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Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 22:10
Fée wrote: Hello !
I am 152cm too. I would like to know , for people around the same size, how many kilos is for you correct to be slim ?
When I look for BMI, TDEE and things like that, they give me numbers which make no sense for me, as 50 kilos! Image How can it be healthy ?

Hi fee, you may have seen it already but this calculator was helpful to me (posted by Franglaise on another post about BMI and frame size). I didn't know I had a large frame before this but it sort of makes sense why at the bottom of the BMI scale I would look ill! ... Size-Wrist
Re: Shorties United
30 May 2013, 23:56
Re. restaurant portions : - DOGGY BAGS - either for you tomorrow, or even for your dog!

Well, I would say that, wouldn't I? :) FatDog

p.s. And you don't need to be gallus to ask - any half-decent restaurant shouldn't bat an eyelid.
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 00:22
I always get entree size meals or just have a main and no dessert or husband is a skinny who eats a lot and our joke is that he married me so he could eat my left overs.i hate it when we go out with friends and I eat less and they split the bill!!!!
Btw,I took out an old dinner service we had and noticed the dinner plates are much smaller than modern sets so we use that now so now my plate at home looks full .except my husband now eats 4 helpings each night.
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 00:34
Missed this thread before but I am a shorty - now 5'1" (154.5cm) having lost 1½ inches with old age (late sixties).
I have been on 5:2 for six weeks with a good loss in the first few weeks but seem to have stalled for the last couple but trying not to let that get me down. At my old height I used to be about 8st 4lbs (116lbs /52.61KG) but am trying to set goals a stone at a time and see what happens when I reach 9 (OH how I wish ) to see if I can take losing more.

It is good being able to compare 'real' peoples height and weights. :smile:
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 08:58
Mrs H-R wrote:
Fée wrote: Hello !
I am 152cm too. I would like to know , for people around the same size, how many kilos is for you correct to be slim ?
When I look for BMI, TDEE and things like that, they give me numbers which make no sense for me, as 50 kilos! Image How can it be healthy ?

Hi fee, you may have seen it already but this calculator was helpful to me (posted by Franglaise on another post about BMI and frame size). I didn't know I had a large frame before this but it sort of makes sense why at the bottom of the BMI scale I would look ill! ... Size-Wrist

Thank you for this! Turns out I am small framed, although I think I get my slim wrists and legs from my mum (she's got the daintiest little hands and wrists). Says I should aim for 111lbs-124lbs and my current goal is 122lbs.

Beginning to think I may be a squashed hourglass shape, I have big boobs but you can still see my waist even though I've put on weight on my middle, and my butt was definitely a lot bigger than I thought it was when I took my 'Before' picture for the 30 Day Shred! Perhaps ridding myself of excess fat will reveal all :P
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 10:26
Hi fellow shorties.

This has been a busy little thread!! Yes, I do think smaller people need less food, just like smaller cars use less petrol :smile: . However thats easier said than done. I have to make a conscious effort to dish up smaller portions for me than I do for my OH. I try to order 2 entrees instead of entree and main at restaurants but Im a greedy piglet who wants to order everthing and chips, or with the truffle oil mash, depending on the restaurant :grin: and I love the doggie bag :grin: .

Id like to get to about 60 kgs, I think Id be about a size 12 to 14, depending and would be very happy with that. Its been so long since I weighed that little Im just guessing :lol: Only 19 kgs to go :starving:
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 10:39
Hello. My name is Mary and I'm 5'3" (said in confessional tone)

I'm trying really hard to eat to scale, My OH weighs twice what I do, so we shouldn't really sit down to the same size meals ! My new strategy is a 37.5cl jug, so I can make sure I don't go over half a bottle of wine when I'm at home, as this really is my downfall, and doesn't help with my sleep problems.

I've just cleared out the veg box, creating the basis 3 meals, and generating a box of compost :oops: So we'll be eating well this weekend, I've just got to make sure we don't eat TOO well.

I'm making sure I dont sit down all day (when not in the office) to make sure I'm moving as much as possible, off for a walk up the hill shortly, then salad for lunch.

Happy Weekend all :smile:
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 10:51
[quote="Minumonline"]Hello. My name is Mary and I'm 5'3" (said in confessional tone)

I'm trying really hard to eat to scale, My OH weighs twice what I do, so we shouldn't really sit down to the same size meals !

Hi Mary.

