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Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 12:04
Blimey I feel like a giant here! I'm at the top end of short, 5'4", so can I join in too please?
I had lost 11/2 stone with SW before starting 5:2 but had only reached my target once before a year long battle with the same 3/4 lbs which left me feeling a failure all of the time. Since starting this woe I have had numerous meals out, a week and a weekend away and have lost steadily in spite of eating/drinking exactly what I wanted. I'm now 1lb over that SW target and thrilled to bits.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 13:25
I have a few friends who are short and its interesting that our weight is quite different
One friend is 5ft and weighs around 53 kilos and the most beautiful figure ,she is a dancer and another is 49 kilos and looks bigger ,in fact she would like to weigh around 46
I looked up the range and one site suggested 42 to 56kilos
If I weighed 42 I would look terrible
Fee,does that answer your question.i think it really is how you feel within that range.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 13:46
Yes, thanks !
42 is my grail ! It won't be awful because I have tiny hips (chance, I never did something for)
So 3,6 kilos to go...
Run,Belly, run !
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 13:54
I definitely think that the BMI calculator gives me a scary figure to be in the "healthy" range... I think I'm going to judge when I get to a weight I'm happy with rather than follow it religiously; my goal weight could go in either direction depending on how I feel about myself when I reach certain weights!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 13:57
Not sure whether I am allowed to post here. ;-) I am 182cm so nearly 6 feet.
Together with a lifestyle without a car in a rural area, swimming 4 hours per week and a teaching job which allows me to walk a lot during classes my TDEE is quite high. But I am also always hungry!!!! :-) I always thought it is because my body also needs to provide a taller body with energy.....
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 14:00
Abby wrote: Not sure whether I am allowed to post here. ;-) I am 182cm so nearly 6 feet.
Together with a lifestyle without a car in a rural area, swimming 4 hours per week and a teaching job which allows me to walk a lot during classes my TDEE is quite high. But I am also always hungry!!!! :-) I always thought it is because my body also needs to provide a taller body with energy.....

182cm??? What are you doing here? Get out at once! :-D And there was I feeling guilty for reading this thread and I'm only 165cm!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 15:10
Another shortie here 5'3 , been doing 5'2 for about 14 weeks now, on average I am losing 0.4 kg a week. However at my weekly weigh ins sometimes I stay the same, sometimes I gain then I have a big loss of about 1.5 kg around TOTM. I think being a shortie when I gain you can see it straight away even if its 1 kg. My TDEE on my tracker says around 1515 cals, however I don't measure calories on my normal days so don't know exactly how much I am eating. My appetite has definitely decreased since starting 5:2 and I am happy with the weight loss so far. I think men definitely lose weight faster than women, because our body have to deal with TOTM, menopause, etc.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 16:13
No_More_Mrs_Michelin wrote: Restaurant potions are definitely an issue (says she going out for a curry tonight - tip, avoid the poppadoms and don't pick a creamy curry). I was brought up to always 'clear my plate' and waste is frowned on. And being a Yorkshire lass, I like to get my money's worth too so hate to not finish something I've paid for.


I'm not northern but I go to uni up here (it's like another world... :P) and I am exactly like this. I hate wasting the food on my plate and I like to get my money's worth, so I end up giving the leftovers to my boyfriend too (although we're in a long-distance relationship, so this doesn't apply most of the time).

The problems with restaurants are definitely the portions. If I eat out too much my stomach stretches and I can physically eat far more than is necessary to be comfortable, then it gets bigger and bigger until the weight starts going on as well... Ahh. Just got to hope that 5:2 is reducing my appetite so that when I go home for summer I physically can't eat the whole restaurant portions...

Really think they should give a choice for portions sizes. I don't want to order from the kids menu to get an appropriately sized meal for my height!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 16:20
Amen BethP. We went to a pub a couple of weeks ago that actually did have some choices in different sizes, like fish and chips, and they weren't in the kids' menu. Fish and chips is something that should be easy to downsize, pasta too. Restaurants that found a way to downsize some of their portions (and prices too, though I do understand that for their margins they may not be able to do a straight pro-rating) would definitely get my business!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 17:54
I agree. I hate being over faced with large portions now.
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 18:25
If I wear my pumps and hunch my shoulders a little can I join? :razz:
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 18:34
dhana , , only if you're less than a mile high ;)
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 18:34
Of course !
We need someone to catch things on top of the closet . :wink:
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 20:36
I like this thread. OH is just over 6ft and both daughters are 5 ft 8 so I've always been the family shorta*** but on hereI feel tall!!
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 22:05
My OH is 6' and his Mum is very tall. My 9 yr old daughter is almost the same height and shoe size as me already, clearly takes after her father!!
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