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MyFitnessPal v Fitday - poll

I use FitDay to record my calorie intake
I use MyFitnessPal to record my calorie intake
I use My Fat Secret to record my calorie intake
No votes
I use Nutracheck to record my calorie intake
I use another website to record my calorie intake
I don't bother to record my calorie intake
I much prefer pen and paper - you know where you are with this
Total votes : 46

Thanks Phil. My mobile is only a cheapo one at the mo. My decent Android one died and Orange refused to replace it so I just got one off Ebay to last until I can upgrade. It leaves me very limited as to what apps will run. It breaks out in a sweat with MFS but that works the other way round with the percentages only accessible on the full version.
I submitted an answer of "not bothering to record..."but truly I do it in my head...have been doing so for many years...ask me how many calories I ate any time of the day and I will tell you. Can't stop doing this , can't bother to record.
I was using mfp, but got sucked into the drama of their forums and finally had to delete my account, since it was taking up a ridiculous amount of my time lol. I'll have to look into some of the other sites mentioned :) I'm only spot checking my calories, so I may just get a nice journal and do it the old fashioned way from here on out.
Megashelley wrote: Carorees - do you find Calorie Count igives accurate values for food and does it do exercise.


Who knows what is accurate?! So far it seems OK, but you find that there are many many options for each foodstuff, presumably because they are different brands or been added by different people, so unless I am using a food that has the calories stated on it, I choose one that is around the middle of the range that I can see on the list.

It does do exercise and tracks weight and gives you a trendline on the weight and analyses your food intake according to your diet goals (you can set not only calories but also how much fat, carbs, protein etc etc you want to aim for. The app is a bit clunky still, but the website is fine.
hi 1st ever post ** waves madly** :wink: I use nutracheck because it was the last diet I did. Still paying for it though :shock: so I may cancel and use a free one instead. X
I only figure out calories for my Fast Days. I have got it pretty simplified so I normally don't need to look anything up. If I do, I just google it...
I use Spark People ( It includes areas for fitness, nutrition, measurement checking. They also have recipes, many from scratch, so I have branched out in my cooking endeavors! They have fitness videos and health articles,all kinds of stuff, including message boards which I don't use at all because I LOVE this site so much!

I am not using the nutrition tracker as religiously as I did, as I think I have a good handle on portions. When I don't know a calorie count or when I eat out, I'll put it in to check what calories I'm eating.
I've never heard of Spark People. Worth investigating...
I already voted for mfp, but I wanted to mention that I only use it on fast days!
me too, only on fast days.
I don't record.
In the past I used MyNetDiary if I'm eating name brand food.

If I was making a recipe I used the USDA food database. I figure the other websites are probably taking their numbers from the USDA anyway.

With 5:2 though I eat super simple on fast days and don't need to track. Other days I just eat sensibly and keep a general eye on things.
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