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Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 06:06
And yet another shortarse! 152cm sounds more than 5 foot!
Stalled seriously in the reduction department and working like a demon to shift it again. Been 5:2ing since October and seriously since Jan and have lost 7kg. Ave 1/4 lb a week!
BUT every loss shows. As it shows when I put it on, as it comes off it makes a difference, even a couple of pounds. Seems , as I have suspected I have a big frame, despite having wee feet.
Beloved is just short of 2m and big built - doesn't eat massive amounts but more than me, but doesn;t do any exercise. He could be doing with shifting the beef too but will in his own time.
oh, for an extra 6" that isn't a steppy stool!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 06:22
Hi Janeg I am also 152 cm ,or just under five foot
I would love to,join this thread as I think we do get a raw deal.i eat so little compared to my husband who is skinny and tall .to which he replies that its cos I am a shortie,
Not much comfort as I battle to loose a few miserable kilos.
I suppose on the plus side,if we shorties loose one kilo it really shows.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 06:24
I am 5'4 which is rather 'tall' for an Asian (though average in Singapore/Malaysia) and I married a 6'4 viking. I have not had any problems with being short in a tallsmansland. There are some advantages, men for some reason when I look a little distress or lost come running to the rescue.

The thing that irks me is that I am big framed too. I use a Euro size 40/ us 8,5! My ribcage is huge that I will never have a 'flat' tummy no matter how skinny I get but I have no hips or ass what so ever. Talk about not being propotioned!

I am so in the group. Talking to taller people about food is hard as they are able to consume more while us shortie just look at it and we use up our allocated calories of the day.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 07:56
Also a shortie! 5'3 and losing on average (somewhat begrudgingly) about a pound a week. Was hoping to lose faster but as you can see from my signature my body is not losing consistently, it doesn't do much and then it drops. Very strange to me because I'm used to losing lots if I really restrict myself!

My TDEE is around 1600cal at a sedentary level, and I exercise at least a little every day and stick roughly to 1400 but the pounds are still not shifting. I wouldn't mind taking the long road if I didn't have a holiday in two weeks!

I am strangely proportioned too, I think. I feel like the only person who doesn't know what 'shape' they really are! Apple, hourglass? Who knows...
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 08:26
I'm another shortie-5'2.
I'm feeling very happy with 5:2, have lost around a pound a week and wouldn't like to lose any faster as THIS time I'm keeping it off!
I do think my figure has changed differently with the weight loss on 5:2 than on other diets- WW's, etc. I'm hoping it's because the fat has come from around my stomach organs and I'll be much healthier for it.
I'm a "blob stick blob" at the moment but all ok. :smile:
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 08:42
Another shortie at 5'1 (and a half!)

I've been finding it hard to tell how much I've been losing; spring scales with a needle make it very hard to see accurately. It does seem to have been going slow but I think I'm average about a pound a week. I've really been trying to reduce my overall portion sizes throughout the week (a side effect of the diet has been that I have a reduced appetite anyway) and I do try to stick to 1 meal at 300-400 cals on my fast day. A big bowl of soup or something!

I have been noticing a difference in my shape though - put some trousers on this morning that have always been tight-uncomfortably tight and today they seem to have room for maneuverment in them!!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 09:07
My husband calls me a "hobbit" (short with big feet, though not hairy!). I'm 5'3" (and a half it must be said!). I echo all the comments made about how unfair it is that our TDEEs are so much lower than taller people. I also get very annoyed at restaurant portions that take a one size fits all approach. What happens is invariably that I either eat more than I should or eat only exactly what I should and give my husband the rest, which is more than he really needs. But if I could just order my own smaller portion we would both have just what we need and not worry about waste.

In the 6 weeks I've been doing this I've averaged slightly over 1lb per week, but it is still frustrating when you've been so diligent fasting and exercising and still the scales stay the same!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 09:35
Oh mummybunny2005, 'hobbit' would be a good term for me too! Restaurant potions are definitely an issue (says she going out for a curry tonight - tip, avoid the poppadoms and don't pick a creamy curry). I was brought up to always 'clear my plate' and waste is frowned on. And being a Yorkshire lass, I like to get my money's worth too so hate to not finish something I've paid for.

Well the weight loss for this week is only 200g, but I'm not too disappointed by that as my waist and body fat have dropped nicely instead (so maybe I've built up some muscle as well as burning off fat...) I'm definitely getting curves back now and my tummy isn't bigger than my chest anymore! I'm not too sure how accurate my scales are on fat%, but as long as it's consistent with itself that will have to do. I do think it helps to use the tape measure as well as the scales.

