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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I feel like I'm falling off the wagon a little and I need some support with getting back on. I don't have a massively long attention span for things like this, I usually am really manically into something for a few weeks, then get bored and stop. It happens with pretty much everything, from housework regimes to exercise plans. I can feel myself getting a little bit bored with this, despite some nice results. Old habits, folks, they really do die hard.

The thing is, I know if I stop, in a few weeks time I'll be right back where I started, feeling fat and a bit miserable and looking like a stuffed sausage in all my clothes. I KNOW all this, and yet, all I can think about is going downstairs and sabotaging my fasting day with a bacon and egg sandwich.

I need to fast today because I had a blow out this weekend, and it's my birthday next tuesday so will probably be having cake and prosecco this weekend.

Help me, dear friends of the 5:2 forum! Can someone kick my bum back into gear?
Don't eat that sandwich. Tell yourself you can eat it tomorrow. Mean it. Plan to have one for breakfast. Now, have a glass of water and then click that little cross on the thought of food and go and do something else.
THANK YOU Katamac! I sometimes need a drill sergeant to keep me on the straight and narrow xxx
Btw, I'm very much like you too in the throw myself in enthusiasm, and it's all going great and now........ now I'm bored. 5:2 I'm actually okay, I've got it in my head that I will always fast, it's not a temporary thing, it's a forever thing. I'm losing weight really slowly, and not changing my eating on my 5 days intentionally. I know that if I try and curtail it on the other days, it'll be a diet, and then it will end. This way, I know that I fast 2 days a week and always will. (In the unlikely event of me going below my goal/ideal weight, I'll drop one fast, but I somehow think I'll be able to maintain just fine with 2 fasts a week.) So yeh, can you frame it as a forever thing? Would that help?
Think of how much better you feel now and ask yourself if that bacon sandwich is really worth going back to how you were before. Be tough on yourself or you'll feel really guilty after you eat that sandwich.... I know I was when I caved last week.
Just think how happy you will be on your birthday if you are still losing and sticking with it. Instead of feeling yuk when you tuck into your cake, you will be feeling happy :)

I feel despondent after I've eaten too much but with this diet there is no feeling like I've blown it as a fast can always get you back on track.

Try to take it a little bit at a time. Try not to eat for the next hour or half an hour. Make a cup of tea and/or go for a walk if you can and then take it hourly after that. Maybe today won't seem so overwhelming if you can break it up.

Take care and be gentle with yourself x
It's just one day, think of what you can eat tomorrow! And how you will be able to enjoy your birthday without feeling guilty. Keep busy and think about the next clothes size down you will get into.
What is your goal BMI btw? It doesn't look as though you have far to go until you get there judging by your current BMI. Don't give up now!
I felt like this at the weekend as I had over indulged, but fasted yesterday and felt really good for it and proud of myself! You can do it, think how you will feel if you don't, concentrate on that feeling x
Franglaise, my ultimate goal is 9 st (haven't seen it since long before I had kids) and I have just under a stone to go - not sure what that would be in BMI terms, I'm 5ft5.

You are right, it's just one day. I can definitely do this, and it's not like I won't be eating anything today, I'll have something for dinner and I'll have plenty to drink. I'll try breaking the day up as well.

You guys are fabulous *group hug*
I'll drop by later and either congratulate you for keeping going
slap you about the head with a wet fish...
you choose
I'm like you too, when I do something I go all out and them my motivation burns out :0(. Can you give yourself little rewards on the way to losing that last stone to keep yourself motivated (non-food rewards of course!). Or can you embark on another challenge that makes 5/2 feel like your comfort zone and not your main focus? How's the Jillian Michaels coming along?
hang in there, imcountingufoz. If you're still craving the bacon and egg sandwich tomorrow, have it then. For now, a nice cup of tea or coffee?
Eat what you want...TOMORROW!Do some meditation, exercise, sleep, call someone and chat, read a good book, anything that will take your mind off sabotaging yourself or telling yourself you always fail. You always win, you always follow through, you are a star :heart: :clover: :victory: :like:
That's the other thing, vebnorahs, I haven't really done much exercise lately either, and I am behind on my blogging - I have about 12 posts to write. It's just been a totally meh week. I need the biggest kick up the bum ever. Part of me thinks seeing a gain will spur me on, but I also know how pissed off and disappointed I'll be with myself if that happens.

I am intending to have a nice low cal meal tonight, then get my 6 week 6 pack on. We'll see.
Hope the fast goes ok today.

I'm a bit poor at sticking to stuff long term too - let me know if you find a solution as I am worried I will give up and regress at some point (like I did a few years ago!).

You look close to your goal so don't give in now!
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