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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Or, what are you looking forward to when you've lost it?

Little things for me.
I can now varnish my toe nails with comfort!
I can now scratch every itch on every inch of my back!

AND, I can say no to food!
I'm hoping my running times improve and my knee pains go away.
PennyForthem wrote: Or, what are you looking forward to when you've lost it?

Little things for me.
I can now varnish my toe nails with comfort!
I can now scratch every itch on every inch of my back!

AND, I can say no to food!

I've noticed all these too.

Plus, I can balance on one leg to put my socks on rather than having to sit on the bed!
I have become a little star at yoga - it's amazing what you can stretch to without a big belly in the way!
I can fit into my very expensive jeans that have been tucked away for a long time. I can wear tight tops since my "muffin top" is gone. I feel pretty and feminine in my new bodyshape!
Me too dhana, I have found yoga so much more satisfying, without my big belly and thighs creating a squishy barrier between them! I can see improvement every week in my asanas! Yay!
Based on yesterday, which was truly horrible :cry: I can have a rotten day and not comfort myself with food. If anything, for only the second or third time in my life, I lost my appetite instead. I visited a supermarket (to collect an online order) and a town centre and the only food that I bought was some asparagus and other fruit and veg at the green grocers. I wasn't fasting so I could have had whatever I wanted but I actually didn't even have to think about whether I really wanted it. I simply didn't. I didn't even have a glass of wine or a vodka in the evening, which I normally would after a horrible day. It wasn't uppermost in my mind yesterday, but on reflection, that's pretty remarkable behaviour for me.

I can lay down to sleep without checking that I have antacids and an extra pillow on hand to cope with heartburn and acid reflux.

I can fit into most of my summer clothes, which are all size 12 and quite fitted.

I can wear my exercise clothes without feeling like Mrs Blobby in them, which means that I AM wearing them and doing some exercise.
Those are great achievements, especially the first one! That's brilliant. I love how this changes how we relate to food every day. This really is "for life"!
I am very emotional at the moment but your replies make me cry, for you and for me. I dont think people realize just how weight hinders so many aspects of our lives. It is so nice to think that it just might be possible to live a normal life that is not taken up with crazy food thoughts all the time.

I have a special reason to lose weight now as my hubby is letting me pay for breast reduction surgery. I have suffered physically and psychologically for years, so I am really pleased that this way of life hit my eye just when I needed it.

Keep going with the posts people!!! It is so inspirational to think of how life changes when we make good food and exercise decisions and the most inspirational for us oldies who've spent 20 odd years on ridiculous diets is that something might have come along that actually does work forever!
I can buy Size 10 clothes, even with 34F boobs! Happy day!
Still ever so slightly snug but finally comfortable :) And that's only 6lbs down, I can't wait to reach my goal of 15lbs.

Also, I can say no to so many kinds of foods that made me weak at the knees before. My brain is finally engaged in what's going on. It says to me 'Yes, but do you really want it? Think about it.' It's like my body and brain are two separate beings finally! No more emotional eating, no more guilt, no more nonsense. I can work out and my body feels so tired but my brain is switched on!

On that note, I can enjoy exercise so much more. Fitting into my clothes a little better and getting fitter every day means I actually look forward to exercising and feel quite lost without it. I finally feel like everything is in tune and I so, so enjoy not having to worry about when my next meal is coming. I used to eat before I was hungry 'just in case'(!) and now I can go hours and hours feeling strong, normal and slim without a morsel in my stomach. Very empowering.

Sorry for the long post, on a high today!
Great idea for a thread, Penny ForThem! :like:

dhana wrote: I have become a little star at yoga - it's amazing what you can stretch to without a big belly in the way!

That's one thing I've really noticed too Dhana, how much more comfortable I am at yoga class and how much easier it's become!

I can now eat anything and not have heartburn, and I smile a lot at myself in the mirror these days. :smile:
Well today was the first time I was able to shop for clothes in the regular section! Goodbye plus size section!

Ive also noticed I easily go up and down the steps in my home without needing to grab the railing to hold on.

I'm looking forward to many many more improvements!
My back pain has lessen massively. I've energy to run around with my kids.
I'm happy with my clothes size and great amazing and more confident

IM ecstatic that this woe seems sustainable for life so no more putting weight back on.

Love it all!
Great post!
I can eat a meal out and not panic if I feel I've eaten too much as I know I have the tools to get straight back on track.
And like many others, my eating habits have changed so that I don't overeat nearly as much as before.
Not perfect yet though. :wink:
I can FEEL SEXY again!! I haven't felt that way in about 5 years. and I also feel younger then 52, more like a 42.
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