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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I know this is all quite new, but if you started straight after the original Horizon documentary then some of you have been going a few months now and it would be interesting to know if you are still losing weight?
I've certainly not been doing it the longest, but I have been doing it for around 6 months and I am indeed still losing weight - albeit at a slower rate than initially. On average it's about 1lb a week but some weeks I stay the same and some weeks I might lose 1.5-2lbs. Can't complain, I eat what I like - treats and all :) Great to see the scales going downwards rather than upwards, despite not cutting anything out of my life! (well, except some calories 2 days a week ;))
I started on 3 August, and I am still losing weight - it slowed down after the first two stone and I am now doing 4:3 most of the time, but I anticipate doing this for the foreseeable future. I have lost 30% of the weight I want to lose, but still have a long way to go.
Fantastic, Liz, you are an inspiration to us all!
Hi ginger

Erm...I could possibly have been going the longest on these forums, since I started this WOL on 27th Feb last year. But people like Brad Pilon (author of Eat, Stop, Eat) has been practicing IF for about six years (google him, he's an interesting guy. His website is referenced in The Fast Diet).

I didn't start IFing because I wanted to lose weight, although I suspected I'd lose the kilo or so I added over the previous Christmas, but I wanted the health benefits.

The kilo very quickly went and I just kept losing weight - I ended up losing about 10kg, destroying the myth about middle-aged spread in the process.

So I've been maintaining my weight at around 9st 2-4 since November. I find I have to consciously eat more on my feeding days - otherwise, I would indeed, carry on losing weight!

I don't see myself giving up this regime - for interest I do 6:1 with a 'mini-fast' later in the week - I feel energised and I'm in the best condition I've been in for many years. I love these forums (and the threads on Mumsnet) where everyone helps everyone else - and I'm blown away by some of the stories of people rediscovering themselves that I read.

I've been blogging about my experiences, and the research I've come across, on my blog if anyone is interested.

BTW, you can imagine my delight in August last year, when Dr Mosley's programme validated all that I'd read and what I was practicing. :D :D

Best wishes, B&W
Hi ginger

I started in early Aug just after the programme also. I really started to gain the health benefits not to lose weight, but I did need to lose a stone or so before starting.

Like breadandwine I have continued to lose weight. But, I have tried to carry on doing 5:2, however despite increasing my intake on feed days I am still dropping (my weight target was 11st, I weighted 10st 2lbs this morning). I had hoped to be able to carry on doing 5:2 until my next health review and blood tests so as to get an accurate account of what effects this diet is having on my health. I’m tested regularly due to high BP.

I really don’t want to go below 10st and would rather get back to 10.6-7 so I am doing 6:1 as now.
Wow. You ladies have done amazingly well which is very encouraging for us just starting out.
Thank you for posting your inspiring stories.
What an amazing group you are and your experiences are so valuable to share with new people like me. You all have inspired me to stick with this new way of eating & living with my hope that I will be healthier as well.
Thank you for sharing your 5:2 experience with us all.
Started in September - when term started.
Do not intend to lose any more weight.
BMI of 20.5 is fine by me.
Now I just want to stay this size for ever
Started August 2012.. has mostly been 4:3 but didn't do too much over christmas period and had a couple of weeks at 5:2 since.. I'm just thinking if I'm maintaining or going to push for those last (psychological) 7lbs , I have now have lost 22 lbs and gone from 26.3 to 22.8.and have lost over 4 inches from my middle . like TIP I just want to stay slim forever now .. No more yo yoing!

This is a way of eating (WOE) for life now I think
I started in late September as you can see in my profile. I have lost weight every week since. Sometimes as little as 100g and sometimes closer to a kilo. I'm sure it depends on what I've eaten and partly on how much fluid is in my system when I weigh myself, even though I try to do it at the same time and under the same conditions every week. Like Moogie I don't calorie count my feed days. I'm now over half-way to my goal weight of around 82 kg, having started at 107kg.
Thanks all. As I start my 13th fast day I am inspired by your stories, and wish everyone all the best for the next weeks and months...
I have been doing this for longer than I realised, about 5 months. I have quite a long way to go with regards to weight loss but have introduced exercise and hopefully this will spur on some new weightloss. I have lost weight quickly in the past but I will be happy with slow and steady if I can keep the weight off for a change.
Only been doing it for 1 week and lost 2pds so far. This is my 2nd week and if all goes well and I feel I'm going to continue this until I get to my weight loss goal.. Congrats to all of you who have lost wieght and are keeping this up.. Job Well done!!!
Hi, I started calorie counting in June last year, after having had a total hip replacement (at age 54) and realising I HAD to shed weight to protect the other hip from having to be replaced sooner than necessary. At my heaviest I was 15.5 stone and, due to the pain in my hip, doing barely any exercise. Started serious calorie counting after my hip op (May, weighing 14st), then saw Horizon programme last summer but put off starting on it until after our summer hols in September, then waiting to see GP for discussion, bloods etc., Finally started 5:2 in November at 13st . Now weigh 12st 4lb and continuing to shed weight slowly but surely and this is by far the easiest way I've ever found of doing it. It's been a life changer for me - from barely being able to put one foot in front of the other to now be back to 'normal' and painfree, shedding weight and feeling/looking so much better for it. I can't say enough about this WOL - wish I'd found it about 10 years earlier - but better late than never. I want to shed another 2.5 st to get down to 10st - various charts tell me I should be about 9.5 st, but I'm trying to be realistic. If I reach 10st I shall be absolutely ecstatic. To be honest, if I stopped shedding weight even now I know that I've lost 3 st, have found a new lease of life, and a new way of eating and would be happy to settle at that..... but the scales are still going downwards so I'm more than happy! 5:2 for life now, that's me !
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