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Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 20:35
Well done every one,some really inspirational stories as well as handy tips- just wish I needed them :-(
Have been using myfitnesspal to calorie count for the last week,and for the first time in 2 months of being on this WOE I have lost zero,zilch,nowt,nothing, but in fact put on a pound!!!! I will now be returning to MY previous way of doing things-eat what I want,when I want it on feast days and stick to one 500 cal meal on fast days! Wish me luck guys cause I'm feeling a bit c**p tonight
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 20:46
I can't wait to have baggy knickers! :smile: I went M&S today though and got myself measured for a bra and I'm down to a 34 from a 38! Woohoo!
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 21:26
:clover: :rose: :rainbow: :rainbow: I think that's a good plan Annieliz. Chin up. It's just a blip. Sending you a big Aussie hug. :-)
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 21:28
Wow noddy that's impressive, did you treat yourself....seriously hope so x
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 21:42
This is inspirational. I shall read it everyday! My bras are not biting me anymore either. As for knickers, mine are stretchy material so they expand or in this case contract. Read somewhere in here that someone's shoes are too big. Oh ya, shoe shopping!
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 21:48
Hi annieliz well don't know why you're struggling but try mixing it up a little just for 1week, I've just done 2weeks because of 2+3 meals out and with Caroline's blessing took calories in by week each week
Have had Big loss this week don't know how + why but really pleased coz now I am fitting into other clothes, good luck :clover: Sue
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 22:01
Thanks Sue.Q It was your stats that really struck me-we began about the same,our BMI is very similar but you have lost 6kg more than me! Will try mixing things up a bit,maybe try ADF for a week and listen to my body. I won't be beaten,I'm enjoying it too much,just feeling sorry for myself I guess :-(
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 22:18
I'm not quiete at the sewing stuff up stage. I plan on selling it all (very large ladies stuff goes for premium prices on ebay) as I shrink and buying smaller stuff for a few more months, then repeating. I do have ahalf a wardrobe of stuff that was too small that is just coming into usefulness, so I won't need to buy just yet.
Re: My knickers are too big!
21 Jun 2013, 22:46
Julieathome - you're planning to sell it all!!! Including the knickers?

I had a night out on Wed and decided to wear something summery which needed a pale pair of knickers (I normally just wear black). The best ones colour wise were very loose. What a nice surprise and just as well I was wearing trousers.
Re: My knickers are too big!
22 Jun 2013, 02:03
My knickers are too big too and some (my very fashionable nanna ones) go past my waist and fold over!

I have been wearing out my walking clothes so will buy a couple more pants but trying to hold on until next season for more clothes.

The main difference I have noticed is my legs which look way more toned(the walking is paying off) and I am enjoying wearing things to show them off. My lovely scales reassure me that although I ahve lost less than 4 kilos of weight I have lost more than 5 kilos of fat which is cool. Last week I was told I had nice legs and that felt fantastic. I have no idea the last time anyone said anything nice about any part of my body let alone my legs. And it was said in front of my husband and he agreed so that doubled the warm and fuzzy feeling.
Re: My knickers are too big!
22 Jun 2013, 11:45
I'm not selling the knickers or the bras. The knickers are being turned into dusters and the bras into hanging baskets.
Re: My knickers are too big!
22 Jun 2013, 13:19
I HAVE to go to Marks and Sparks - yesterday I wore a dress and I had to resort to wearing an old pair of bikini bottoms (just in case!) :curse:
Re: My knickers are too big!
22 Jun 2013, 13:24
Julieathome wrote: I'm not selling the knickers or the bras. The knickers are being turned into dusters and the bras into hanging baskets.

:lol: :lol:
Re: My knickers are too big!
22 Jun 2013, 13:34
Great post, good ideas too. Don't you just love it when the effort reaps rewards.
Hang in there Annieliz, it is frustrating too, I think sue's point has merit eg mix it up a bit trick your body, best of luck too :clover:
Re: My knickers are too big!
22 Jun 2013, 13:36
No annieliz not sorry for yourself but concerned as to why you're not getting same results, I'm totally Gobsmaked as my weight-loss
I love walking and wasn't doing much at all so day one of this ''plan''
went out mid morning with bottle of water (which I detest big style)
That's how my fast days go now for me:-) walk - unwind on return with cup of tea + more water-long soaking bath change of clothing of course because they're wet+smelly more water by this time my bottles are smaller then slowly prepare evening meal, choosing salad/veg meal including chicken or fish, we all have same just different sizes.
The walking has helped me of course + now go bit further + sometimes quicker, m/obese i may be but have done 15 miles / 3 days and yes went on 4:3 2nd week in. The difference the last 2weeks clothes wise is Amazing, so mix it up + confuse your body :heart: Good Luck & keep in touch you can pm me coz I haven't had one of them LOL :clover: Sue
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