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NL (New Low) SHOUT OUT from JR
20 Jul 2013, 04:17
thought id create a thread so i can boast whenever i go a notch down on the scales. ive got 11 notches to go to reach my mini Christmas goal of under 70kg or 11 stone

if you have a NL (new low) shout out go ahead and add to the thread. i know i keep starting threads and nooks in this forum and dont mean to really.. just really in the groove of gaining optimum health and weight.

original post read

I was not eating for 2 days running and reached a brand new low when i counted today.. (3.5kg under my start weight on 5:2/4:3)

Does it count? Thinking i should be exhilarated but I wasn't eating properly in the latter part of this week, but not for 5:2 regime reasons.

I'm all well and today is feast day so we shall see. I guess what happened this week is a bit like unintentional extended fasting, which i know is shunned here and rightfully so.

But the good news is my 'sis declared shes lost a whopping 2.5 kg in 1 month bringing total weight loss to approx 6.5 kg ... whoohooo. This WOL works!

P.S. Can a moderator fix my height. should be 171 cm ... my BMI showing on my profile is way out of wack
Hey, go for it! After all, we have to live with it/own it when it's plain old water weight that sends the scale up. Congratulations! Besides, when you're sick, your body conserves energy and the scale doesn't really change much. :lol: Congrats as well to your sister! :victory:
I say nope it doesn't count. It'll come back quickly. It was water loss and less food in the gut. Of course if it's just to needle your sister, then we won't tell her. ;)
O'Dell wrote: I say nope it doesn't count. It'll come back quickly. It was water loss and less food in the gut. Of course if it's just to needle your sister, then we won't tell her. ;)

If it was your 'official' weigh-in day then it counts - otherwise, I'm afraid it doesn't!

Well done to you and your sister. This WOE is obviously working for you both. :smile:
Well I weigh myself daily so I guess it was official. Goes on my fridge door notice for everyone to see plus Progress Tracker. I added a note about the illness on the tracker and also my fridge door notice. For each day, I mention if I've fasted or feasted the night before or if ive done anything out of the ordinary. If only I was so diligent about all my other activities and paperwork stuff.
If you weigh daily, then you must be used to seeing your weight go up and down. I have read on other posts from daily-weighers that they can have huge gains and losses. As long as the overall trend is downwards, then enjoy the moment but be mentally prepared for a gain!
After first feast day after this illness, my weight is still in a good zone so Im happy :-)
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
P.S. Can a moderator fix my height. should be 171 cm ... my BMI showing on my profile is way out of wack

Juliana, only @Moogie can change your stating info in the tracker. If you send her a PM I'm sure she'll do it as soon as she has chance. :)
A week and a half after that first post about my illness and ive only gained 1kg since.. so still way under earlier readings so the illness must have just sped things up somewhat. Probably not something you can plan for but its interesting that it didnt go back to what it was pre-illness. I guess an accidental extended fasting which is I know shunned here as it should be.
Hope you are fully recovered now, and congrats on keeping the weight loss going!
I had a similar experience to you: If you look at my progress tracker you will see a big dip in the middle, where I had Norovirus for 3 days (urgh). Think I lost about 4 pounds in 2 days, a lot from dehydration sure, but a bit of real weight loss in there aswell I think. Then I didnt lose much more for several weeks but then things picked up again and I kept the downwards trend going. The only thing that cheered me up slightly during the hideous weekend of illness was "this counts as a bonus fasting day right?" :)
Update on this post.
Yep the illness did i think skew things artificially and ive been hovering above the low of late July till this morning when i got a new low ! . now 3.6 kg under start weight. And my sis just keeps getting lower and lower in weight. 12kg loss in just 3 or 4 months.

3.6 for me is nearly half my target weight loss which made me think about numbers. stand by for another academy award winning new post. lol
Juliana, good for you. Heck, I'll take any loss myself!

Congrats on that scale going down.
3 weeks after last NL recording so updating my post. now its 71.2kg (3.8kg loss since starting 6.5 months ago.

:snail: slow and steady is my way it seems in the weight loss arena. 1.2 kg only to go till i see that 69 figure.
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