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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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No loose no gain
06 Nov 2013, 18:53
Hi everyone, Back from the land of Texas where everything is bigger and better. Had such a blast friend wise and shopping wise :D
Yesterday suffered from the big jet lag and when I managed to get onto the scales /measuring tape today it showed no gain in kg nor in cm. In fact, all that walking around had made my tights loose a cm or two.

No that I have had very much not-good-to-you for eating and have exercised more than usual by wandering around the show, so I feel good, managing on great.

Am tired beyond tired, will try to get through at least until 9pm…..

If anyone is following my blog ( the one not with this forum), it will be a little bit more updated tomorrow.
Re: No loose no gain
06 Nov 2013, 18:56
Welcome back, glad you are better not bigger :smile:
Re: No loose no gain
06 Nov 2013, 20:36
Welcome back & it's good you did not gain weight & I am hoping to do the same on my holiday. But sorry to be pedantic! Did you mean lose as in opposite to gain rather than loose which means to slacken? :confused:
Re: No loose no gain
06 Nov 2013, 22:07
Yay! Welcome back Wolfie. Congrats on such a consistent result :like:
Re: No loose no gain
06 Nov 2013, 22:57
@Wolfie ... sleep well, look forward to hearin' about it all and sleep tight!!
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 08:19
Isis wrote: But sorry to be pedantic! Did you mean lose as in opposite to gain rather than loose which means to slacken? :confused:

Hehe, well you know I'm Swedish so at time my English get a bit confusing. I meant that I lost some cm, but on the other hand can say that my trousers are more loose :smile:
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 08:27
Like Isis, I get disappointed by people confusing loose and lose (and absolutely abhor "text speak" and lack of capital letters) in posts.

I offer the mnemonic "Loose Women Lose Weight" for those having difficulty!
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 11:44
CreakyPete wrote: Like Isis, I get disappointed by people confusing loose and lose (and absolutely abhor "text speak" and lack of capital letters) in posts.

I offer the mnemonic "Loose Women Lose Weight" for those having difficulty!

As I said - I'm Swedish so English is not my first language. But I think I'm pretty good at it nevertheless? :wink:
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 11:47
Well done @Wolfie - great holiday and no weight gain. Double whammy result if you ask me! Hope you get over the jet lag soon :smile:
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 12:46
Wolfie wrote: As I said - I'm Swedish so English is not my first language. But I think I'm pretty good at it nevertheless? :wink:

Du talar Engelska jätte bra! Oroa dig inte om stavning!
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 13:03
carorees wrote:
Wolfie wrote: As I said - I'm Swedish so English is not my first language. But I think I'm pretty good at it nevertheless? :wink:

Du talar Engelska jätte bra! Oroa dig inte om stavning!

Och din svenska är fantastisk (and your Swedish is amazing for the non Swedish speakers).
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 13:34
I think your English is fine.
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 15:36
Merlin wrote: I think your English is fine.

Ha, your should hear me pronounce aluminum foil….my friends was in stitches LOL.
Re: No loose no gain
07 Nov 2013, 16:20
Not as bad as a saying "The sheet on the bed" with a strong french accent!!! I remember a French lady, fluent in English, saying how she had never managed to work out how to say the word "sheet" without it sounding like "sh*t"! :lol:
Re: No loose no gain
08 Nov 2013, 18:09
My apologies Wolfie because I hadn't noticed that you are Swedish :shock: & as my Swedish is non existent & I have a great admiration for all speakers of more than one language :smile: but I do become frustrated when native English speaking people don't recognise the difference between lose & loose. I hope I am forgiven?
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