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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I do lose 1lb for each fast day. But the impact of red wine at the weekend cancels out part of it so my average loss per week was around 1.5 lb - then again I am a gym bunny.
Hi yes my husband is on this diet with me. It is the best diet he has ever tried as he is actually getting slimmer by the week. I feel the same. I like the way there isn't any pressure to watch what you eat on 5 days of the week, so it doesn't feel like a strict diet.
Because my husband does 95% of the cooking in our house, his diet is terrible! He kindly cooks me fish & veg, etc, and will then tuck in to a huge plate of ribs followed by cheese himself. Voicing my concerns falls on deaf ears and he is over 2 stone heavier than he was when we met 25 years ago. I started the 5:2 diet 2 weeks ago after reading about it in the press, as I need to lose about a stone. Luckily my resolve to start with this new lifestyle co-incided with his visit to the doctor who told him he must lose some weight. So he has joined me on 5:2, and is surprisingly good at fasting. Calorie counting is completely new to him, but we enjoy going through the low calorie recipes each week and choosing something tasty for fast days. However, while I am trying to keep to a healthy diet the rest of the week, he still eats all the normal high fat, high calorie stuff washed down with wine or beer - and very irritatingly is losing weight much faster than I am! I console myself in the knowledge that he will get lighter but I will be healthier!
Yes, mine is! He actually finds fasting very cleansing (for religious reasons I think). It's great doing it together. My husband has high blood pressure, digestive issues and restless leg, so I'm hoping this helps him.
Hi my OH started with me and must say its great when I think of all the diets I have tried on my own working together is Sooo much easier
We are on our 3rd week and OH has lost 7lb I have lost lb "there's no justice is there" I have lost an inch from waist but hey watch this space !!
My OH has just started doing 6:1 for the health benefits, although he is not sure whether the benefits of only fasting one day will be sufficient. I would have thought he would have got some of the benefits and he doesn't have any weight to lose so one is more than enough. I have tried all manner of ways of losing weight and getting fit and have just started out on my own journey, but if this works for me then it is very liberating for all sorts of reasons.
I always have the same thing on fast days though to remove thinking too much about food from the equation!
Fasting / Bowel problems.

Think of vacuuming a carpet.
A quick scoot round the middle of the room = the break that your system gets to repair between normal meals
Pull all the furniture away from the walls and go round with a brush = the chance to heal and recuperate that the digestion gets during a 24 hour fast.

Hence why lots and lots and lots of people on the big mumsnet threads found that fasting cleared up IBS and other bowel problems.

THe main thing is to make sure that on the non fast days you are having LOTS of veg.
My (fit, strong, exercising, slim, normal weight) DH is doing 6:1 purely for the health benefits.
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