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What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 14:48
Been 4:3ing for forever now with no problems.
Weight loss still glacially slow but that's just how it's going to be.
I'm aiming for 58kg and am 60/61ish just now.
I am sooooo hungry.
I know my body is conspiring to keep me above 60kg so that's ok. The fasts have been fine and I know I'm eating too much on ordinary days.
Today's fast has been extremely hard though.
Ages ago, I used to have terrible dips which we always attributed to blood sugar drops. A banana sorted it.
It kind of sorted itself out over a long time and I had absolutely no bother when I started fasting. That was a huge surprise and relief.
Today , however, I've had 2 'dips' feeling very nauseous, shaky, flushed and head light.
What is going on?
No likey...
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 14:53
@Janeg No Likey no dooy. Lol
Seriously though if it doesn't feel right don't complete your fast and maybe time for a check on
BP + sugar again.
Hope things calm down sometime soon. :heart: :clover:
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 14:54
Hi @janeg

As I fast every day, albeit for a shorter time, I have noticed that some days are just hard for no obvious reason. Sometimes I can put it down to having had a very lean day the day before or sometimes to having eaten too much carbohydrate the day before. Some days are just hard! Usually dips in blood sugar occur during fasting when your body cannot access the fat to burn that. This might be due to higher than normal insulin or increased cortisol. I wouldn't worry about it today, but if you find that you are excessively hungry on non-fast days as well as a fast day it could be a sign of having over-stressed your body (whether through fasting, exercise or mental stress).

You might like to read this article: ... fast-days/
and this ... essed-out/

By the way what is your BMI and waist size at the moment?
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 14:56
I'm not surprised you don't like it!
Do you think you could be coming down with something? It just seems so out of the blue, when you are normally a good faster. Did you try eating some banana?
Hope you feel right again soon.
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 14:59
Hi Jane - perhaps you're just not very well.

Either that, or you're yearning for Scotland :shock: :wink: never mind, home soon :wink:
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 14:59
Agree with Sue.Q, best to find out where you stand with blood sugar. On another track, when you fast do you drink a lot of fluid, and if so do you have a little salt at some point to prevent too sodium being flushed out?
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 15:08
Have you tried a banana?
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 15:23
thanks everyone * feeling and appreciating the concern*
don't think I'm in for anything, feel fine otherwise.
BMI is still in the overweight range, waist is 75 cm , about half my height - i'm quite wee!
Not needed to eat, and will get a successful fast but no way could I shred today. Due the day off anyway.
Drink loads and loads so thta shouldn't really do anything. Juice in there too so getting some salts ans stuff.
Maybe it is just yearning to come home :)
It's just odd.
Re: What's happening to me?
17 Jun 2014, 15:29
I feel for you x before IF, i had those dips every day at 4 pm ish..felt so horrid..don't get them now
Wonder why you suddenly having it today,out of the blue :confused:
Hope its a one off x
Re: What's happening to me?
18 Jun 2014, 06:56
Just to update
Didn't shred with Beloved (so proud of him doing it himself!) and ended up eating later than usual. Had the statutory poached eggs on toast and a wee treat of some turkish delight.
Off to bed, slept fine and got up this morning and shredded no bother.
Had usual breakfast as I was ravenous (as ever ;) )
Feeling fine is a bit hungry now.
I'll see how I do today, but my plan is to continue 4:3 and shred until my holidays in 16 days, 3 hours and twenty two minutes. Then I may just eat mindfully or window eat. depending on whether we end up working a bit of it. If we work, I'll fast properly, if not weyhey!!!!!!(but mindfully)
Hopefully , this plan will fool my body into behaving itself...
we'll see
Thanks for the suggestions and concern.
Re: What's happening to me?
18 Jun 2014, 07:14
That's no good Janeg is it?! I too get stages during my fasting week of wanting to eat everything in sight, generally after a few days of low carb and there is no reason for it, as well as light headedness and feeling nauseous. Like you my body doesn't want to go lower than 60kg and is being very stubborn, so I can sympathise and if. I come up with the answer I'll share it with you!
Re: What's happening to me?
18 Jun 2014, 07:32
Im the same too. Some days are easy and other days I feel terrible and constantly hungry. Hopefully you will have more good ones than bad ones :)
Re: What's happening to me?
18 Jun 2014, 09:49
Sorry to hear about all this, @janeg. If the funny turns just happened twice for a couple of mins, it may be unrelated to the ravenous hunger. A few things run through my mind - vasovagal attack (simple faint), allergic reaction, virus, or maybe even a brief cardiac arrhythmia. I imagine, living in the Middle East, that you've got your fluids & salt intake sorted? Or it could be a response to cortisol surge, like hitting the wall when exercising, only without exercise. Funnily enough, it's really uncommon for non-diabetics to get true hypoglycaemia, and I think your original attacks were probably not being sufficiently fat-adapted, plus increased cortisol levels. But I do wonder whether you've been overdoing it with shredding and 4/3, so maybe you're having one of those famine reactions, a la Amanda Salis?

Maybe see if it happens again, then it would be worth getting it checked out with your GP - although they may just scapegoat fasting & not look any further for a cause.

Good luck!
Re: What's happening to me?
18 Jun 2014, 11:06
Thanks @jools7
would really like to blame everything on the shred and stop doing it :D ;)!
All seems fine today and I'm not ravenous...odd
Re: What's happening to me?
18 Jun 2014, 12:02
I exercise 4-5 times a week and sometimes it's really hard sometimes. I get super hungry and just have to have a hot drink to stop me opening the Pringles tin. As we all know what happens then don't we.
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