Great way of putting it, eating to scale. Not my forte!!

Have a great weekend guys, its a long weekend here in NZ, so 3 days off, yyaayy :lol: :grin:
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 14:22
I like that, eating to scale!

My eight year old is taking after his father and is up on the 99th centile on the height charts - he is in 10 year old clothes. He's lovely and lean and very active (both my and husband were slim as children). He has enormous energy and a big appetite to go with it. As he's growing fast, his energy needs are high, and actually having done some research on it, he needs more than I do, and so my plan now is to serve up the same for both me and him. I'm not quite into the swing of that yet, but I'm going to try and make that a habit by the end of June.

We went for the early bird last night for our curry, so portion sizes were smaller than a la carte and there were no poppadoms. Went for a grilled rather than fried starter, and as the naans were put in the middle between us it was quite easy for me to make sure I had less than an equal share of them. Eating earlier also meant no indigestion during the night (spicy food late on is no good for me). I woke up not feeling hungry so skipped breakfast, and have had a light salad for lunch, so overall, I don't think I've done any damage.
Re: Shorties United
31 May 2013, 14:31
Portion sizes are ridiculous! I am veggie and regularly find that the starters have a better selection and are also a better size for me. Doggie bags - no qualms at all about asking for stuff to be packed to take away. This as the norm in Hong Kong and I loved it. Also sharing meals- that's not so easy and popular here for mains (and beloved is a carnivore so doesn't really work) but we regularly share a pud.
Got over being self conscious a while a go and and dammit, we're paying for it so please do what suits me. Disengage bossy cow mode!
Re: Shorties United
03 Jun 2013, 11:45
It's salad season! Had a lovely sunny weekend and it makes controlling the intake so much easier since it reduces my appetite and turns me into a salad eater rather than winter stodge.

Today is a fast day and we also have a charity bag clothes collection due in the morning so I've been sorting out all the stuff that's now too big for me. I've also been discovering things in the back of the wardrobe that I've been to fat to wear for a couple of years, so having fun trying on some of them and finding that they fit!
Re: Shorties United
03 Jun 2013, 20:00
I am 5'1". I just looked up my TDEE and it is 1765 per day (for light exercise). I actually think this is quite generous. I don't think I eat anything like that much on a normal day anyway, so was pleasantly surprised. But I do tend to eat a lot of fruit on normal days anyway (can eat 5-10 clementines/nectarines in a day as my "sweet" of choice).
Re: Shorties United
04 Jun 2013, 01:26
I'm 159.5 cm, used to be 160 cm! I suppose a loss of 0.5 cm isn't too bad at 57. I'm tall from my waist to my boobs so I look "normal" sitting down but have short arms and legs. But size 9 feet! Freaky! I find sleeves are too long and tops tend to be too short and sit at an unfortunate spot on my tummy.
Like many of you I find meal sizes too big and often have an entree and dessert. I'm looking forward to being sixty and getting a Seniors Card. In Aussie pubs you can then order from the seniors menu which is smaller and cheaper.
Re: Shorties United
08 Jun 2013, 19:08
Mrs H R - thank you for your post re frame size. The link confirms that I have a large frame size - which I guess I knew as I am 5'2 with size 7 feet! I also have huge hands. I had a health problem as a teenager which meant I did not produce enough growth hormone when I needed it so I have only grown an inch since i was 11. However my target BMI seemed ridiculously low but the adjusted one seems a little better. I've a long way to go just not as far as I thought!
Re: Shorties United
08 Jun 2013, 20:28
Hello can I join in to? I am rather late reading this thread but catching up on the forum because my OH is watching the rugby match on TV & I am watching with one eye! England is currently hammering Argentina.
Well I am 5ft 3inches having lost 1/2 inch getting older. My OH is 6ft tall & I think part of my problem has been dividing meals in equal portions :frown: way too much for my small frame. I have lost weight around one pound a week & since Christmas I have lost 23 pounds. With starting 5:2ing at the end of January I have lost 16.5lbs. I feel as though it is a slow process so I am trying combining 16:8 & 5:2ing & this last week lost 1 & 3/4lbs. :smile:
My excess weight sort of looks wobbly now & I am pear shaped with a small top half & waist & thunder thighs & rear end that I would love to lose. With 5:2ing the weight seems to be reducing evenly which is much better than other dieting that I have done, has anyone else found this?
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