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What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 06:33
I have a dream number on the scales that for me now at this age would look like I would need to eat a sandwich or 2.

Here is my dilemma. I have always wanted to get to the magical number of 55 kg. I am 162cm 'tall' and I have been self sebotaging and/or life is so stressfull that I could not get my weight to budge as food was how I cope with life.

Several of the stress issues are working itself out and this time I told myself its all about me and going for the goal and the weight is melting off me and I have barely exercised.

I am 2,3kg away from the number and in dire need of a new pair of jeans. The pair that I would fit in now is probably a size 0 (us) EU 32 and it hit me I am a 36 year old lady not a 12 year old boy. I have a plan and it involves phase 2 in which I will embark on a strength training journey. I want to be able to do a proper push up and pull up. I want to have a hot body in a bikini come summer 2014 and not be skinny fat.

Do I start on phase 2 or do I wait until I reach that number and probably have to convience my husband I am not anorexic or bulimic and do not need to be hospitalised.......

What say you the wise people of this forum??
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 06:49
Hi Aina. I needed to think about this a while because I too have been in this position with the same phase 2 plan and I still have those small jeans in the cupboard. What I'm about to say may not be popular but I do have empathy when you have a magic number in mind. If you feel well and you will remain in the healthy BMI range, then I would go and lose the rest of it because you will want to know how you look at this magic number of yours and whether you like yourself or not. So get it out of your system and then decide. When you start training you will gain anyway because of muscle density and then when you start to get the exercise bug, you will choose health over weight I'm sure. I have old pics of myself skinny but fat (no muscle tone), and pics of me bigger but with muscle. I prefer the latter for sure but I had to do the journey to figure it out.
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 06:51
Why not start phase 2? It's likely your weight loss will be very slow for the last couple of kgs anyway and having other targets to focus on will be motivating. Focusing on your strength doesn't mean you won't eventually reach the weight target anyway, or it may just give you an amazing body at your current weight and you'll forget all about the magical 55!

(My fitness target for the year was to do a real pull-up ... have been slack with my training so must get back to the bar, there's three months to go!)
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 07:08
If you get down to your magic number and then start phase 2 your weight will go up due to increased muscle mass. so I'd ask what is so important about the number? It's the amount of fat you're carrying that is important for health and the scales don't know if it's muscle or fat they're weighing! As you do the strength training your fat will probably decrease as your muscle increases, so I'd say start on phase 2 and don't get hung up about a particular number!
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 07:15
Hallo Aina, I think what I wouldn't do is take the stress out of needing a new pair of jeans by having an exsisting pair made to fit by a good dressmaker. Thats what Idid with my own clothes.
I would then work on the fitness which will be challenge in itself. When you have made good progress with could return to trying to lose the last few kilos Good luck
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 07:21
Sorry I meant tosay What I would do instead of Iwouldn't. My tablet has a mind of it's own, !
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 07:22
Start the strength training while continuing 5:2. Don't worry about weight gain from building muscle, that takes some time especially for us women but if you do gain then go on how you look not what you weigh. Remember a healthy toned body looks better than just having a skinny one.
That's just my opinion though. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 07:40
Start strength training and watch your body become strong. A strong body is so much more powerful and uplifting than a skinny body, so much better for self esteem - and so much more beautiful.

I know I get obsessed with weighing myself, but it's not actually the number on the scales that I want - it's a fit, healthy, strong body.

Edited to add: it's good to have goals, but it's even better to be able to change our goals to fit us. If you look too far ahead with tunnel vision, you miss all those amazing things on the periphery.
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 08:03
I would agree with constantgardener--to look well (not just skinny) and feel well and strong is the best goal.
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 08:29
All Good advice don't dwell to much with the numbers why not start the training and when your body has adjusted to that then take the weightloss and aim for 1kg at a time because I wonder if you may be happier with what you see in the mirror may please you more than what you see on the scales. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 08:57
I have to agree with the general consensus. Go for it and ignore the numbers :)
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 10:50
Hi Aina - I have ended up in maintenance skinnier than I first intended due to the effectiveness of 5:2, but I am quite old and don't carry the muscles I used to when younger so my low BMI looks ok. I would cheerfully go back to my original target weight if it could be muscle rather than fat - something I am trying to work on, despite my creaky joints and recently-mended wrist! I would suggest you get your long-desired target weight out of the way first then hit the gym hard, and increase your protein intake a bit to assist muscle building...
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 11:25
Thank you for all your inputs. I am doing a list of workouts and goals that I want to achieve and do a serious talk with hubby as to what I want to achieve and would need his help and support (bless his soul he is understanding on the exercise but wont understand fasting) I would give the fast until 1st November and then embark on phase 2. It is easier to follow a 28 day workout plan on the 4th of November and easier for me to track my progress.

I am going to take a before and after picture of this workout journey to motivate me!!
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 11:43
Are you going to stop fasting as you start exercising? If it's because of hubby OK, otherwise why? I think exercise and fasting go very well together, at least if you're more after general health rather than specific numeric goals.
Re: What would you do?
03 Oct 2013, 12:10
Michael H wrote: Are you going to stop fasting as you start exercising? If it's because of hubby OK, otherwise why? I think exercise and fasting go very well together, at least if you're more after general health rather than specific numeric goals.

Now I fast 3 times a week and will switch it to body weight exercise(Mon,Wed,Fri) and fast Tuesdays and Thursday instead and have the weekend to play dead :razz:
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