The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I would like to ask a question please - on a fast day i have factored in a small cappochino (my adiction at work - 140 cals) will this disrupt my fast - the remainder of the cals i save for my evening soup and piece of fruit.
many thanks
Can anyone help?
13 Mar 2013, 15:47
I'm new to this so please forgive me if this has been asked previously. I'm just starting my second week of 5:2 eating and thought it would be easier for me to start the fast day after lunch at approx 2pm and then end it at approx 1pm the following day. As I am never hungry in the mornings until about lunchtime I thought this would be easier to do. Does anyone know whether doing it this way would be less effective than starting a fast day in the morning and ending it the following morning? Many thanks for any help and/or replies.
It depends how many calories you consume over the 24 hours really...if there is not much decrease over the week compared with normal you won't lose weight!

See here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2063

A link to a blog post by Dr Mosley that answers your question! Plus comments from our members.
what's the red triangle with the exclamation point mean?
Carorees thank you so much for that link - it was very helpful indeed and answered my question clearly. Also the faq link is very useful. Many thanks
If I understood correctly the fast should be 36 hours from the evening meal on your last normal eating day until brakfast on the next normal eating day.

I asked Dr. Mosley on Twitter. The fasting effects kick in after about 24 hours.

Hope that helps,
I like Mimi's habit of eating an apple or even having a light lunch. I normally have a hard time deciding what to eat for breakfast as it isn't my favorite meal of the day (I prefer lunch and dinner). I skip breakfast and end up fasting about 16 hours from dinner to lunch the following day and then have dinner around 6:30 pm. It's worked well so far.
polsonby wrote: Dr M said he tries to maximise the length of time without eating anything on both fast days and normal days - so 12 hours between breakfast and dinner. He said he skips lunch on normal days too. Grazing keeps your blood sugar high so your body is constantly exposed to insulin which is one of the factors in developing type 2 diabetes. The fasting is intended to reduce the blood sugar for long enough to let your insulin drop. I think there is a good bit in the book about this. Anyway - the gaps between food are really important and 12 hour gaps seem to be good

I went back to posts 8 months ago and stumbled on this about 12 hour gaps in eating on fast days. And the big rule of NOT GRAZING

OOPS I THINK I MAY HAVE MISSED this somewhere in past 5 months

And I've been nibbling on corn kernels, carrot sticks and anything I can get my hands on between breakfast and dinner!

Let's assume I don't want to do the 16 hour fast thing and want breakfast and dinner then I shouldn't graze within the 12 hours in between, right?
Yes, you're right! Snacking, unless on very low carb snacks, is likely to result in constant insulin release to deal with the sugar being absorbed from the snacks, in which case the body is unable to release the fat to be burned so it would hamper weight loss. Even low carb snacks may not be ideal but carrot and corn are both high in carbs as vegetables go so if you must snack maybe turn to celery!
carorees wrote: Yes, you're right! Snacking, unless on very low carb snacks, is likely to result in constant insulin release to deal with the sugar being absorbed from the snacks, in which case the body is unable to release the fat to be burned so it would hamper weight loss. Even low carb snacks may not be ideal but carrot and corn are both high in carbs as vegetables go so if you must snack maybe turn to celery!

If only i liked celery :-(
I am a newbie and just registered and have been browsing the rules and other peoples preferences for the fasting.

when it is 2 day can you do the fasting from say bed time thur have the 500 calories on the Friday the fast day, then do this again for the second fast day immediatedly after so have fast days from Thursday night until Saturday night or sunday morning?

or do most people do fasting ie fast day bedtime thur all day Friday have 500 calories then wake up Saturday and have normal day?

or if it is 2 day in a row would it be thur say from 10 pm all way through Friday then until 10 am on the sat - is that 2 days????

Thank you xxxxxxx :?: :wink:
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