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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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We took our kids on an extended Disney World vacation with the "Disney Dining Plan." When we left, I had lost about 26 pounds from my starting weight and was very worried about regaining. I was not willing to 'fast' on my vacation.

I used a 16:8 method every day. I did not eat anything or consume any calories at all until we had our first meal, usually around noontime, and then also at dinner, usually around 6 p.m. I was easily able to fast for 16 hours per day, sometimes it ended up being more like 18.

At meals, I ate a ridiculous amount of food. The dining plan we purchased gave one "counter service meal" per day and one "sit down meal" per day. The counter service meal was always choices like burger/fries (chips), pizza/salad, that sort of thing, a dessert and a drink. The sit down meal was similar - entree with side, beverage, dessert. The portions were *huge* and the desserts were absolutely decadent. I ate ridiculous amounts of food.

The 'snack' allowed on the plan was what hubby and kids used as breakfast - muffins, ice cream sandwich, other similar unhealthy stuff and I did a diet soda.

Granted, we were walking *miles* every day and were at the parks from open to close and so on. I've been exercising actively for months to build my endurance for the trip. Walking at vacation was much slower pace/more laid back than my exercise routine, but still lots of it. It was a fabulous vacation.

When I got home, I had LOST 2 more pounds!

The question, then: I'm back to my 5:2 routine, and I'm wondering if it is safe/healthy/okay to do 16:8 on my non-"true" fast days and then a full fast on the 2 actual "fast" days??

I find that I don't like to eat breakfast very much. More importantly, I find that once I start eating, it sort of turns on my appetite switch and I want to eat.

Anyway, I've chosen to fast for health reasons, not just weight loss. I've never been much of a breakfast eater yet that didn't prevent me from becoming overweight in the first place. I want to proceed on the wisest/healthiest course. I would welcome insight/opinion/personal experiences.
Hi Shanti,
If you don't find it a hardship to have an eating window I would say go for it. Lots of people tweak and rejig 5.2 to suit their lives and your plan sounds a good one. I have found that I have gravitated to a shorter eating window naturally, and almost never snack in between meals or in the evenings. I still fast one or sometimes two days a week and my weight is still trending downwards. :clover:
More than one day at Disney World? I don't think I could do that:) Congratulations on maintaing your weight loss.
I have seem nothing that would cause concern about the 16:8 routine on your Feast days - I could never do it as I can't function without breakfast. I have been curious about it though and have thought of having breakfast at 8:00 on Fast days, my big meal at 4:00 and nothing till the next morning...don't think that would be hard for me as I don't get that hungry overnight. Snacking is my worse temptation.
I don't eat breakfast and seem to do the 16:8 naturally along with the 5:2 and I feel great, so I don't see it being a problem for you, give it a go for a week and see how you get on :smile:
Welcome back shanti glad you had a great holiday I think you did amazing!!while I was away I must have gained coz it took 7days to get back to same weight and we did what seemed lots of walks, stick with what you're good at and see how it goes :clover: Sue
Well done. Keep doing what you were doing on holiday.
i agree, whatever works for you. I base my food intake on several different ideas I have picked up over the years and not only does it make it more fun, but I know I am getting a very wide variety of nutrients on a daily/weekly basis. Never felt so healthy and energetic as the past few weeks.
Good to,read that you lost weight on holiday
We are planning a few holidays this year ,i am really worried about putting on weight.i plan to do 16.8 and like you will probably walk a lot
Well done on the weight loss. Your plan sounds like a good one!!
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