stretchy wide belt things from Wolford - they aren't cheap BUT they are very comfortable, come in a range of useful colours and look a lot better than just an ordinary belt most of the time. I also find they are brilliant at filling the gap when a dress or top has started to gape - they are wide enough to cover the bra/cleavage area and so light you don't know you are wearing them. DH has taken to buying me new colours when birthdays and Christmas roll around :wink: Here's a link: ... belt/96160
Correct size and decent bras are the bases of looking good..even if you buy a couple and wash them every evening is better than buying cheap or making do! Go to a local M&S that has an out of town store...can't think what their called, but they're cheaper..! Money well spent then when you reach the weight you want splash out and buy loads...celebrate your body!!
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