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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Just listening to the radio and the presenter on TS just now is into Wk 3 and is struggling as he's not lost weight...

Asked for support! :cool:

It's either Hawksbee or Jacobs, not sure, was trying to go to sleep at the time.
Tell him about our forum!
I've not modified the diet except by doing 4:3 because it suits me. Lost a pound a week on average adding up to 2 stone as of today. Changed my life.

I have a fairly relaxed approach... :-)
I myself was moaning yesterday that I wasn't losing weight but what she is saying about the motivation behind posting makes lots of sense. I have lost, but just not quick enough for my liking!
I've been on 5/2 for seven weeks, and lost nearly 6 kg, so 5 2 appears to be working for me so far. It strikes me that the main plank of the diet is insulin control, together with running at a ~3,500 calorie deficit per week, which is why so many people appreciate the greater control they have over their sugar and starch intake after a day of fasting.

Cutting back on sugars and starches (and grains), that is a low carb diet, will also do this, and many people on 5 2 are sliding towards this way of eating anyway. I've known for years that I need to eat gluten-free, or else my joints get inflamed. Eating 5 2 has highlighted that sugars and starch cause the rest of the pain (along with nightshades and citrus).

In short, I see 5 2 as a WOE that makes you think about what foods work for your individual circumstances. I also think 5 2 works best if you restrict high-density carbs which could sabotage the effect that fast days have on insulin. But that's just based on my own perception of how 5 2 works on me. YMMV.
We are all impatient (it's in our genes)! ... Along with enjoying our food.
As others have said, the beauty of this routine is that you can always fast tomorrow.
Good luck everyone and don't feel dispondant.
I believe 5.2 works well, particularly on a psychological level. Just about any diet regime works, if you are doing it simply for weight loss. The problem lies in adherence. Personally I find I have naturally gravitated to going fairly low carb because pasta, white rice, bread,white potatoes and sugary cakes etc. leave me feeling hungry for more, and I stop losing weight because I do eat well over my tdee when a large part of my food comes from carbs. I do much better omitting them and replacing them with veggies, generous glugs of avocado and olive oil, coconut oil, a little cheese, juicy steak, salmon etc. But I still have a pudding, pasta dish, wine etc. from time to time, because I'm living my life, not living my diet. I find the mental hardship of never allowing myself another cake/bread etc. enough to drive me to do exactly that, and then some!! My weight loss is much better than it ever was with Atkins or Dukan simply because of the amazing 5.2 concept, which allows you the freedom to eat any foods you enjoy, nothing off limits for 5 days of the week. As time goes on, the penny drops for some of us that we can tuck into cakes and junk food but too much stalls our weight loss, and I honestly think that the discipline of the 2 fast days forces us to acknowledge the feel good factor of making better food choices, and even appreciating and enjoying new healthier foods. The habits of a lifetime can be hard to break and most of us have not been on this woe so very long, but my habits are changing and I feel much more confident of maintaining this wol than I ever did with any other eating regime.
Yes I'm kind of despondent that my weight isn't coming off as I had hoped- 0.5lb this week,but I guess if you had that hanging by a string on the end of your nose it would seem kind of heavy!!
In the past I have had great success with a low carb diet,losing 2.5 stone in 12 weeks,only to put 3.5 stone back on when I started to eat normally again!!!! I'll stick with this WOE thank you and with the support I get on this forum!!
annieliz wrote: if you had that hanging by a string on the end of your nose it would seem kind of heavy!!

Love the image there!
annieliz wrote: Yes I'm kind of despondent that my weight isn't coming off as I had hoped- 0.5lb this week,but I guess if you had that hanging by a string on the end of your nose it would seem kind of heavy!!
In the past I have had great success with a low carb diet,losing 2.5 stone in 12 weeks,only to put 3.5 stone back on when I started to eat normally again!!!! I'll stick with this WOE thank you and with the support I get on this forum!!

As a fellow Mid-Walian, I had to comment here. It all adds up and 2 lb a month is still nearly two stone over a year. :wink:

This is the least flounciest forum I've ever been on, fret not, it appears to have been sorted amicably.
Hi chriso57 - I'm doing 5:2 for the health benefits, too. I do a lot of sport, and, as I have said in previous posts, it has really increased my stamina in swimming, cycling and running.
At present, we don't really know how much continuing to eat high carb/sugary foods affects the health of people who are doing 5:2. If someone who is overweight loses weight it its likely to bring big benefits if the weight lost can be kept off. If a low carb would be healthier but the person will not stick to it long term, then adopting a low carb strategy to lose weight that will be piled back on if they return to eating carbs is pointless
To answer Tomtank's last post re: exercise. I have got lazy just lately and stopped swimming, in fact I'm doing nothing in the way of exercise at the moment. We both went for a health assessment at the start of this month and my Metabolic age came out at 72 and hubbies came out at 48 ten years younger than he is, so he is on a mission now to get my reading down. A 7 mile walk is planned for Sat morning, sorry folks but I hope it rains. :razz:

Caroline, I must admit to cheating when a lovely baggette appears in front of me, but so long as my bloods etc are staying ok, if I fancy something I'll have it in moderation. I ate an apple today oh no first one for two years, is there such a thing as being sugar phobic I wonder. :confused:

Chris x
dhana wrote: I believe 5.2 works well, particularly on a psychological level. Just about any diet regime works, if you are doing it simply for weight loss. The problem lies in adherence. Personally I find I have naturally gravitated to going fairly low carb because pasta, white rice, bread,white potatoes and sugary cakes etc. leave me feeling hungry for more, and I stop losing weight because I do eat well over my tdee when a large part of my food comes from carbs. I do much better omitting them and replacing them with veggies, generous glugs of avocado and olive oil, coconut oil, a little cheese, juicy steak, salmon etc. But I still have a pudding, pasta dish, wine etc. from time to time, because I'm living my life, not living my diet. I find the mental hardship of never allowing myself another cake/bread etc. enough to drive me to do exactly that, and then some!! My weight loss is much better than it ever was with Atkins or Dukan simply because of the amazing 5.2 concept, which allows you the freedom to eat any foods you enjoy, nothing off limits for 5 days of the week. As time goes on, the penny drops for some of us that we can tuck into cakes and junk food but too much stalls our weight loss, and I honestly think that the discipline of the 2 fast days forces us to acknowledge the feel good factor of making better food choices, and even appreciating and enjoying new healthier foods. The habits of a lifetime can be hard to break and most of us have not been on this woe so very long, but my habits are changing and I feel much more confident of maintaining this wol than I ever did with any other eating regime.

All of this! Dhana I think our favourite foods are very similar (apart from the avocado - bleurgh) and I particularly like your phrase 'I'm living my life, not living my diet'. That's exactly why I like 5:2 - it means I can be 'normal' most of the time. And 'normal includes wine, cheese, crisps, sandwiches, ice cream, porridge, peanut butter, crumpets etc etc - all in moderation of course!!!

And Chris - embrace the 7 mile walk! You'll feel fab when it's done. I love to walk with my husband - I find it a really good way to talk to each other properly as it's just you two with no distractions for ages. You don't need to rush and you can sometimes really thrash out things you've been wanting to talk about for ages. Most of our 'big talks' have happened on long walks...even got engaged at the top of Cadair Idris in Wales! Probably our personality types tho - neither of us like confrontation so it can take a long walk to really give us the time to say what we really think! only been married 2 years so this may well change!
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