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Re: Warnings to all Newbies!
26 Mar 2016, 13:14
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Where's Simcoe?

He posts quite frequently on the fastdiet site.
Re: Warnings to all Newbies!
26 Mar 2016, 22:50
ADFnFuel wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Where's Simcoe?

He posts quite frequently on the fastdiet site.

He did go a while very upset (about fast day I think ) and confrontational if I recall, shame really as he had loads to offer. But what will be will be.
These things have a habit of happening, the natural passing of names and faces as people either get to goal or find something else to fill there time. .
Re: Warnings to all Newbies!
06 Feb 2017, 00:09
I appreciate the succinct and articulate way you presented these warnings, coming from a tenured "veteran" of IF! It rang a few alarm bells in me and outlined pitfalls that I will now avoid. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this in writing. I am in week 4, having lost somewhere between 3 and 4 lbs so far. I have had success in overcoming the discomfort I felt for a few minutes each fast day, and have felt very good about avoiding the compulsion to give in by eating what was not planned. My goals are incremental; my overall goal is 40 lbs by June 2017, but I will not be upset if I do not reach it, as long as the scale is going in the right direction! Most of all, I hope my blood pressure drops to a level where I will not need meds anymore. Thanks again for the input! :geek:
Re: Warnings to all Newbies!
06 Feb 2017, 21:57
Got to be one of my all time fave posts this one. And look at when it was posted. Fab stuff :oops:
Re: Warnings to all Newbies!
26 Mar 2018, 20:52
Thankyou! Inspiring...
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