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Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
20 Apr 2014, 14:49
Hi @sarahg

Yes you do Fast-5 every day, eating in a 5-hour window. You don't restrict your calories on any of the days. I find it works for me because I tend to have a big meal with lots of protein and veg, or a large salad bowl, and a small dessert, usually yoghurt and fruit. I eat enough to be comfortably full, I then go for several hours without eating and if I am peckish before time is up I snack on nuts, cheese or something until I feel full again. Then it's just no calorie drinks again until bed.

My window is now 2 - 7, I started out on 5 - 10 but moved it forward gradually as I conquered the evening snacking habit.

If you give it a go let us know how you get on.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
13 May 2014, 16:49
I am glad I found this thread! I am returning to 16:8 and looking for threads that talk about 16:8 and also Fast 5 (which I eventually aim to do a few times a week).

5:2 is not for me. I know so many love it, but I hate counting any calories (except for the 40 we're allowed before breaking our fast on The 8 Hour Diet). I was losing slowly and felt great doing 16:8, but unfortunately I fell off the wagon, gained back all my weight and more. I am back on today.

Is there one area where all the time restricted threads live vs. the 5:2 threads? I'll just keeping looking, but I'm glad I found this one.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
13 May 2014, 17:14
@coffeebean here is the tent where the window eaters hang out
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
13 May 2014, 17:45
I am partial to a bit of upvc myself.
Sorry couldn't resist @SianS
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
13 May 2014, 18:28
Thank you so much for the link! Very kind of you!
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 May 2014, 06:13
Hi coffee bean
Talk to me
Sounds like we have a lot in common
I did 5-2 last year but lost nothing until I added 16/8
I was soo good,lost the few kilos I wanted to,then like you I gave it all up and re gained the weight
Kept trying to get back into it but really struggled.then a few weeks ago I tried fast 5 but it was too hard so I have settled into a sort of 6 to 8 hour window most days .the weight is starting to go down,slowly but I really can't get back into 5/2 .i also just can't bring myself to count calories
Let's keep in touch
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 May 2014, 07:05
I intend to never count calories again. By mixing the eating plans I hope to get rid of the weight.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 May 2014, 07:27
Me too
After years of dieting I think we have a pretty good idea of how many calories we are eating,anyway
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 May 2014, 07:31
Yes, I agree! It is about informed choices and deciding for myself. No guilt and no panic when eating out. I love it!
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 May 2014, 08:39
Not long started intermittent fasting but find that 16:8 every day is suiting my lifestyle. The less I think about food the better and I found it unnatural trying to keep to a 500 calorie limit twice a week (in fact I have only managed it once in 3 weeks).
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 May 2014, 09:59
I'm joining you on the eating window for a week or two while my body is in hissy fit eat everything mode, to calm it down. Best start with 16/8 then try to gradually reduce to 19/5, it's a plan anyway.
A bit of good warm sunshine wouldn't go amiss either =o=
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 May 2014, 10:11
I am finding it easy and it is stopping me eating everything in sight. I do not understand how I can say no to food on fast days but cannot stop on feed days. I rarely eat through hunger, or at least true hunger. One day I will understand myself I hope! I think the eating window will suit me well once I am fully in control. My plan is once I am at a more comfortable weight to fast once a week and do 16:8 the rest of the time. I will reduce the window if necessary.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 Aug 2014, 11:47
16:8 question. Some people have said they do 16:8 every day. Have you done this and if so have you had good results with it? I need to find a way of eating that is sustainable for me and that doesn't allow the self-sabotage/binge eating to kick in on normal days. When I fast I am like a human vaccum the next day despite all my good intentions. I wouldn't normally eat like this (I did binge but not to this extent like 4 times a week before 5:2) but I have the "I'll have it tomorrow" carrot when I'm fasting. So I was wondering if I try 16:8 but cook healthy meals during the 8 hour eating period (simply to try and cut out the mindless binging on chocolate, crisps etc) whether it would work for me as a sustainable plan. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 Aug 2014, 13:14
:victory: Hi @julieroxanne Welcome to the forum.
our queen of 16:8 @ballerina. is on her holidays but there's plenty of us doing this type of fasting window me included I now don't eat breakfast as I'm not hungry when I wake up.
So at lunchtime I then have a massive plated salad including one stick of celery and chopped peppers with small amount of protein, then an evening meal full of veggies with fish or whatever meat I'm doing for the family, I do allow myself a nightly treat of chocky because I don't want to deprive myself of absolutely anything at all, I then close the window until lunchtime the next day drinking water + black coffee only. :like:
I can lose weight using this method on a daily basis alone but my days do need to be cautious ones and cut out the cr@p lol
:clover: Good luck and pop back letting us know how things are going for you and asking for anything you need to know.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
14 Aug 2014, 13:35
Thank you Sue and for the link :) xx
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