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Just curious as to how much weight people had lost once others started to notice that you had lost weight?
Well it's really weird, I know I've lost over 5 kilos & I'm into slimmer jeans & can see the weight gone off my face, but NO-ONE has mentioned it :?:

I'm wondering if that's just the French way, I've noticed that the French never comment on a new hairstyle either, even when it's totally radical - I'm the only one at work to ever mention that sort of thing
For my it was when I lost about 7 lbs, only 2-3 people have commented though. Most people look me over but don't say anything :p
I've only lost 8lb on here (although I had lost some on WW before) but I have had three lovely comments this week. It's a real boost :)
People started commenting when I had lost around a stone - after about 2 months. The first person to notice was a friend I hadn't seen for a couple of months. I also noticed and still notice people looking at me and then deliberately not commenting. I know they're jealous!! You really find out who your friends are. Even those who comment split into two categories - people who say 'Oh you've lost weight - you look great!' And those who say 'You've lost weight' but don't say anything nice! It doesn't bother me. I feel too fantastic to worry about a few jealous people!!
I started to get a couple of comments when I'd lost a stone. It's coming off slowly though so the people I see all the time haven't noticed a dramatic difference but people I don't see from one month to the next have commented :-)
I've lost 8 kilos, and yesterday was the first time anybody commented.
redhead wrote: People started commenting when I had lost around a stone - after about 2 months. The first person to notice was a friend I hadn't seen for a couple of months. I also noticed and still notice people looking at me and then deliberately not commenting. I know they're jealous!! You really find out who your friends are. Even those who comment split into two categories - people who say 'Oh you've lost weight - you look great!' And those who say 'You've lost weight' but don't say anything nice! It doesn't bother me. I feel too fantastic to worry about a few jealous people!!

Could just be different social mores. My friends would never imply I look better after having lost weight, and most of them would never even mention it, because they believe in loving others for their personality and not judging their bodies.

My neighbor likes to compliment me on looking slimmer every time I try to small talk with her about how pretty our jogging route is looking (we jog through the same beautiful woods, and it's a joy to see the passing of the seasons there). It honestly annoys me, because who is she to keep track of my body and make assumptions about how I want to look?

Too bad we can't swap some of those people :wink:
I've lost almost 10 lb. and the first person (who didn't know I was doing this WOE) to comment was just yesterday. A friend of mine that I haven't seen since I started 5:2. I was so happy. It's nice to get the positive reinforcement. She was very interested in trying it herself, so I've sent her links to this forum and the show.
I think it totally depends on how often the said person sees you. I hadn't seen my friend for 3 weeks and saw her yesterday and she commented that I looked slimmer. If someone sees you everyday they don't realise, that why its good to have before and after pics!!!
Claire23 wrote: I think it totally depends on how often the said person sees you. I hadn't seen my friend for 3 weeks and saw her yesterday and she commented that I looked slimmer. If someone sees you everyday they don't realise, that why its good to have before and after pics!!!

Yes, good point Claire23 :like:

A few years ago I lost weight on low carb and people seemed to notice when I had only lost 7lbs or so - I think it is because it came off my face quite early on.

This time no one has noticed / commented although people have said "love your hair" a lot - does my hair look good or do I just look better in some undefinable way? :?: :confused:

It is nice to have positive feedback but I am pleased with my results and feel I might have a chance of keeping the weight off this time so it doesn't matter if few people notice.
It was only after I had lost a stone(14lbs) that people started to notice the weight loss. Now I've lost 19lbs had lots of nice comments. But about a month ago I met up with long term good friends that had been teasing me about my weight gain last year. Hadn't seen them in ages, was so sure they'd see a difference but none of them noticed - I was gutted lol :curse:
Thanks for all your replys, very interesting :)
I've lost 4.5 stones over the past 17 months, but it's only been quite recently that lots of people have noticed and commented, possibly because I've gone up and down by a stone or two for a couple of years. And once people noticed, particularly colleagues, I seem to get weekly comments about how much I appear to be losing, even when I've had a mahoosive plateau.

I both love the compliments and find them awkward, I get all embarrassed. :oops:
Pretty much all the people who've noticed and commented have been friends I hadn't seen for a few weeks. I am particularly unobservant, and I'm sure I wouldn't notice with friends losing or putting on weight - unless it's been a big change since I last saw them. Even then, it would probably be a new confidence and dynamism I'll notice and comment on, rather than just weight.
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