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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Today's stats reveal I have eaten 1596 cals, 148g carbs and 66g protein. This is fairly average now, so looks like I need to drop to below 100g carbs.
I'd like to say 'no problem' but I'd be kidding. Must try though as I feel it is the way forward for me.
Many thanks for all your help and info folks x
For me, skipping breakfast every day was the easiest way to cut out a load of carbs. I seem to eat around 1400 cal per day and 100g of carbs without having to cook special low carb recipes and still having a slice of cake occasionally!
I didn't start 16:8 until around mid June, after having fasted about 6 or 7 weeks - I'm sure it helps, but still might have to consider a bit more :cry: :cry: :cry: - see below from Wolfie' s wonderful 'in the wagon?' thread! :cry:

Re: In the wagon?
by Silverdarling » 05 Jan 2014, 19:04

I think I might go 'on the wagon' as regards going lower carbs from now on, taking into consideration @carorees and @FatDog 's comments re low carb and waist reduction on another thread just now

That means the piece of Zen Baker ginger parkin I took out of the freezer just now, gently defrosting on the worktop, may be my last for some time :cry: :cry: :cry:

:frown: :curse: :frown: :curse: :frown: :curse: :frown: :curse:

Hey @azureblue what say we twin up to help each other along - I can help you avoid those low flying fried egg baps and you can help me with ... Well see my signature :oops: :bugeyes: :confused:
A fried egg in butter is a thing of beauty and a joy on the tongue, the bap I can do without!
Sister Silverdarling we are in this together. Are we going to keep carbs below 100g on feed days and below 20g on fast days? How about protein, say 60g?

I don't know how many low carb threads are on this site, but there are several.

Summing up what I think I have read (and experienced) the current thinking is to get around 70 percent of your daily calories from fat, 15 or so from protein and 15 or less from carbs. (Remember that too much protein is a problem as outlined in Dr. M's program).

It is hard to reverse 40 years of a low fat mantra. It will take awhile.
Can I hitch a ride on the back of your low carb wagon please? In spite of my VERY low BMI I still nurture a belly to make your average Buddha jealous. I want my waist to waste away but I know this is almost impossible as you can only make your natural shape smaller, not different.
Oh well back to the drawing board which is only marginally better than back to the wall,

Ballerina x :heart:
I see Fatdog tries for under 50g a day carbs on feed days!! Well, erm ... I'll make a start at 100g and hope to get that down eventually.
How does that grab you Ballerina and Silverdarling? (Can't remember how to do the tag thing, sorry).
So @azureblue - low flying fried eggs ok, baps not ok :lol: :wink:

TBH I wouldn't know what 100g carbs looks like, or how to measure :cry: have always avoiding the measuring thing as far as poss - what I need is some concrete examples of what 100g carbs looks like in actual food terms (not one iota scientific / practical, one of those faffy arty types :grin: )

@Ballerina of course you can join us, what have you got to lose?? Oh of course a bit more off the waist :razz: :wink:
From what I've read on low carb sites, going as low as 20-50g per day (or less) is probably only needed for those with diabetes or pre-diabetes. For most people, under 100g per day should be enough to shift the fat. I'm decidedly pear shaped and seem to get by ok on under 150g per day, but I do try to get at least one real low carb day per week aiming at under 50g.

So, like fasting, it's a case of experimenting with what suits you!

My fitness pal or calorie count or any of those apps/websites will give you the carb content as well as calorie content of your food. Also there's a topic in the resources section with a list of foods containing 50g carbs.
And @Ballerina obviously those 2 pieces of toast I had this morning (I blame @PennyForthem for mentioning) will be the last for some time as well ... :curse: :cry:
Thank you Caroline! I think I would try to go for one very low carb day a week then ... Will also do a bit of rootling about in the Resources section as well :victory: and also have a look at MFP etc
Hee hee, that is one of the wonders of 5:2, TOAST no longer enthrals me, that is not to say I would not crawl over George CLooney for a bit but, mmm.........

Ballerina x :heart:
@kencc. Don't leave us. It's important we all have an opinion. OH lost 4 stone in 4 months. People assumed he was dying. He apparently looked 'gaunt', yet a BMI of 23. Just he didn't look like they wanted him to. I wanted to mention cos he is a bloke.

Low carb. Now @ballerina and others. I still have middle age spread but a 26 inch waist at an average BMI. Come low carb with @fatdog@carorees and I. However I recommend magnesium supplements if you go low.... to keep things moving :like:
Is that a low carb tent? I'm in. I've just posted on FatDogs thread and I really think it is the way forward for those of us who are apple shaped. I say low carb but initially I mean reducing carbs - no more toast for me and tonight I didn't have any tatties with my roast dinner. I actually don't think it will be too much of a hardship. I'm like you @Silverdarling, I don't and still don't intend to weight and measure and I've no idea what 100g carbs looks like. For months now I've been posting about my intention to reduce carbs and now I'm doing it.
I use myfitnesspal app and it's mostly very good, certainly gives me a reasonable idea as long as I'm honest with my recording :0)
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