The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi @gillymary I'm here. :wink: What a nice idea - to call everyone to one thread. As @Annurca says it's absolutely smashing weather so people are making the most of it while it lasts. I'm off to have coffee with a friend shortly ahead of preparing ahead for a bonkers week at work :bugeyes: . @Sallyo I have ordered the pedometer!!!!!!!! London here I come! Sadly work takes priority over my Sunday walk but hopefully I'll feel in a better place once I'm on top of it.

Happy Sunday everyone.

Lizbean :cool:
Hello to me old mate @gillymary, nice to see you all in a clean and tidy tent, @Azureblueyou've done well, like the new cushions you've brought, very shabby chic :grin: The new look forum has certainly put a spanner in the works and I'm sure everyone will drift back eventually, I hope so, post holiday bulge will see them fighting to get through the doors first. Thank you for your lovely comments on the other thread, made me slightly frog in throaty.

Having a fun day with friends in the sun, at the pub, drinking bubbly, listening to various bands and then home to slow roasted pork which will have been in the oven for about 5 hours, yum yum. Have a great day everyone

Ballerina x :heart:

P.S. My hammock is already up in the garden so I'm off to catch a few rays before setting off to the pub xxxx
*Waves to everyone*
I'm still here too. Oh yes! You don't get rid of me that easily.
Nice to catch up with you all. I haven't seen @maggiee for a while, or @manderley.

We are going to walk the dogs to the top of a Welsh hill today. Hope we have good air quality, because you can see 4 counties on a clear day.
For anyone who does not know what a hammock looks like, here it is :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:

Blast too big.....grrrrrr I used to be able to do this, what has changed?
Hi @gillymary Yes buddie I'm here too :like:
Have to get my daily forum fix in sometime during the day/eve, our weather is so lovely and I'm managing every other day walks of various lengths, plus leaving plenty of time for a little gardening and of course the BBQ, we have to make the best as the solstice is now behind us. :clover: :clover:

This bl***y banner is doing my head in!! I've now got the search bar floating downwards, but if I keep my message below both floating bars I can access the smilies etc but obviously can't see very much text
on my tablet.
Ballerina wrote: For anyone who does not know what a hammock looks like, here it is :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:

Blast too big.....grrrrrr I used to be able to do this, what has changed?

@Ballerina I think it's a case of resizing the photo - you are so larger than life - metaphorically speaking of course :lol: :lol: :lol: - that you can't fit into this much smaller teensy weensy new-style forum.

Either that or this tent ain't big enough for the two of us :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yes, I wonder what is with the feral yellow banner!! It seems to keep slipping like my halo! Oops, now it chasing me down the page....... Run!
I'm here too and always have been and suspect I always will be. I do still come on several times a day but tend to read rather than write.

I'm going through a period of not having enough hours in the day but not sure what I've been doing with those hours, it is all good though. I am heavily involved with the local Sailing Club now that I am the treasurer and we have recently had our open day and some social evenings. Today we had a club dinghy sailing session which started at 9am and we only just got home at 2pm for our bacon butties. We had a great time.

I need to hose down our wetsuits and go for a shower now and make myself look presentable as I need to go and get my photo done so I can renew my driving licence. Much to my surprise it expires the day I leave to go on holiday abroad and need it as we were planning to hire a car!

I made a wee comment on the 'hangout' recently that I am beginning to lose weight again even though I'm not eating differently. However, I do have less stress in my life so that could possibly prove the link between stress and weight!
Am here too. Decided I had had enough of living in a house that looks the same as it when built in 1832! Have done restorative work on the lounge fireplace and am very pleased. Will get it finished over the week. Also spent some time searching for chicks and chickens in the garden after mr cockerel thought an alarm call would be fun. After several fox attacks I always leap into action. He even set the ducks off too! Found them all eventually. They are all well trained and dive into the undergrowth when the man yells! Am now catching up on here whilst watching High Society, a film I love!
Sallyo wrote: HI Debs and Gillymary, yes is quiet. I am here!. Sunday morning, sunny in northwest Tas. Are you flying in Gillymary? Or, if you are arriving by ferry, you can come to my place for breakfast. Don't come on a Fast Day! I too am learning about grief, Gilly, with the fairly recent death of my mother. It still feels like I am travelling through Golden Syrup. It just takes time. Good thing you have a new job. I am not losing weight either and I look at what others are doing and a lot of them are not either, even when they are doing Low carb and 16:8. I think my body has just decided that enough is enough for a while. As long as I can maintain my weight loss, I'm ok. Hopefully I will start to lose again in summer.

Its an interesting though there @Sallyo. how you said.. that the body thinks "enough is enough".. i am thinking that too and maybe the cold weather makes it just that little harder to stay away from the winter warmer foods. So the warmth of Spring and Summer may be our answer. Something about hot weather that lends itself to light eating and salads and juices. Having said that.. i was losing quite a lot this time last year when it was winter but as it was my first 2 or 3kg it was probably easier.. so for some of use the initial weight loss begins to taper off.. Not sure if others have experienced the same. Im hoping to ever so slowly lose that last kilo or two as we nearer the summer months. (i gained a kilo in last 3 weeks).

With a years experience in IF, I do feel more "in tune" with whats going on with my weight and almost dont need to go on the scales to find out where im at.
25*C and a delightful day, spent on an unexpected family picnic at a lovely country park. All weary and happy now, ready for my salmon and veggies soon.
Azureblue, are you on facebook, m'dear?
I'm still here too. I've also noticed how threats can stay on the front page for ages. It's sad this wonderful forum has gone a bit quiet, maybe we all need to make an effort to post a little more and get it back to what it was. Hope everyone in the Uk are enjoying the lovely weather, you never know how long it's going to last.
Yes I'm here-enjoying the weather rather than using the computer.
I'm here too after a busy day in the garden - haven't been on as much since the changes though - just haven't quite got back to grips with it yet!
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