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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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How did you first hear about 5:2?

Horizon programme watched when first broadcast
Horizon programme watched from web
Other TV/Radio broadcast
Word of mouth
Radio times/Daily Mail or other newspaper
The Fast Diet book
Other 5:2 book (e.g. Kate Harrison)
No votes
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Total votes : 36

How did you find out about 5:2?
11 Feb 2013, 11:54
I am curious about how everyone found this forum & also started following 5:2?
I saw the original Horizon tv programme last August but didn't then consider doing it although I found the research very interesting. Then in January after signing up to the Rosemary Conley online diet & yet again trying to lose weight I read the supplement in the Radio Times about The Fast Diet . I was already feeling a little disheartened with the prospect of calorie counting for the rest of the year & after reading the handout realised Dr Mosley had written a book & it gave links to his website so searching Google I found this forum. Reading of your inspiring experiences I felt very positive & thought that yes I can try this! So I bought the book & have ordered the recipe book & here I am on my 5th fast & 3rd week. This seems so much more manageable in the long term & allows a social life & with the health benefits also a new way of life for me. So all good so far & I have just fitted into a previously too tight pair of jeans.
Isis :D
Hi Isis and welcome to the forums :)

I started 5:2 in August a day or so after watching the documentary & it really has changed my life. It's so much easier than daily restricting and I actually enjoy my fasts too - I like the 'game' of "how much food can I fit into 500 cals"?!

Great to hear that it has been working for you too, isn't it great when the jeans start to fall down and you can go back to a smaller pair? My 'smaller' pair are now starting to fall down too and I suspect I will need to go shopping soon!
Thanks Moogie.
Unfortunately I already have a wardrobe full of clothes that I am waiting to fit into but later in the year I will go shopping with a vengeance. But it is great getting smaller.
Hi Isis

I've turned this into a poll for you as I thought it would be fun to see the results! Hope that's OK?

I was chatting to another Mum whilst on the sidelines watching DS play football, in late October. She was telling me about her fasting experience. I was immediately fascinated and as soon as I got home I found the Horizon programme on YouTube and watched it with great interest. I found Dr Mosley's twitter feed and picked up some more tips and I did a bit of internet research and did my first fast the next day!
I read the articles in the Mail on Sunday by Dr M and Mimi and then bought the book which I read in a day and then did my first fast a couple of days later.
Thank you Carorees
Brilliant to turn it into a poll, I have added mine
Thank you
I put "Horizon programme watched when first broadcast" although it was actually several weeks afterwards when we got around to watching the recording we'd made of it on our PVR...

I found out about the diet through Amazon - Michael's book was the Kindle Daily Deal.

The frustrating thing is that when I've mentioned this to several of my friends, many of them have said 'oh yes, I've heard of that / someone I know is doing that diet and getting great results'. Why did none of them tell me about this diet before!!
Hello everyone, Im not sure where it first grabbed my interest..probably the article in Daily Mail. Im almost sixty and have tried every diet under the sun, albeit usually briefly.
I did a kind of wobbly dummy run last tuesday and thursday and managed to somehow lose 4lb. Therefore im very interested in doing things properly now. Hopefully i will learn from these forums.
I have got the book on my kindle and find it fascinating. Im looking forward to finally getting rid of the puppy fat, middle age spread and menopausal flab who all refuse to leave !!
Good luck to anyone else just joining in :)
This poll might be worth resurrecting given another 5 months have passed as so many more people here
Great idea Juliana :like: :like: :like:
Cripes yes, how many members were there mid-feb - not a lot I think. I joined at the end if Feb & have seen member numbers rise enormously (not because I joined :lol:)

I've put "word of mouth" but it was actually AI (an expat forum that used to be quite active, and interesting at times, until they changed it's format)
Wouldnt the Fast Diet book as an option be misleading as you wouldnt know about the book or look at buying it if you didnt know about 5:2

maybe it can be renamed say

Bookstore (Online or Shop)

or something?
I started after I read a couple of articles in the Independent and the Time magazine in February last year.

But I do NOT want to tick the Daily Fail option!
The fast diet book was on offer on Amazon, around the time I was thinking about losing weight.
We were big Olympic Games fans so the tv programme never passed our radar.
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