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True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 04:08
I'm getting disheartened with fasting Mondays and Thursdays with gently easing into twice weekly 16/8.
When do you all get on the scale to find your true weight?
I've already got into habit of weighing daily. I never even wanted to weigh at all, but here I am doing that each morning. I lose bigger morning after a fast, gain again few hundred grams obviously because we eat, then find I'm only losing couple hundred grams, just before the next fasting day. This is starting to lose its appeal. NOt a happy camper today and yeah, I'm starving, going to eat brown bread and egg white.

Even though big numbers are coming off for some people, there is going to be that natural gain from putting something into that empty tummy. If I just had a definitive day that I would see the true weight and not get hopes too high only to have them fall.

Thanks for reading
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 04:10
zamale wrote: I'm getting disheartened with fasting Mondays and Thursdays with gently easing into twice weekly 16/8.
When do you all get on the scale to find your true weight?
I've already got into habit of weighing daily. I never even wanted to weigh at all, but here I am doing that each morning. I lose bigger morning after a fast, gain again few hundred grams obviously because we eat, then find I'm only losing couple hundred grams, just before the next fasting day. This is starting to lose its appeal. NOt a happy camper today and yeah, I'm starving, going to eat brown bread and egg white.

Even though big numbers are coming off for some people, there is going to be that natural gain from putting something into that empty tummy. If I just had a definitive day that I would see the true weight and not get hopes too high only to have them fall.

Thanks for reading
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 04:31
Zamale, I have fasted Mondays and Thursdays since March when I started, and my weighing day has always been Wednesday, first thing in the morning, and in 13 weeks I haven't had a gain yet *touches wood*. It's difficult to advise you without knowing more about your situation - are you only wanting to lose a few kilos, do you have medical issues etc. I know there are lots of people here who weigh daily and use those trending apps if your question was solely related to that?
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 04:52
Thanks for quick reply. I'm 64.6 Kg and I would like to go to 59-60 kg. I guess its harder the closer you get.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 04:53
If I am understanding you correctly, you want to know what day to weigh, so it is most accurate? I started alternate day fasting years ago after reading a book by Dr Johnson. If the link is permitted... Anyway, in his book he said to always way the morning after a fast (or down day, in his terminology.) I have always done it that way. So, if I am fasting M W F, I would do my "official" weigh in for the week on Saturday morning. For a Monday, Thursday week in would be Friday morning.

But, in all honesty I actually weigh every day. Sometimes, immediately after waking and immediately before bed. If you weigh daily on this diet you do have to prepare yourself for the scale bounce. It can be higher than you expect from the actual food or liquid in your belly, eating an excess of salt or carbs, constipation, medications and more.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 05:02
Thanks, I guess weighing daily you got to expect different numbers, only natural really with this way. I 'll take my most accurate weight on Friday in the morning.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 05:28
The average weekly weight loss I think is 0.4 kilos. What rate are you losing at?

I also weigh daily and being the person I am I put the numbers in a spreadsheet. This way I can see the trend. My scales also have fat percentage, muscle etc My numbers bounce around a lot but overall they are heading down so I am happy with that.

Faster would be good yes but sustainable is good too so I will settle for that.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 12:23
I weigh in daily (usually first thing in the morning). I track my weight on a great website called Beeminder ( They have an entire system for tracking progress towards goals with graphs and charts. Losing weight is one of the most common goals so they have descriptions and samples of how to do it.

Basically, you can set two of three parameters: goal, date of completion or rate of loss. Beeminder tracks you against this and lets you know when you are heading off "the yellow brick road." Finally, if you go off track, you pledge money to stay on the road. If you go off again, you get charged.

I mostly use it to track and have never gone off the road. I set the goal so it is pretty easy to meet. For me, the motivation of seeing the graphs is enough! Not saying that this would work for everyone though…..
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 12:36
There are much better apps for tracking weight and giving you a trendline that don't charge you if you go over!!! Since weight varies so much I think charging is a rotten idea. I use the Libra app on android which is great. There are similar apps for iOS too.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 12:42
Thanks for all the answer. It wasn't my question but since I just started the answers were really helpful. My days are Monday and Wednesday. After reading all of these I am going to have my weigh in day on a Thursday morning.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 13:13
Carooees, some people use the charging as a motivation and find it useful. It depends on you! As I mentioned, I set my goals to be very reachable. (Plus, if you are getting close, you can change the goal a week or so ahead of time). Finally, you only pay if you want to keep going after your first miss. The service is pretty flexible.

I do it for the great charts (with things like trailing averages showing) that give me a good trend and smooth out the inevitable ups and downs, especially when you weigh in daily.

carorees wrote: There are much better apps for tracking weight and giving you a trendline that don't charge you if you go over!!! Since weight varies so much I think charging is a rotten idea. I use the Libra app on android which is great. There are similar apps for iOS too.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 18:40
I also use the libra app on my phone and plot my weight the morning after a fast. Luckily I am still seeing a downwards trend and even if it is only .4 of a pound loss or same weight, I find this very motivating. I like to see things in black and white ;)
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 19:01
I weigh every morning and use the True Weight app on my phone. It's free for the light version but I am toying with the idea of shelling out 69p for the full version :lol:
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 19:16
Wendy darling I also use true weight and record each morning.
I never realized just how much my weight swings from day to day sometimes as much as 1kg in a day!
I recently upgraded to the full version, but as far as I can see the only difference is being able to enter details from other sources, but hey for 69p I'm not upset about it.
Re: True weight, when?
13 Jun 2013, 19:37
I weigh and record daily on an app, but update my progress tracker once a week on 5:2 (Saturday usually) and that's when I consider it my 'real' reading as to whether I've lost (sometimes gained) over a week. The weight on the app bounces around so much on a day to day basis that you really shouldn't be disheartened by it. You've got to look at the bigger picture - what's your trend line doing, how much weight have I lost over the last month etc., - that's what's important IMO.
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