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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So..... I done this feb-April and hardly lost a thing. I'm still plodding along being obese and decided to give this another go.
I've been fasting today and whilst I'm STARVING lol, I'm doing ok. I've had a cup of tea and a 20cal slice of turkey. Tonight I'm going to have fresh turkey breast, veg and sweet potato.

I really hope I can post some more positive things on here, reading the stories just make me want to kick this fat in the ass for the last time. Im going to measure myself tonight & i weighed myself this morning. i have 64 lbs to lose! Here goes, one fast at a time. For the last time hopefully.

Wish me luck xx
I'm just getting started too and have a similar amount to lose. I've decided to focus on the first 5 pounds for now. Then move up to the first 15 pounds. I figured it might make things a bit easier.

I'm on my third fast day today and feeling hungry but reading the group has helped motivate me.
Hi Betty and Welcome back and yes the very best of luck 2nd time around, I've fasted today also and only had drinks so far but my roast chicken dinner is calling, I save my calories until evening meal because it suits me that way, I tried in early days to have lunch/brunch but I got so hungry, so put an end to that. :clover: Sue
Hi BettyB4,

Welcome back and I really hope that this time you find your way a bit easier because if you can just stick at it you will get there. My weight loss was depressingly slow and I had a couple of plateaux along the way and almost threw in the towel but I so wanted to be slim again that I just gritted my teeth (this is a VERY good way to restrict what you eat :grin: :grin: :grin: ) and stuck with it. Once my stubborn fat body got the hang of it it got easier so I hope you have the same success, good luck,

Ballerina x :heart:
Good luck this time around, BettyB4. If you didn't lose much weight last time, then perhaps you could think about why that was and change the way you do things this time? Was it because you struggled with 'normal eating' when you weren't fasting? Were you too strict with yourself on non-fasting days therefore leading to massive binges? There are lots of reasons why it may not have worked but you will only find out why if you are really truthful with yourself.

There are plenty of people on this forum who have similar amounts of weight to lose as you, so you are not alone! The average weight loss is one pound per week, so, hopefully, your head is in the right place to devote 64 weeks to this WOE before moving to maintenance. As Carleneruns says, small goals will help to make it seem more manageable and there is plenty of advice and support here.

Best wishes for a slim future. Onwards and downwards!
Welcome back Betty, good luck with sticking to it this time around, it is so simple and easy to do once you get into the swing of it. Sometimes it will be weeks with no weight loss then you get up one morning and 5lbs have disappeared over night. Good luck
Good luck.

Try to stay positive and may you were a little bit to hard with yourself the first time round. I am still a newby myself but so far so good. As for your 64 pounds I am not brave enough to work mine out. It's more than 64 that's for sure but I am just taking it one day/ one week at a time. See how things go.

Good luck
Welcome back! Remember this takes time!
Welcome back!!!

I personally find that eating *anything* just makes me a lot hungrier on fast days. I don't consume anything before my evening meal, except black coffee, herbal tea (hot or iced -- really loving iced peppermint tea right now!), water and fizzy water with a squirt of lemon or lime.

Then at about 6pm I eat all of my calories - or I attempt it! I have learned I have to put only about 250 or 300 calories on my plate now, or I often can't finish the whole thing. Then I have the rest of my calories right before bed.

If you're having trouble controlling your hunger during the day, you might want to try no calories before dinner.
Wow, thanks guys. Nice to see some familiar names :)

Honestly I don't know why I didn't lose last time. I'm fairly active, sometimes I thought maybe not eating enough on non fast days but I've invested in a fitbit and a new gym membership with a pool (yeah)! I just hope I can manage the mood swings on fast days this time.

I've just had my cals in a healthy dinner and I've saved 40 cals for a wee options before bed.

Well done and good luck everyone xx
I was in a similar situation. Started in February, and up to mid-April I lost 4kg. But in April I suffered a personal loss and totally fell off the wagon and have put back on all that I lost. My head was all over the place, and I wasn't in the right frame of mind to focus on it. I came back to it last week, and I'm coping OK so far. Good Luck!
hello BettyB4,, I too have been at this since 7th April 2013, have managed to lose a stone with loads yet to lose admittedly through my own fault that I haven't lost far more,,overdoing it on non-fast days!! but in saying that still a stone with such an easy woe. cant complain really,,you stick at it even if slow and steady but also what to me is more important no more BP came away down yippee..... x :clover:
Hi BettyB4 there are lots of good recipes here I find they help a lot to get the cals right. Can't say I have mood swings (but my DH would probably begs to differ) but had to conquer killer headaches and I did that by trying the different variations of 5:2 until I found which one suited me the best.

I think going the distance is part of the key and rolling with the ups ( was going to say downs but that is what disappoints with scales at least) as Ballerina says plateaus (or other blocks) come along but just hang in there keep us company, yell out if you struggle as help and support is at hand and hope it is much better for you this time around
Hi BettyB4. I too have a FitBit and I LOVE it. I am pretty anal about reaching 10,000 steps a day. On fast days when I feel an uncontrollable urge coming I head to the parking garage and walk the ramps. Takes me 15 minutes and usually wipes any hunger the added bonus of getting more steps. Be strong, you can do this!
Good luck, stick with it if you can. I am back to my old pre menopause weight and I didn't think I would see that again. I have also found that it all gets easier as it goes along. I'm afraid that my husband would agree about the moods but I still think my snappiness is justified :)
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