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Effect on menstrual pain?
08 Feb 2013, 07:52
This has probably been covered before but has anyone else noticed a reduction in menstrual cramps with this diet? I usually have them really bad on the first day of my period, def have to take painkillers a couple of times in the day. I have only been on 5:2 a month but my last period was completely pain-free and I am hoping its related. I shall find out this month I guess. :)
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
08 Feb 2013, 08:12
Oh wow, I don't have this problem any more but used to get it really bad, it would be great if this is another benefit of 5:2ing
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
08 Feb 2013, 11:19
I haven't had a period yet, but I'm one of those that suffers badly... disabling, crippling pain for one day and sometimes two. If this had an effect, I would be overjoyed!!
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 14:34
Last month I had crippling period pain, the worst I have ever had, but this month nothing ,not even had to take a single paracetamol which is very unusual for me.
Hopefully this is another benefit of the diet
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 14:47
I too have noticed a significant difference on how my body reacts to periods. I have a lot less cramps and bloating. But my weight is still going crazy during that week and going up and down, which is not helping. :doh:
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 14:54
Actually now you mention it this month mine came early (sure I'm approaching menopause)
And I had no idea till I went to the loo. No pain no cramps nothing!
I do hope it's another positive side effect of this WOE.
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 15:19
I've definitely noticed I don't get the cramps I used to get. In fact for the last 3-4 months I haven't even realised I've started! Normally I'd know from the cramps & twinges that it was about to begin, now nothing!

I still get my random hot flushes, emotions and everything else my period entails, but not the internal aches and pains.
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 15:23
Mine arrived unexpectedly, I don't ususally track them as the cramps and severe PMT give me notice. I was amazed that this month I hadn't had any, never thought it could be the diet but if it's happened to others it's possible.
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 17:24
Hi , I think I've posted on another thread about this but I'll add my experience here too.

Since I started 5:2 so far I've had two periods and both took me completely by suprise, no symptoms that I usually get. Normally I know a few days before because of cravings, mood swings and generally feeling queezy especially in the evening. The last two months nothing at all! Both took me completely by suprise to the point I thought I must have been early but on checking the diary exactly 28 days. I'm lucky that I don't suffer cramps so no change on that score but the lack of feeling rubbish for a few days before is great as far as I'm concerned.
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 17:47
Same here - I have my period at the moment, the second since starting 5:2 and it took me by surprise as there were no cramps. I still felt a bit weepy (its the only time I do!) and the scales went up, but no cramps at all.
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 18:50
I suffer very heavy periods and have to take tranexamic acid and mefenamic acid to reduce it - or at least I choose to rather than having a hysterectomy. I have noticed a big improvement over the last couple of months, so here's hoping I might eventually be able to come off the medication.
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 18:59
My cramping was less painful this month too, will wait to see if this is repeated next month before I roll out the bunting, though
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 19:36
had my contraceptive implant out on Wednesday. I had a few cramps today...dreading it!!!
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
22 Mar 2013, 19:51
Joltek wrote: This has probably been covered before but has anyone else noticed a reduction in menstrual cramps with this diet?
Same - no pain killers needed last month.
Re: Effect on menstrual pain?
26 Mar 2013, 23:06
I am amazed as I just started this- and for the first time in years I have had no pain! My period was just as heavy- but no pain or fatigue! I wonder how this works... I thought maybe was coincidence until I read that others had found the same! Looking forward to seeing if the same thing happens next month. I will definitely keep this eating pattern up!
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