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Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 21:48
I made the mistake of telling someone casually today. There followed a long lecture on how my body would go into starvation mode, how it was better to eat six small meals a day, how it was positively dangerous to do what I was doing. I have learned to zip it from now on!
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 21:50
hi all- you are all so right- nobody understands!!!! but that is not our problem- we know it works and that's all that matters!! It makes us feel good, in control of our health and weight loss. let's keep it going- secretly or not. Even my GP who I saw today about bloodtests to keep track of things was unintersted????? I cannot comprehend this attitude of a health professional towards an highly overweight patient. Have any of you encountered this sort of attitude from your GP? ursula
Re: Not telling anyone...
03 Feb 2013, 10:20
I haven't told anyone, not even my husband because I need to experience it for myself first without having to continually justify it to others. We're both retired so he's around all day, but we eat different meals (eat together but different foods) so he hasn't noticed. I've lost half a stone, but I wear loose, warm comfortable clothes in winter so he hasn't noticed that either. He's in for a shock come Spring! He needs to lose weight too - I cook his meals so I know they are good but he's a terrible snacker. So am I, on non-fast days, but if he can see a positive difference in me, even with snacking, then maybe he'll be convinced by it.
Re: Not telling anyone...
03 Feb 2013, 11:29
Well... My friend and i started a weightloss competition to shed our excess Christmas weight! 14th January - 11th February (4 weeks) to lose as much weight as we can!

She is being very good and doing lots of exercise and i am trying to up my exercise and doing the 5:2! It's my last week this week so will do 4:3 as i don't want to lose! She has no clue that i am fasting, i just hope i win :D

Even if i don't win i've lost weight and feel a lot happier with my figure...
Re: Not telling anyone...
03 Feb 2013, 12:29
I've told everyone who will listen to me!! My household is fed up with it already!
Re: Not telling anyone...
04 Feb 2013, 07:05
Yes, doing the 5:2 in secret is the way we've chosen. Been on the diet for about four weeks and losing a few pounds each, although the first 2 weeks weren't very strict - more of a warm up. Having to justify it when we're not even overweight seems uneccessary. Just want to lose that flabby middle age spread AND eat cake!
Re: Not telling anyone...
04 Feb 2013, 08:18
It's interesting how many negative remarks you get. I'm lucky that my OH is understanding and I always make sure he has a good tea when I'm fasting. we're both eating less rubbish too but he won't do it with me as he's a landscape gardener so is moving all day.
I mentioned it at work and they're all ok with it one will even start it but others are on weight watchers so sticking with that. My mum knows as she's a lifetime dieter.
I haven't told friends though because they're the ones who'll be negative and as I don't see them very often due to distance I figured I'd let them notice then.
I know it doesn't matter what people think, the negative comments are hard
Re: Not telling anyone...
04 Feb 2013, 09:12
I've told the people who are closest to me. I told my parents because they've always had an interest in healthy eating and good exercise. I don't think my mum would want to do it because she gets anxious about blood sugar. She always likes to carry nuts and raisins or a cracker with her because because she does get cranky. She also says that she hates being uncomfortable in anyway, too hot/cold too hungry/full. I think my dad would be more intersted in it, though. He sometimes does things like leaving a bit on his plate. Which, before this diet, I didn't think I'd be able even to do that. I can quite happily finish off a whole bag of malteeasers (the big ones meant for 'sharing') in one sitting but this new regieme may well retrain me!
I've also told my housemate and her boyfriend so that they know I won't be eating with them on Mondays and Thursdays (we often cook and share food)
But everyone else, I want to keep it secret until people start noticing. Oh and I had to tell my students who I see on Thursdays because they are in a habit of bringing me food occasionally and though I love them, I don't think pakoras are suitable on fast days!

Right, better go and do something useful.
Good luck all.
Re: Not telling anyone...
04 Feb 2013, 16:26
I finally told my husband, last Saturday, what I was doing. He was quite intrigued, so I gave him the pull-out from the Radio Times to read. He doesn't want to try it himself but he was very interested in the science and is now questioning some of his own eating habits. But he is very encouraging of me doing it, which is great.
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 05:02
I haven't told my husband, as he has had enough with my many various diets. He hasnt noticed at all on his own, which is kind of funny.
I didnt tell anyone for the first month, but I did recently tell the people I work with, mainly so they will leave me alone about eating at lunchtime on fast days. I work at a bbq restaurant and get a free meal a shift, which is tempting and hard!! so get off my back everyone Im on a diet LOL. I did get a bit of worried looks and eye rolls, but at least they arent bugging me about eating.
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 05:23
My OH is doing it as well (which makes it easier as we can take it in turns cooking for the kids on fasting days) and I have told my Mum because I know she would be very interested in the other health benefits (other than weight loss) but she has been very ho-hum and not bothered to watch the Doc's show. :confused:

When I look like Claudia Shiffer, then I will tell everyone else :grin:
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 05:50
I've told my family, but have chosen not to tell anyone in work. This is not necessarily because of negative comments, but I find talking about it makes it more difficult and they would want to know everything about it as we're all on diets at some point! It's easy for me as I only go into the office twice a week so choose those as normal days.

Not sure what I'll say if they start noticing weight loss. I've lost 22lbs in 7 weeks but nothing said yet so still flying under the radar!
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 06:07
Wow Haylow. 22lbs in 7 weeks! That's excellent - well done you!

I'm keeping mum on this diet. I've gotten exciting about other diets in the past, only to have them fail. Because 5:2 is easy to work into one's "real life", I can make sure it won't intrude into those times of celebrations, dinners, etc.

I appreciate the support here as it's the only place I can talk it (at the moment).
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 06:24
I told my foodie girlfriend in Melbourne today, sent her Brad Pilon's book and links to the website and the fast diet website and she's starting tomorrow! She's measuring her waist only as she doesn't believe in scales (wish I was that strong!). Her hubby needs to lose a lot of weight so she is going to see how she goes before she suggests it to him.
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 07:33
I'm not telling either! Family hasn't even noticed yet!
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