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@Sassy1 - hope you enjoyed your lunch :wink:

For what it's worth I decided last week that I am going to have totally sugar free fast days, including no fruits, no dessert, and see where that takes me (I always have a 'treat' every fast day at the moment!). I don't want to cut out sugar either, but at the moment I don't even taste how sweet things are, so I want to try to reset that in a managable way, as well as getting out of the dessert/sweet treat habit. I'm hoping that this will have the ongoing effect that it's having at the moment of everything tasting sweeter after a sugar free day, which may just help me to curb the sweet treats the rest of the time. On non-fast days I'm not going to stop eating sugar (yet), I'm just going to try to be concious of tasting sugar when I'm eating it, enjoy eating sweet things when I choose to eat them, and try and bring it back to fruits as much as possible.

I've finally got round to watching the Dr Lustig video on you tube and the man speaks sense to me - it's worth a look for those who haven't seen it already!
@Nicky_94, good luck, you certainly sound resolved. :) I am sure that is half the battle! I look forward to hearing how it goes. All the best! :)

PS lunch was lovely thanks. :)
Enjoying this thread :smile:

Have same issue with lost words which just come to one out of the blue as well some words which I just don't seem to be able to lay down into my memory. I just function on as best as I can, probably look like a dill to some and then sharp as a tack happens too with the wisdom of life experience. So I figure it all seems to balance out. Just need to have a sense of humour. It is interesting how our brains change

As to fat loss and oestrogen ooh don't want to loose too much and at present there seems to be no harm in that. Maybe a plateau is a safety mechanism
On the words subject, can you imagine the frustration when you think in another language than your own and can't find that same word or expression in your native language ? It happens to me a lot these days and it's crazy frustrating. The last time it happened was when I came back from England where I lived for nearly 2 years, my brain forgot to switch back to French.

I think it's not because of the fasts, more because I read in English, watch movies and documentaries in English, write and have discussions in English so my brain thinks that English is my first language and it's becoming a more natural language for me. And, let's face it, sometimes some expressions in English are more to the point than a whole sentence in French ! :lol:

I was wondering something, does pill could affect the weight loss or the regain ? As I don't take it and never had (well, except for 2 months 20 years ago, I stopped because my body doesn't tolerate it) it could explain why the weight is pretty stable. I really really cross fingers, toes and paws to not have to take hormonal stuff when I will be menopausal..... :crossed:
@nicky_94 how is cutting out sugar on fast days going?
Karenm wrote: @nicky_94 how is cutting out sugar on fast days going?

Good thanks @Karenm!

I did only one proper fast day and one low cal day this week, both with no sugar, and then I didn't really have any sugar on a couple of the other days either as I did feel that I had lost my taste for it a bit (I mean no obvious sugar, I didn't look at packets but generally I don't eat processed food much), and on the remaining days I allowed myself one sweet treat per day, which was fairly small (a biscuit I'd made with the kids, a couple of squares of choc) but I was satisfied, and it didn't trigger any sugar cravings. I did eat more savory snacks than I usually do, I had nuts a few times where I would have had sugar before, and I had a big homemade pizza the other day, but I still lost 1.4 kg this week!! This is the first week of fasting after a 5 week holiday so I have a couple of kilos to lose before I get back to my usual weight, and some of it is probably water (though I did eat a lot of carbs), so only time will tell what the effect is long term, but in any case I'm sticking with this for the next few weeks!
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