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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I initially fasted for 5 weeks and had pleasing results...10 lbs off in that time. Then we had a bereavement in the family (FIL passed away) and during the time of nursing him in his illness and then his death the diet went to pot.

Well I started back with still a good 7 lbs still down...and then I thought - well if I'm seeing good results with 5:2 maybe I'll see better with 4:3...nuh huh...bad move! What this did for me was made me STARVING and set off an old pattern of my binge/purge habits. Then trying to fast and ending up with an evening of stuffing my face.

So I'm drawing a line in the sand and getting back to a fast tomorrow and going to approach it with the thought that this is for health and that the weight loss (which will happen :victory: ) will be slow and steady - which trumps no weight loss at all!!

I look forward to some encouragement along the way!
Welcome back to the wagon, I hope tomorrow goes well for you :clover:
It sounds as if you have had a very tricky time, emotionally, so don't be too down on yourself. If you are anything like me, before 5:2 you would have gained loads of weight by over-eating in times of stress, so well done!

Good for you for sorting out your head and coming back here to where you belong! As you say, you are still seven pounds to the good, the other three pounds will go quite quickly and you are already familiar with how this whole WOE works. Now this forum has been established for a few months we are getting regular reports of people with substantial losses, achieved at a steady (sometimes slow) rate - all of which is very encouraging and should reinforce your newly-found belief in a slow loss being OK.

Good luck with your weight loss journey, back on the wagon, and here is encouragement coming your way! :clover:
Welcome back and I am sorry for your loss.

It didn't take you long to gain the 3 pounds, so it may not take you long to lose them when you get on a steady 5:2 routine. After that, definitely get your head round a slow process. I think they have recently started giving in the progress tracker a projected date for reaching whatever goal you have set, based on your current rate of loss. I've only got about a further stone to lose and it's saying that at my current rate of loss I won't reach goal till October! But by then I am hoping these habits will be really ingrained and second nature and I will be much more likely to maintain it. Good luck and do come in for encouragement whenever you need it :-)
Good for you for coming back. Sorry you have had this sad time in your family.

I too have learnt that only slow and steady works for me. But boy, does it work! I've had to give away all the summer clothes I bought last year at size 18, and even the size 14 linen trousers I bought just last month already need a belt to keep them up. I'm planning to go back to the shops next week to see how the size 12 fits.

5:2 works for me, it works for you, no need to make it harder for ourselves!
Those of us with a history of eating disorders must be vigilant with this WOE that it doesn't become a guise for slipping back into bad habits.

I commend you for admitting this (even with the anonymity of this forum) and encourage you to stick to the 5:2. Be good to yourself!
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