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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
16 Jan 2015, 08:11
Dear all,

Just wondering if anyone shifted from 5:2 to 4:3 and back down again after a while as a way of making the WOE even more effective? I've been doing ok on the 5:2 so far--lost 7.5 kg (basically half of my goal weight) since Nov 1 (with a two week break for Christmas) and have about 7 kg until I am back in a healthy BMI... everything's going fine so far, but was just wondering if it's worth exploring doing 4:3 for a few weeks to 'supercharge' my diet or do people think that if I shift to 4:3 I'll need to stick with that until I get to my GW as going back down to 5:2 could become ineffective...

I hope my question makes sense! Just a bit uncertain about whether it's worth trying it. I am effective on 5:2, but I do know that people tend to slow down the closer they get to their GW.
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
17 Jan 2015, 11:59
Hi, @LadanTrying. I have lost all my weight using 5:2, except for one week when I did 4:3 almost by accident! I am now maintaining but have decided to try to lose another five pounds - still using 5:2. Providing that you're not pigging out on your non-fast days, why don't you just continue with 5:2 until you really need to do 4:3? There's no rush to reach your target, so why put yourself under more pressure? There's a lot of truth in the old adage, ' If it ain't broke, don't fix it!'
Whatever, you decide, good luck! :clover: Onwards and downwards! :victory:
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
17 Jan 2015, 12:56
I'm no help to you, I shifted from ADF to 4:3 (better match to sports and social commitments) and have remained there in maintenance.
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
17 Jan 2015, 13:48
I've done 5:2 and I'm currently restarting with 4:3. I think it's really important to figure out what works for you best. The reason I shifted to 4:3 was after reading a book, the Every Other Day Diet where you fast every other day. Some weeks you would fast 3 days and others 4. The author had been studying 5:2 but was prompted to do a study when some people complained that they couldn't get used the hunger incurred when only fasting 2 days a week. The people in her study reported that fasting every other day allowed them to manage their hunger better. I tried that but it didn't fit with my lifestyle. I really need my Saturday and Sunday free of fasting so I adopted a 4:3 and I've been doing ok. However, some people may feel more deprived by fasting 3 days instead of 2 which could lead to abandoning this WOE. I just really think you need to keep trying different WOE's until you find what works for you. I also think it's good to give yourself permission to change it up between different WOE's if you get bored or it becomes difficult rather than giving up.
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
18 Jan 2015, 01:15
Go for it @Ladantrying!
Only way to go I think if you are doing day-based fasting as it keeps the rhythm up and in my opinion (i said my opinion) 2 days is not enough and 3 keeps you focussed and results in far greater calorie restriction over a week.

Join us in the 4:3 tent.

Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
18 Jan 2015, 04:40
I started on 5.2 but found the weight loss too slow (born impatient :-)), so went to 4:3 and found I liked the continuity of basically fasting, feeding. Weight loss was much quicker for me and I now do Dr Krista Varady's (Every Other Day Diet) maintenance of 3 x 1000 cal fasts. It's all a work in progress, different styles of fasting suit different personalities and different lifestyles.
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
18 Jan 2015, 09:32
Thank you, all, this is very helpful. Really appreciate the responses.

It's been interesting as I don't seem to mind the hunger or the lack of food on fasting days.. if anything I've often found the feed days a bit more challenging, particularly when I can't calorie count or when I am eating out. I get a little anxious that I've 'sabotage' myself... but that's actually not happened yet, so not sure why I'm being so hard on myself. I suppose I thought if I gave myself that extra fasting day then I'd not have to be quite so worried about the feeding days.

That said, however, you're absolutely right, @StowgateResident, if it's not broken don't fix it.. and I feel so much better with this whole process as a way of life versus a short term weight loss plan, so I suppose I ought to settle into whatever works best for the long haul versus a short burst...

Hmm, I'll give it some thought and see. This week I'll stay with 5:2 as I've come down with a cold and have a few big events to attend this week, but might just test it if I still feel inclined to next week.

Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
18 Jan 2015, 10:56
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Go for it @Ladantrying!
Only way to go I think if you are doing day-based fasting as it keeps the rhythm up and in my opinion (i said my opinion) 2 days is not enough and 3 keeps you focussed and results in far greater calorie restriction over a week.

Join us in the 4:3 test.


I tend to agree with this. My weight loss is very slow because I overeat on my feed days so 4:3 gives me fewer days where I can go OTT. If you're already really good on your 5 feed days then it probably won't make a massive difference.
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
19 Jan 2015, 17:28
Marisa wrote: I just really think you need to keep trying different WOE's until you find what works for you. I also think it's good to give yourself permission to change it up between different WOE's if you get bored or it becomes difficult rather than giving up.

I think @Marisa has it here. For me I've found it's especially important to change up your plan if you get bored or find your weight loss is slowing. You don't have that much to lose, total, but I had about 140lbs/65kg to lose, total, and I would notice I would start to get lazy every six months or so and my weight loss would slow, stop, or I'd start gaining weight. I ended up changing from WW to just counting calories/exercise and back again, which worked for me. I just recently found this WOE and have chosen 4:3 to start with, although it may not be manageable with my social schedule long term.

From the research I've done, if you do A LOT of exercise, 4:3 may not be doable.
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
30 Jan 2015, 09:54
I originally considered doing 4:3 once I hit a plateau; now I'm afraid that if I lose on that plan, I'd have to continue with it to maintain. Has anyone done this: started with "plain" 5:2 till weight loss plateaued; did 4:3 till met goal; then maintained that goal weight with plain 5:2. I just don't think I can do 4:3 for the rest of my life.

I'm also considering whether I should do a short (<10 days) liver cleanse, mostly because my eczema has been acting up--better than it was, but still an issue. This would be more for my skin, but might also "jump start" additional weight loss. The plan I'm looking at is the, which doesn't involve fasting; ironic, I know; but I'm afraid that typical type of extended fasting would lead to "famine response" and rapid regain.
Re: Shifting from 5:2 to 4:3...
30 Jan 2015, 11:00
ferretgal wrote: I originally considered doing 4:3 once I hit a plateau; now I'm afraid that if I lose on that plan, I'd have to continue with it to maintain. Has anyone done this: started with "plain" 5:2 till weight loss plateaued; did 4:3 till met goal; then maintained that goal weight with plain 5:2. I just don't think I can do 4:3 for the rest of my life.

I'm also considering whether I should do a short (<10 days) liver cleanse, mostly because my eczema has been acting up--better than it was, but still an issue. This would be more for my skin, but might also "jump start" additional weight loss. The plan I'm looking at is the, which doesn't involve fasting; ironic, I know; but I'm afraid that typical type of extended fasting would lead to "famine response" and rapid regain.

I'm amazed that Patrick Holford is promoting this as a) detoxing is a load of BS and b) the meal plans include a lot of high GL foods which PH has written a whole book about avoiding.

Detoxing is one of the great scams of our time I'm afraid. says
Although the detox industry is booming, there is very little clinical evidence to support the use of these diets.

Eczema is an allergic condition characterised by an inflammatory response to certain allergens. House dust mite is the most common allergen. Often a change in laundry products, soap etc can trigger a flare up. Dietary allergens associated with eczema in children at least are: cow's milk, hen's egg, peanut, wheat, soy, nuts, and fish, which are responsible for >90% of food allergy triggers of eczema, most of which appear on the menu plans in the detox diet you were looking at.

There is some evidence that fasting is anti-inflammatory and people with another allergic condition, asthma, have found fasting helpful.

I would stick to 5:2 and be patient @ferretgal. I know it's hard to be patient.
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