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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Not seen ones like that... Will google a bit!
A few people have made comments recently - I have lost about 18lbs and nearly two dress sizes. It is nice when people notice but I don't really care because I feel great anyway. I am enjoying looking at clothes for the first time in years but trying to resist buying much as I am hoping to be back in a size 12 soon.
I feel that the weight loss with this eating plan is more subtle than the time I lost a lot of weight using a calorie control diet of 1200 calories a day because the weight loss is slower. It's also possible that the weight is shifting from a hidden part of the body such as the stomach or internally instead of the face. I do know that the calorie restriction on 5:2 is lower per week (around -3000) instead of the -5000 calories I achieved on daily calorie restriction, but it's also easier to maintain and far less restrictive on lifestyle . I only want to lose a few more kilos , so I'm not rushing it but am aiming for the health benefits that 5:2 has reported.
No one has commented yet even though I'm 6kg down, I was ill earlier this year so am wondering if people are just putting this current weight loss down to that. I also am still wearing same clothes although they are a lot looser now I don't think I will be able to wear them much longer. I will be interesting to see how long it takes for someone to say something.
Tammz I've lost 8 kilos and nobody has commented until last week.
I think the weight loss is so gradual that people don't notice unless they don't see you for a while if that makes sense.
I'm sure the first person you meet that you haven't seen for a while will notice.
Well done on the weight loss so far. I'm sure you look fab.
I'm quite excited: someone called me the shrinking lady today :-)
People are always commenting on my weight loss, which is odd because since starting 5:2 I've been yoyoing like made, hoping with the help of MyFitnessPal to have broken the cycle. But apparently appearance wise at least people say it seems to be working.
This is a very interesting post for me. I started on this diet in April and have lost 12.6kg, which is amazing. I felt stuck in my weight which has steadily increased since menopause. No one noticed any weight loss for a long time. A friend at work had asked me about the lunches I was eating (very low calorie and on fast days I would put off my muesli breakfast until lunchtime) and I had told her about Michael Mosely's Horizon report on fasting and how I was doing a 5:2 diet. After a little while she asked me how the diet was working for me... I had lost 6kg!

I think that our friends don't focus on how we look. I don't. I certainly never comment on someone's weight because my mother would always criticise other people who were fat and make inappropriate comments about them. She hated that I was fat. The friends that I work with and others whom I see regularly, didn't notice my slow but steady weight loss. I went away on holiday for 3 weeks and it was when I returned that they noticed. I had bought new clothes and I looked very different - thinner really. That's when people noticed and asked about what I was doing. I have sent links to those who ask to this forum and reccommendations the Horizon program, etc.

I have been on the diet for almost 7 months and see it as a life plan. It is the way that I eat now. My husband is also doing this. There is no fuss, we just fast on Mondays and Thursdays (unless of course we are going out). This is the easiest eating plan that I have been on and it is really working for me. I have about 2.5kg to go to my goal weight but I may have to revise that and aim for a lower weight (I just didn't think that I'd get to the weight I was when I was really slim).

So people are starting to notice and certainly those who I haven't seen since last year have noticed. After all, 12.6kg must make a difference!
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