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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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How many partners are also fasting?
Mine recorded the original Horizon documentary and after we'd watched it together I immediately knew that this was for me. Hubby has shown some interest, but has so far declined to join me.. :roll:
I wish he would, but know better than to suggest it! Have instead started a positive (& truthful) campaign about how good it makes me feel ;)
Mine isn't but has lost weight in sympathy and is now underweight to my eye...
Hi I have just joined the forum. My husband and I both started the 5:2 2 weeks ago. I am the one who really needs to lose weight but he was interested in the health benefits and also knows it would be easier for me to have the support (bless him). Typically in our first 2 weeks he has lost 4 lbs and I have only lost 1. I think i may have been overdoing the feed days as i have been on a constant diet for the last 20 years and have felt liberated - but may be a little too much. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is doing and getting ideas for fast days. :)
My OH watched the Horizon documentary when it was first on and badgered me for a few weeks to watch it until I did. Then I got the bug and we both started it together, and are still doing it. She hasn't lost any weight since Xmas though, but she really doesn't need to. My weight is going down more slowly now too, but it is still working and the other health benefits are really compelling.

My only problem with it is the amount of time I've spent recently on this forum. ;)
Mine is. But we don't eat together on those days as we both have different body clocks. Basically he can go longer than me without food but once he starts eating finds it hard to stop. So he prefers to save his cals till evening whereas it suits me better to eat little and often. I find it hugely liberating not having to cook on two days!
My hubby has joined in too.

I started first and then he joined a couple of weeks later when he saw the effect it was having and how easy it is. :)
Mine is and as we both work from home it is easy to co-ordinate meals. He is not as overweight as I am but on the other hand he is already taking statins and has blood pressure problems so is really interested in the health side of it. We are both losing weight. It really helps to be in it together.
Mine was doing 5:2 but was already on the low side of normal weight so has changed to 6:1.
My OH started the same time as me, although not technically overweight he has got a tummy to loose. We are both doing well on it although last week our weight loss stalled and I even put on a kilo :( , but hey ho we are in it for the long haul so not too concerned.
OH is keen to try 0 cals on a fast day but having reached 8pm with no calories I might crack and go and get some food as not sure I will be able to sleep without some food to calm my rumbly tummy.
Nope. My hubby has lost over 120lbs since we first met 5 years ago and isn't far from his goal weight so I don't think he would want to do it for weight loss.

Planning on re-watching the documentary and hoping he will too so he might look at the other benefits too.
yup, but he won't weigh himself !
My OH is slim enough as it is. However he is being very supportive on my fast days...
Mine has just joined me in 5:2ing. He lost 3lb first week. We are on fast day today and are both on holiday, he has driven me up the wall constantly asking me what can he eat!!!
Mine has just started! His first day was Saturday, second fast today. Get this, he has just phoned me ( works away) and reckons in 2 fast days he has lost: HALF A STONE!
He'd better bloody not have! Lol! I'm not having that! #supportivewifenot!
My Hubby
Started after the horizon programme ding alternate day diet, I started it too then but found alternate days hard so gave up. My Hubby is still doing the AD version and is looking good.
I have now stared the5:2 diet , which I thnk will suit be better.
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