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Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jul 2013, 12:47
@ Caroline - have a wonderful holiday & don't worry, you know you can sort it afterwards if you really need to

@ janeg - love the idea of upgrading to a good friend because of noticing the weight loss LOL

@ gillymary - fabulous only putting 1kg on, well done you :)
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jul 2013, 13:07
shallow , I know , but I'll take it! ;)
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jul 2013, 14:11
Thank you so much AnnieD that is such a lovely way to look at my little extra kg which I plan to dispatch with ASAP ;)
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
20 Jul 2013, 13:05
I am also back from a fortnight away in Orkney, Shetland & Edinburgh & I nearly fell off my scales last Sunday when I saw I had gained 8 1/2 lbs in weight! Admittedly I hadn't fasted & more or less eaten what was on offer but there was a lot of walking & hill climbing to reach inaccessible pre-historic sites.
Well after last week with two days fasting, some 16:8ing & normal eating & drinking I have lost 6lbs 10oz so I reckon fluid retention must have played a large part with getting dehydrated travelling. Unfortunately I am still 1 3/4 lbs over my pre holiday weight but back on 5:2 & some 16:8ing when I don't feel like eating breakfast. Still a long way to go now before I reach my goal weight but back on track. :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
21 Jul 2013, 19:17
That's great Isis, to go on holiday and then come back, get into your regular routine and lose most of your holiday gain in a week is really inspirational. Just goes to show that you can take time off and then get back on track without too much trouble. Good luck with losing that last 1 3/4lb and then just carry on :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
03 Aug 2013, 18:27
Just heard about this diet and I sound doable. Only problem I'm not sure howit works. All. Know is I can eat suing an 8 hour window then fast for 16 hours. Is it fell that simple??
Any advice appreciated
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
05 Aug 2013, 07:59
Hello Geogirl
Yes you eat all your food in an eight hour window & then don't eat for the next sixteen hours. In practice for me that means I miss breakfast on eating days & when I have a brunch around 12-30 to 13-00pm I open my eating window & then have dinner before 19-30pm & eat nothing after that. To lose weight you do need to not eat above your TDEE during this time & then fast as usual on two days. I do have coffee with a splash of milk in the morning before eating & opening my window that does stretch the fast idea a little. If you want the original idea it's called The Eight Hour Diet & there is a cheap summary available on Amazon for Kindle. But I am not the person who started this idea here because that was Ballerina so you need to look at her threads. :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
05 Aug 2013, 18:34
Ok thanks Isis that helps
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
05 Aug 2013, 18:53
Very interesting information, you all have posted. Thanks for sharing- I may give it a whirl!
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
10 Aug 2013, 08:09
Yes yes!!
I know it sounds silly because I have only lost a pound in weight this week, that is better than usual for me, but I now weigh 13 stone 13 lbs. I have waited 6-8 weeks to get here & below 14 stone, although I did in this time go on holiday & lose all my holiday weight gain. It feels like a huge hurdle to have crossed & I am one pound way from losing 2 stone since Christmas. :grin: :grin: :grin:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
10 Aug 2013, 08:29
Thanks love this thread. I seem to have stabilised at 77kg on 5:2 /16:8 over a period of 10 weeks and I lost 3kg. I went on 5 days holiday where there was no restriction on my eating and gained 1 kg so you could say I have lost 4kg in 10 weeks. I also injured my ankle when I had a fall so had to suspend exercise for a month as well. Well pleased with 16:8 with 2 days of 5:2 being a way to sustain a steady loss. Each week I have a day where I just eat what I want when want as well.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
21 Aug 2013, 13:27
Just bumping this up as a few folk are interested, so here is the thread, good luck everyone

Ballerina x
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
22 Aug 2013, 11:32
Another 1kg down with 16:8 saving the days when 5:2 not possible. Slow but steady I really appreciate being able to just please myself what I eat but still know I am fitting on a fast of a kind. I still relax one day or two days a week and eat from waking to dinner if I choose. Target getting closed
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
22 Aug 2013, 15:42
Well done Gillymary, love to hear about these successes :like: :clover: :cool: :victory: :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
25 Aug 2013, 14:31
Whilst on holiday I am going to try to stick to 16:8ing on eating days, still fit in some fasting days & not record what I eat to try & estimate calories. I will not be able to weigh myself whilst away so I will have to wean myself off weighing & trying to record what I eat. So an experiment for me in trying to keep a check on what I eat without recording anything & wait & see if I do not gain any weight. :wink:
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