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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Reluctantly! The 5:2 has been amazing for my husband. He wasn't much overweight but had a bit of a belly! With almost no effort, in three months, that has totally gone.

Me - started well. Then had major issues of feeling grotty. People on here, Carorees and Dominic suggested I look at my non-fast days and see if my problems were withdrawal from caffeine and carbs. They were right! I changed my fast days, to include caffeine and some carbs and felt better!

But, unless I want my husband to divorce me, I am going to have to stop. My temper is appalling! I didn't at first link fasting and misery! My body felt so good, I like the feeling of being empty! I am not really trying to lose weight but it was making maintaining my curent weight easierr.

But by about 4 in the afternoon, however I juggle my intake, whatver I eat, I hate the world and all those in it, especially my husband! He daren't talk to me! I am cross, depressed, hate my life. And am basically very nasty! I verge between wanting to throw things and wanting to cry.

I am fasting today for a last try! Trouble is as I now expect to be moody, it may happen! But I want to continue so am thinking positive! It is now 10:30. I had a medium skinny latte for breakfast, caffeine and carbs! Will next eat when I feel hungry, probably around 2, a bowl of home made veg soup. Then chicken and veg for dinner.

If anyone has any bright ideas......? Kate
Hi Kstep, I sympathise with you! I also get really hungry on my fast days and when hubbie is around I am a stroppy mare with him! I try to try to keep myself occupied on my own, ie reading, going on pc etc, as merlin also suggested going for a walk in the fresh air helps a bit. xx
Can you try and do something you love around that time? Something that makes you happy and is just for you. I get irritable on fasting days too, but my mood is at its worst in the mornings. Here's what I do when I feel the Fasting Rage coming on. I put on my favourite CD and dance around with my toddler. He loves the interaction and seeing mummy being silly, and I get to dance and sing the rage away. Works a treat. Then I reward myself with a cup of coffee and a sit down in front of the TV.
Sorry to hear you had such a tough time of it ((hugs)) I don't have any practical advice that can help but you not alone, I also have a time seem to be between 3.30 -4 pm ish to 6pm on fast day where my family run for the hills , I haven't found the magic cure yet but I am learning to recognise when those feelings are building and trying to do some to release them that doesn't involve turning into the incredible hulk like Monday I decided to take time out and walk way for 5 mins totally away like down to the corner of our street ,it still is an ongoing process for me only just 2 month since starting 5:2 so I'm still working it all out. Maybe someone will be along soon that could give you more practical help.
I am so sorry that you are struggling with your mood on fast days. Does this only happen then or do you get these intense feelings on non-fast days, too?

Do you keep your caffeine intake up throughout the fast day by drinking tea or coffee at regular intervals or might you still be suffering from caffeine withdrawal?

My husband and I only have one meal in the evening on our fast days, so I can't really help much with advice on your food, but it did occur to me that, if you are a carb lover (as I am) then perhaps some sort of carb with your lunch (a slice of brown bread, maybe), or mid-way through the afternoon, might see you through until it's time for dinner.

It might be worth allowing yourself a few more calories on a fast day in order to accommodate some carbs, say 700 instead of 500, even if that slows down your weight loss very slightly.

I hope this helps and that today is much easier for you. After all , we wouldn't want murder to be done and 5:2 to get the blame! I am not fasting today (yesterday was our day) but I will keep my fingers crossed for you. :clover:

Keep us posted on your decision, whichever way it goes.
I think my grumpiness on fasting days pretty much stopped after 3-4 months - only occasionally do I get ratty on a fast day now, and more often than not it's for other reasons! It was dreadful for my first 2 fasts after getting back from holiday (no fasting for a week), it was like starting again! Fine again now though and if I'm feeling a bit stressed I try to hop on the exercise bike for a bit, it does seem to help. I hate exercise, but 20 mins of daytime TV and a gentle cycle isn't too bad ;)

Have you tried allowing yourself a small piece of dark choc? That's good for mood. Don't even worry about the calories if it makes your day easier :) You can have a decent sized piece for about 50 cals.
I'd completely agree with Moogie. My grumpiness also resolved itself and was perhaps the last fast-day side-effect to resolve. I think it just takes some people a long time for the body to adapt properly to fasting. Try Moogie's tips.
I can get grumpy too around meal time so the advice given above sounds good.

The other thing is we girls just don't have as quick a run as the guys with our weight loss so hang in there slow and steady wins the race

All the best :clover: :clover: :heart: :clover: :clover:
Hi Kstep as you say you don't want to lose more weight just maintain why don't you give yourself a holiday from diets and fasting days. You may put on the odd few pounds but are likely to return refeshed, more motivated and maybe less grumpy :wink:

I think its important to set a time limit for your 'holiday' say two weeks ?
hugs - have only quickly skimmed the other replies but could it be worth you swapping to 16/8 or if its the 2nd fast of the week that gets you grumpy go to 6/1 for a few weeks rather than give up completely?

Pity you're struggling because you already know this is a brilliant woe
I'm not much help I'm afraid coz I get non of those feelings, if you can convince yourself to carry on Good try something to distract yourself in the afternoons I do walks (mornings) mainly for that reason + also helps as I've loads to lose, Just found tesco's light choices veg cup soup 57 Cal's help keep hunger at bay also beef oxo But more important if you have to for sanity sake go to 600ish that may work for you, just mix it up a little :clover: Good Luck :victory: Sue
That's true, if it's just for maintenance you could adapt things a bit - 6:1 as jeniben suggests could work, likewise 16:8 feeding windows. You could try a combination of 6:1 and a low cal, but not very low cal day, or perhaps two fasts of 800 cals, allowing you a good bit more food - bananas are supposed to be filling, energising and great for mood :)
Hi Kstep, Good on you for having another try today! I try to keep my mood fairly stable by making sure that I have something to eat 3 times in the day with the last meal being the most substantial. Keeping really busy on a low calorie day also helps plus holding onto the thought that tomorrow you can eat normally and have a guilt-free treat. Drinking lots of water throughout the day eases the hunger pangs. This weather doesn't help mood so I wonder if that may be affecting you as it is me.
I was thinking along the same lines as Jenben. If you don't have much weight to loose turn your fast days into 16/8 and allow yourself 700 - 800 Cals, that would be better than giving up altogether . I wish you good luck :clover: The days when we don't have to fuss over what we are eating is so very much worth the hassle of two very low calorie days :wink:
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