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Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 15:04
Anyone else getting a weird thrill out of being a secret faster?

Even my partner, who is mostly working from home, has no idea - it's easy enough to skip breakfast and lunch unnoticed and though I'm doing a full water-only fast as much as possible, I might have a VERY small bit of dinner with the family tonight if needed to stay invisible! Being able to blend in with social situations while still eating almost nothing makes fast days very doable. It's only my second one and I really can't be doing with explaining to all and sundry at this point!

I'm hoping that good results will become noticeable in a while... and then I will certainly be singing the praises of this programme!
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 15:24
I haven't told my OH about trying to do a full fast as he would defo say its bad, he has just said I should watch I dont make myself ill with the adf & 500 cals.
But I see your point of not telling anyone else.
I have had ppl say I'm daft, its dangerous, I should just do a normal diet and they are all so skeptical! Gets a bit weary having to defend what I am doing all the time!
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 15:26
My hubby knows I am doing this but no one else (obviously you guys lol).

Like you have said, its a pain having to defend it. No one takes the time to go and look at the studies and the possible benefits themselves before deciding it is bad for you.
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 15:32
Actually my partner watched the telly programme with me in August and seemed interested in doing it. I've just started first, and part of the reason for not telling him - yet - is to show how little impact it needs to have, so little he didn't even realise. I think he'll be surprised how easy it is to do as part of normal life.
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 15:59
Haha . I am also "undercover" . I know if I did tell my husband he'd only roll his eyes and think we'll see how long this diet lasts. I'd rather he noticed the results first ! :)
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 17:00
I went 'undercover' for the first couple of weeks and then I made OH watch the programme as I was worried about his poor memory. He is a skinny type so doesn't need to lose weight but he was very taken with the whole concept and now fasts alongside me. We do approx 24 hours complete fast and then I have a 500 cal low carb dinner while he has the same but with plenty of potatoes. So far he hasn't faded away...
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 17:15
I also haven't told anyone I'm doing this, including my husband. I mentioned it to him a couple of weeks ago and got a negative response (we are constantly on a diet in our house), so decided to start it and see how I got on. I am at home all day and he works 4 days, so am doing it on days he's at work and as we then have an 'ordinary' tea, I don't think he's cottoned on yet. I thought I would give it 2-3 weeks and then tell him.
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 19:26
Hi, I love keeping it to myself well apart from hubby, we just want people to suddenly notice we look better funny never felt like this on any other diet it's exciting !!!h
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 20:33
I've only told my hubby, and he's joined me too. The guys at work noticed that I was drinking herbal tea instead of my usual coffee so I just said I was doing "detox days" and they seem to have accepted it with no difficult questions. I'll let them all notice the results before I tell them. :)
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 20:51
I've mentioned it in passing and had negative remarks of what? Only 500 calories, impossible blah blah blah so I'm now undercover too! I fast on work days, skip breakfasf, still have a cuppa soup and fruit as usual at work and a light dinner at home which no ones noticed yet! In 2 weeks I'm 4.5 lbs lighter and even celebrated my daughters birthday this week with Cornish icecream and birthday cake - I can't understand why people just won't open up their minds!
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 21:03
Interesting how many of us are undercover! I decided to tell people, and have had quite a mixed reaction to say the least.

Mainly friends have been encouraging and asked how hard is it?

My tennis coach was extremely negative, virtually told me off and said he knew a lot about nutrition and I was daft to do this - "do a proper diet".

As someone who reads everything they can find before embarking on this kind of thing (and a former scientist - so pretty analytical) that kind of annoyed me... wished I hadn't mentioned it really.

Hey ho, people can have their opinions. I can choose to pay attention to them or not!
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 21:18
No One at work has noticed I don't eat any of the food lying around or that I don't have lunch. Made the mistake of telling my personal trainer - they are very fixated on a particular way of dieting and don't inform themselves of other types of weight loss. Not eating is still thought by many to be dangerous and the old idea of your metabolism slowing down and the body going into famine mode and storing fat. I want to lose weight until someone notices and then I can say - its the 5:2 diet - do you want to know about it?
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 21:20
Hmmmm. The possibility of negative reactions hadn't even occured to me! I guess I'd better be ready for that, probably not from good friends, but random others who find out. Maybe I'll photocopy some little info cards to have ready to hand out! I've never been on any sort of "diet" before in my life, so friends are probably going to find it strange I'm doing this. But it makes so much sense to me - surely early humans had to eat this way, and the science is behind it.
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 21:31
I am definatley undercover. Fom experience I can imagine all the negative comments if I broadcast it. The only people who know is my OH and daughter,and that is how it will remain
Re: Not telling anyone...
31 Jan 2013, 21:39
What I find difficult is when you tell people you're fasting and they say 'oh I couldn't do that because of my blood sugar dipping/ would feel dizzy/ sick' etc etc.
And even if you tell them you felt the same before trying it, they still think you're mad.
I've also had quite a bit of 'its a fad'.
Probably best kept to yourself!
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