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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I posted last night to zamale and it was not even 8pm. I have slept, made a lovely breakfast and now it is 10.45 am and I pop onto the forum and find m last nights post still on the front page which means the forum has not been active overnight. Are you all still here?????????
:oops: might be me still getting used to new forum set up.
Hello Gillymary, I have just logged on. Things have quietened down recently, partly because of the change in forum which has caused a few headaches. Haven't seen @Maggiee recently either.
How are you over there in sunny NSW anyway?
Hi @DebsI have just finished a busy patch completing my first teaching assignment, Yea! Another biggie the other day, was farewell lunch to the last member of my old work team I belonged too, feeling a bit out of it since that but it's dawning on me that my sadness is a bit more of the grief of my position being axed. I have moved on and am very happy with my progress but when something is lost to you and you are reluctant to give it up its like all grief and loss it takes a while to put it to bed. Miss my mates too as we really supported each other through a rough patch.

Re IF am plugging away at it. Yesterday's fast is the first one where I lost zilch. Really unusual but maybe too much salt in my tom yum soup as well as flogging myself at the gym. Time will tell. Dubious anniversary coming up which is when my plateau first started. Maintaining 10kg loss is current goal :smile:

I am going to Tassie next month and am sooooooooo looking forward to meeting my mates from student days, MONA is on the cards as is much food ETOH and just walking around Hobart harbour area and talking. We start off with champagne usually. Very dear girl friends so it is so lovely to meet up and we are in paradise this time. That's me how are you?
I will be interested to see how you go with the gym and weight loss as I have upped my activity too to see if I can shift some more.
I have never had a problem with change probably because I have done so much of it, including emigrating but I know it can be hard when you have a settled team for a long time.
Glad to hear you are going to make a dent on Hobart! You MUST go to Sweet Envy in North Hobart, the cakes and icecream are to die for!! I am furious as OH was in there yesterday and sent me a piccy of his cauliflower cheese pie which I happen to love! He tells me he has some munchies for me he is bringing over to Perth, I await it with excitement!

He is driving over to Perth and will meet me on the 1st so we can move in to our new share house, trying to make the best of things by getting out of the city as much as possible and enjoying the countryside south of Perth. We might also try to see the wildflowers further north in a couple of months.
Other than that, I am still bumping Round trying to shift some more weight without success to date! I am low carbing and ADFing as well as the exercise as I am running out of ideas!
HI Debs and Gillymary, yes is quiet. I am here!. Sunday morning, sunny in northwest Tas. Are you flying in Gillymary? Or, if you are arriving by ferry, you can come to my place for breakfast. Don't come on a Fast Day! I too am learning about grief, Gilly, with the fairly recent death of my mother. It still feels like I am travelling through Golden Syrup. It just takes time. Good thing you have a new job. I am not losing weight either and I look at what others are doing and a lot of them are not either, even when they are doing Low carb and 16:8. I think my body has just decided that enough is enough for a while. As long as I can maintain my weight loss, I'm ok. Hopefully I will start to lose again in summer.
Hi there,
Frustration all round then! At least it isn't going back on though, so we should be grateful for that! It looks as though we are all stranded around the same annoying BMI, and I would dearly love to see mine slip into normal.
Shame you missed this morning's nude solstice swim Gillymary!!
I'm here, just very busy lately. It's hard for me to use the forum on my phone, so I'm not on as much.

Sorry to hear people are struggling with weight loss and other things. I'm currently trying to take off holiday gain, which is what I've spent my time since Xmas doing! At least it hasn't gone up so so much. It's hard to keep running since it has gotten hot here, but I'm trying to make up for it in the gym...
Nude swim @Debs well I was up at sparrow cackle and Macca was on the airwaves so I did hear about the nude swim at Sandy Bay. I would not do that on many levels. Can't recall if I ever have so how boring is that. That is I can't remember f I did that is :oops:

@Sallyo flying into Hobart so will have to pass on the breakfast but so lovely of you to extend the invite. So glad to be going to lovely Tasmania yet again as it is my favourite destination. Hang in there with the grief treading the treacle is normal, Weird that stuckedness feeling. Just dive into to where you need to be if that be maudlin and teary is ok as both are are the oil which grease your appropriate grieving.

My sadness Debs was the breakup of our team and that we will see each other less as a the nature of change. I am heartened though as the friends I am meeting up with in Hobart were friendships I made when I was 17 and we have kept in touch over the long years and decided despite our families and our jobs and our business to meet annually and stay somewhere wonderful take in a show eat drink and be merry. This is our 4 year of the commitment and we are getting better at it.

Anyway back to culling and chucking out accumulated stuff
Oops just deleted my post. @gillymary hi I'm here, enjoy your trip to Hobart. I sure it will help cheer you up after all the other stuff that's happening. I loved Mona and the restaurant ther is one if the best I've been too.
I'm just plodding along 5:2ing, loss a bit then put it on etc etc. at least I'm not gaining overall. Went and saw our son perform in Spamalot last night. Lots of fun, some amazing performers for a local society, I'd love to have their talent but alas I can only sing after much red wine :cry: :lol:
Hello from Blighty! Just spotted the first leaves turning on the tree outside my window!

Yes I haven't been on the forum quite as much - forum changes and also been quite busy. Have just had a week off, back to work tomorrow. Have also been decluttering, still more to do, and also attending to the garden, which still needs attention.

Also about to buy a new PC to help me with future plans, and have just managed to transfer files and photos I want to keep to Dropbox so feeling quite pleased with myself.
We're coming up to a busy time of year at work, when we promote the Summer Reading Challenge to schools, and as I am now working from Alnwick my area is all North Northumberland. I have 22 schools and 2300 children to reach over the next 4 weeks.

I know exactly what you mean about change, @gillymary and you are right, forward is the only way. I think my gradual weight loss over the year or so has helped here.
Hallo all my Australasia friends! ( Is that right?) frighteningly quiet isn't it :0.
Such a shame after everyone's hard work to sort the glitches too.
I expect there's a plan to big up the site once smooth running is restored.
Meanwhile, I sweep through the corridors and air the tents, keep the cobwebs down with inanity!
Have a lovely nights sleep m'dears :0)
Hello gillymary. Yes we are all still here, just your "day time" , our "night time" friends must have been busy elsewhere.
Maybe we can blame it on the new forum, it was. A bit tricky at first but now running almost perfectly. Or is everyone watching the World Cup. Have a great trip. :heart:
Azureblue wrote: Meanwhile, I sweep through the corridors and air the tents, keep the cobwebs down with inanity!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: very well put as always @azureblue - I still have yellow banner-itis, as does @Ballerina I know! It's like getting a poke with a sharp stick every time you try to use a smiley :starving: :shock: :lol:
The weather is absolutely gorgeous in much of the UK, so I expect people are taking advantage and going out! I swam in the sea yesterday and it was just beautiful.
I don't have a tumble-dryer, so washing accumulates until it's a good drying day, and now I'm looking round for things to wash; I've done chair covers, the lot!
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