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MyFitnessPal v Fitday - poll

I use FitDay to record my calorie intake
I use MyFitnessPal to record my calorie intake
I use My Fat Secret to record my calorie intake
No votes
I use Nutracheck to record my calorie intake
I use another website to record my calorie intake
I don't bother to record my calorie intake
I much prefer pen and paper - you know where you are with this
Total votes : 46

Just a bit of research...

If you click 'another website', please let us all know which one you use.
I use My Fat Secret. Tried MFP but I prefer the way Fat Secret gives a percentage breakdown.
Thanks, I've added them to the poll.

Hmmm... by adding to the poll, I seem to have wiped out some previous data. Sorry.
I might need to start over...
I use calorie count because I like their recipe calculator.
I voted that I don't count calories, but I did for about five weeks early on using myfitnesspal.
I voted 'pen and paper', but in fact I record my calorie intake in an Excel spreadsheet that then produces a nice graph for me, with scary teeth, boring plateaus and everything. Perhaps this option should/could be added to the poll?
Hi Josie, I think, when I add options to the poll, it cancels all votes previously cast. I'd like to add it, but (until anyone can tell me otherwise) don't want to change it yet.
Thanks for your reply. Where do you record your calorie intake? If I may ask?
I'm using MyFitnessPal. But, I use it in the full knowledge that it doesn't actually give accurate nutritional info. You also have to watch carefully, when creating your recipes, that each ingredient has the correct caloric value. As a general guide to cals it's fine.
However, If you believed the data on MFP, you'd feel that you were always deficient in Potassium, Iron, Vit A, Calcium and dietary fibre, even on feast days. Luckily, I know I'm eating a fairly well balanced diet. And bottom line - I'm losing the blubber - YAY!
I use MFP, but have investigated Fit Day recently. I couldn't get on with it at all. Just lead me to wonder what else is 'out there'.
I think it was Carorees who pointed us to calorie count if it's called that. It analyzes recipes and I think it's quite accurate. You'll find it here if you're interested: Anyway, thanks to the person who passed on this site, I find it very useful.
Carorees - do you find Calorie Count igives accurate values for food and does it do exercise.

I use MFP for general calorie checks and when I make a new recipe. I don't use it daily just if I want to track a day or two. Also, there are so many of the products I use listed but have to be careful as it is user based data and some errors or package differences can make entry a bit interesting, lol

If I want to now the breakdown of micronutrients I use, it has some very interesting graphs and information. Nutritiondata also has recipe and other features but I haven't really explored it that much other than getting the micronutrients ie: fatty acid omega-3 and omega-6 ratio's and such.
miffy49 wrote: I use My Fat Secret. Tried MFP but I prefer the way Fat Secret gives a percentage breakdown.

MFP does that but bizarrely only on the mobile phone app not the web site.
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