I always used to put weight on generally evenly all over before children. In fact I was heavier before I was pregnant with my first son, and during my pregnancy with him I didn't overall gain any weight at all (my pregnancy weight gain matched exactly with real weight loss). This was mainly due to giving up alcohol as I definitely used to drink too much before children. Breastfeeding led to more weight loss, then along came my second son and I lost more weight while feeding him. I'm now back to the weight I was when I stopped breastfeeding 4 years ago, but I'm definitely a different shape than back then.

The weight I put on in the last four years all went on my middle, and I think it's been mainly that that I've lost so far. My waist is coming back, but I do have a saggy tummy under that - hopefully that will slowly tone up as it's now saggy skin with a thinner layer of fat under it rather than a big lump of solid fat.

So having lost my postnatal weight gain, I think my weight loss has now slowed down a bit as I'm starting to try and shift really old fat - which I already had 9 years ago. It's been with me for many years and is only saying goodbye very slowly. The inch loss off my thighs is far slower than it has been off my waist. Hopefully if I keep at it, things might speed up again - I'd like to get back to a pound a week but I'm not sure if that will happen.

Meanwhile today is a normal eating day, but I'm being good during the day because of that meal out tonight.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 10:15
No_More_Mrs_Michelin wrote: I think my weight loss has now slowed down a bit as I'm starting to try and shift really old fat - which I already had 9 years ago. It's been with me for many years and is only saying goodbye very slowly.

Great quote Mrs M, I love the idea that the old fat is harder to lose. Not sure how scientific it is, there are lots of nerdy minds here who provide us with great info on these things.
Im another shorty, 152 cm, which is a tiny bit under 5 ft. Im not convinced its just been short that makes it harder. Im averaging about 0.5 kg a week, so bit over a pound, but in big leaps from plateau to plateau.

Being female, and nearly menopausal are the biggest things that influence weight loss. Im hoping to lose the weight I want to lose before I am at that age!!

Would love to hear others progress.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 10:23
I'm sure it must make a difference. Surely as a shortie we have a lower bmi and TDEE than a tall person but it doesn't make us any less hungry nor weak willed for yummyness than a tall person. I would think that tall can eat more than short just because. I might be talking rubbish though. Just a thought......
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 10:36
Hi I wish I was as tall as all u all lol I'm 4ft 11 and a half!!!! Please don't forget the half it makes a huge difference. I have to estimate my daily allowance as if I was 5ft coz they don't do halves... Cheek!! I've lost 7lbs ish during May, doung 5:2 although had a week off on holiday. it does seem to go up and down daily but at least it is going downwards. I don't know if my height has any bearing to weight loss. I just know I have to have less calories.... Great!!! Be interesting to see over the next few months how I do.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 10:41
I'm another shortie at 5'1. I've been on 5:2 for 6 weeks and have been losing about a kilo a week - but I have an awful lot to lose. My OH is a 6'4 beanpole who pretty much eats and drinks what he likes. All his family are the same though so I think genetics play a part. However he can comfortably go for long periods of time without food - and then binge eat. However he is the one with the high cholesterol whereas mine is normal. i have a good friend who is tiny and slim. she is a juice-a-holic and an exercise junkie. however her TDEE is only around 1400 calories. now that is unfair! Still short or not I've found a way of eating that works for me and that has taught me that being hungry is not the end of the world.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 10:46
I'm 4ft11 and a half also!

Only have about 7lbs to lose, being realistic

I learned the perils of not being allowed 'normal people' food when I put on a few stone aged 18. Now I hover between 8 and 9 stone by exercising regularly and trying not to go over 1400 cals in the week.

I've found 5:2 is good at re-teaching me to respect food and know when I'm actually hungry! And I also know that once I get to a certain age it'll be harder to keep lighter, so I'm trying to get in good habits now!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 11:21
Hello !
I am 152cm too. I would like to know , for people around the same size, how many kilos is for you correct to be slim ?
When I look for BMI, TDEE and things like that, they give me numbers which make no sense for me, as 50 kilos! Image How can it be healthy ?
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 11:54
Hi Fee,

I'm just under 4'11 and if go below 54 kilos I look 'ill' - I think it's down to body shape / build - my friends would have me hospitalised at 50kg! A wee friend of mine at about the same height is at 44.5kg and looks as though she could lose a little more - she has a tiny frame and I feel gigantic next to her. Sorry, not much help there: I'd say go for the weight you feel good at!
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