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Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 07:45
Haylow wrote: I've told my family, but have chosen not to tell anyone in work. This is not necessarily because of negative comments, but I find talking about it makes it more difficult and they would want to know everything about it as we're all on diets at some point! It's easy for me as I only go into the office twice a week so choose those as normal days.

Not sure what I'll say if they start noticing weight loss. I've lost 22lbs in 7 weeks but nothing said yet so still flying under the radar!

Just say "oh, I've been cutting down a bit"....which you have in all honesty, :oops: they don't need to know the ins and outs of your diet :clover:
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 07:52
I think it's that kind of diet - one you slip into your life, rather than have it take it over.
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 08:53
@haylow: I can't believe no one has noticed that kind of loss! Are you, like me, wearing big baggy jumpers that disguise the loss? I am looking forward to better weather when I can emerge with a new body like a butterfly from its crysalis!
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 09:10
@carorees - a lot to lose so will take time before any chance of people noticing.
So glad I can come here though and talk about it - reading everyone's posts is encouraging and has helped with keeping it to myself. I've heard some people talking about it in work and that's it's a fad. It's also good to know others are keeping quiet so I'm not that strange!
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 09:35
You're definitely NOT strange Haylow - you're definitely in the majority. It turns out that I'm the strange one and in the minority :lol: - I'm almost shouting this WOL from the rooftops - have had no negative feedback from family/friends (OH is doing this with me too) - everyone says how much healthier and generally well we both look! Think the proof is in the pudding (how appropriate!) when people see benefits there's not much they can say really! (Either that or no-one gives a monkey's about me and hubby, and I know that's not the case :smile: ) Life is so much better with this WOL I'm at risk of becoming a bore to family/friends (I've managed to gain a few converts amongst them already) - I really must try and contain myself or I'll bore them all to death :lol:
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 11:17
I haven't told friends b/c I guess I am kind of private. But, I don't keep (any) secrets from my husband, and don't think it is wise, personally. They are the person who is supposed to know the most about you, and is resposible should you fall and bonk your head on the pavement. And if he were to go on a diet without telling me, I'd feel worried/hurt.
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 11:37
My husband is doing this with me, actually it was his idea. No way he could stick to it without my cooking skills :-) Even if he didn't know, since I've recovered my tendency to wander around in very few clothes, I think he'd notice!
I told lots of people at the beginning, but I wish I hadn't. A lot of people think it's faddy nonsense, but we'll see how my 5:2 compares with their attempts since Xmas :-)
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 11:45
I wasn't going to tell anyone, but eventually did and it's been so much easier since then. People have been surprised and interested - some even intending to join in! I just find others' cooperation very helpful and as I'm on week 5 I no longer need to explain things. It's interesting because usually I'm the secretive type...
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 12:48
I started by not telling anyone about this as I have been on so many diets in my life BUT amazingly, at work there are two others who are doing the same,(we do different days) and also four of my friends outside work as well! Everyone has been very supportive, even my OH, who has noticed a slimmer me!! Still there is a long way to go but I'm in it for the long run.
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 13:55
I told my husband, because he had to know that 2 days a week he was gonna have to fend for himself! I don't think it's fair for me to have to be in the kitchen cooking a scrumptious meal for him, when I can't partake of it! He's perfectly capable of cooking too. Or eating leftovers or frozen stuff. I did tell my aunt, and she was negative. Told me that it's dumb, cuz the day after I fast, I would be so hungry I'd eat too much. I simply told her that it was exactly the opposite. That my appetite is less on the days I don't fast.
Re: Not telling anyone...
19 Mar 2013, 15:35
I'm not shouting it from the rooftops--just doing my own thing and most people just know that I don't always eat lunch. (Drink kombucha). There are so many people here with strange diets and eating habits so it hardly makes any difference. :yinyang:
Re: Not telling anyone...
20 Mar 2013, 11:43
I finally told two people: my OH, who might do it (although he's losing weight just fine simply eating less) and my sister in the US - I started to feel I really should share such a good thing! I sent her Dr M's Horizon programme and she's keen to do it. My teenage kids - not yet.
Re: Not telling anyone...
20 Mar 2013, 11:54
I also did not tell HIM for a few weeks, he hadn't noticed, but I thought he would benefit from it and he has now lost a stone. I only talk about it if and when people comment on how much weight I have lost end then they are, mostly,interested and want to know more. I have had very few negative comments but then it's difficult to argue against a success story when it s staring you in the face, easy for others to poo poo when you are just starting out and you are being told it will not work and is a mad idea. The proof of the pudding etc.

Ignore the naysayers they are just jealous,

Ballerina xx
Re: Not telling anyone...
20 Mar 2013, 12:05
OOh this is interesting, the whole not-telling-anyone thing! My boyf knows I am doing it, and keeps encouraging me which is great. But i have also decided to fly under the radar at work. I'm not really sure why, maybe fear of having to be defensive or maybe actually that i am so easily influenced (one hour chat about 5:2 with another friend over dinner had me convinced before i even read the book!) and that i worried i could be talked out of it. I am also not seeing amazing results yet and so i would quite like to give it a good go before i honour the result to this new way of living. I will say though that i certainly have kept this up longer than any other form of diet. into week 3 and my 5th fast today so confident this will last. Very interesting hearing everyone's chat on the matter though! :-)
Re: Not telling anyone...
21 Mar 2013, 12:54
This is a really interesting thread, I thought I was in a minority not telling anyone apart from hubby. I mentioned it briefly to him a few days after I started and told him about the Horizon episode, he then watched it on his own and asked if I would mind if he following the plan with me! To be honest he doesnt need to lose any weight as he tends to eat quite healthy and excercises most days anyway, he is more interested in the possible health benefits as his father has just been put onto medication for diabetes which seems to run in his family. To have him with me is so helpful and makes it so easy as we can come up with ideas for low calorie meals on fast days and neither feel any guilt about eating cake or biscuits on a feed day. Our daughter has not even noticed because on fast days we still eat an evening meal together (although ours is smaller than hers!) which is good because I do not want to put the word 'diet' in her head which young girls are suseptible to. I havent told any of my friends or family because I am quite a private person and am not doing this for anyone else, if they do happen to notice when my weight loss increases then so be it but at the moment it is a secret between me and hubbie - oh, and all you guys!!!lol
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