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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I posted the following comment:

Well, I have joined 5:2 where you consume 500 calories two days a week and the amount of calories calculated by your age, height, weight and level of activity on the other five days that can found on the internet. No meetings, no faddy foods, and great on-line support from forums dedicated to 5:2. Steady weight loss, many health benefits and you fit the 500 calorie days around your life - very sustainable and no need to count calories once you are familiar with your portion sizes.
- Amber , Pafos, Cyprus, 13/5/2013 13:47
Nice one Nav! I find it quite insulting that 'go it alone' is viewed with such disdain. The cohort size is also small and the long term results are not explored.
Some people need to 'share' (and be shamed), but many many people just get on with it and do all sorts of amazing stuff, including losing significant amount of weight, stopping smoking and lots more.
Pffff, daily fail ... *disgust*
The average weightloss in they quote for WW is pretty poor compared with 5:2! 8lb in 3 months? Our average is 12lb in three months!
I saw that article today, but didn't click into it. I figure that by being on this forum, none of us are doing it alone anyway.
And 5:2 is free. In fact you even save money because you skip meals or eat a lot less 2 days a week. WW & SW aren"t cheap!
I am an ex weightwatchers member( some time ago) and put all the weight back on. I find 5.2 much easier and the weight and my body shape is changing at a far greater rate. AND I don't stress over food anymore. Got to be good.
Umleila wrote: I figure that by being on this forum, none of us are doing it alone anyway.

I was alone for 6 months before I joined this group. It's nice to share and hear stories. I thought I was someone that didn't mind either way - I joined to hear what the nerds had to say...

Thanks everyone for surprising me, it's great to be on the forum
I had to read this..i've heard this sooooo many times from the talks at weight watchers.

I won't criticise weight watchers, i lost 6.5 stone with them, and the diet was healthy eating. Have i put it back on...yes most of it, why? Because its incredibly hard to keep it up forever.

The great thing about 5:2 is i have to track, watch what i eat for 2 days a i eat healthily the rest of the time, yes, but live a little st weekends.

Ww also tell you to eat little and often, this diet goes against everything i have ever been taught...but i quite enjoy it.

Today is a fast day, and i'm craving cheese on toast...but its ok, because i can have it tomorrow...and i bet you i won't want it tomorrow because i know i can.

The mindset of this is very different, i'm finding i'm eating better through choice not because i have to, i'm eating less on my feed days because i feel don't need it, i'm not eating because i need to use my points.

I have a long way to go, but i am finding in the stressful world we live in this is much more sustainable, i no longer feel out of control, nor a failure because i can't stick to a diet
This forum has been more useful for me than the SW meetings I went to. There is much more specific advice and much more detail about other people's experience. Plus it was £5 a throw, and it was cold in the hall, AND I did nothing but eat all time, but stuff I didn't want to eat. Never confronted the hunger or tried to see if I could stop grazing away 24-7. Nearly died of carb deprivation.... need I go on, I am converted!
Curlycaro - Thanks for sharing your experience. I also lost 70+ on WW long ago. Maintained for the most part, primarily by being active, but as I got older, I found the weight creeping up steadily each year (especially after getting married).

What I particularly like about this WoE, is that I plan/weigh/measure food like a WW fanatic on those 2 days, but the rest of the time i don't have to be so "obsessed". I haven't been doing this very long, but I can see the long-term appeal for sure.

Oh and this forum is the best in terms of information and support!
How lovely that everyone is encouraging each other. I did lose lots of weight at ww...but the other group members were unfriendly and I found It all pretty boring, and expensive after a while. Counting every morsel is no fun. I'm hoping this will be a much better way to live healthier and slimmer.
do WW and SW et al have online support? Forums? Or is it all face to face in cold church halls (sorry- stereotype alert!)
Yes ww has website with forums, and pages etc for online support
SW has online support with recipes and syn values etc but you need to keep your membership open to access it which basically costs you around a fiver per week. I can't say I've lost much more on 5:2 versus SW but it's certainly a damn sight cheaper! Up to now it would have cost me around 80 quid in SW fees for same amount of weeks on the plan. Main thing is I can 'self manage' 5:2 whereas with SW as soon as I stopped going to weekly weigh ins, I fell off the wagon.
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