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The 4:3 tent is up.
30 Jan 2014, 13:13
Ok this is for those of us doing 4:3!!! Hello my fellow 4:3ers! :victory:
On which days do you fast? I fast, Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. Works really well for hubby and me.
Why did you start 4:3? We both found that we didn't lose weight doing 5:2 so we started 4:3 and it works like a dream.
Will you continue with it? Yes, until we reach our goal weight and then we will switch to 5:2 for maintenance! Well that's the plan anyway.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
30 Jan 2014, 13:24

Are maintaineers on 4.5 : 2.5 allowed in too? I'm doing Mondays and Wednesdays as full repair days, and Friday is a half-repair. Well, that's what I'm trying to do - the glums have been sabotaging things a wee bit the last week or so.

Love the structure of 4:3 - I find more than two days of full eating sends me right off the rails (head wise) - it suits my OCD...

:) FatDog
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
30 Jan 2014, 13:41
I'm a 4:3er! Have been for about 6 months now! How did that happen? I fast Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
I keep saying I'm going to go back to 5:2 and then do things like go on holiday, have Christmas, get visitors for 3 weeks (so l poking forward to that one) and won't weigh myself, so do another lump of 4:3 and then something else happens!
I started 4:3ing to see if it would speed up my glacial loss and, as I won't count calories to see if it helped. Still glacially slow... but definitely going down and , so far, after 15 months, no plateau...
*waves at Fatdog*
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
30 Jan 2014, 13:52
I'm currently doing Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. I used to do 5:2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and am used to them. I started the Monday one at the beginning of January to get the excess Christmas gain off but it's now become part of my routine.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
30 Jan 2014, 14:11
I do Monday, Thursday and Saturday. I've been doing it virtually since I started fasting a year ago. It happened by accident really, but I found I liked it and it meant I could eat a little bit more on my non fast days. I also felt that I lost weight a bit quicker and I had quite a lot to lose.
I've now got to target weight, but am continuing 4:3 till my holiday in 3 weeks. I will then assess my weight on my return from holiday and if necessary do a couple more weeks of 4:3. But my plan is then to move to 5:2 for maintenance.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
30 Jan 2014, 14:50
I'm just popping in to say hi and bye :wink: I've done 4:3 almost from the start and I really enjoy the routine of it (Mon/Wed/Fri) next week I'm dropping back to 5:2 to slow the weight loss before maintenance. My theory being it should only take a little tweaking before being able to maintain :crossed:
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 08:11
Weeeeee a tent I finally belong in!! Hello fellow 4:3'ers :D My days are Mon/Wed/Fri- works well while I'm working and busy :D
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 08:25
Woohoo! Hello!!! I have been a 4:3 since the second week of joining. I loved fasting so much three days seemed wonderful. Plus I lose more if I do three days.
I have another 8kg to lose so will be here for a while.
My days are Mon, Wed and Friday while I am working and busy too.
cilla xxx
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 08:58
Hmm… I've just been posting in the ADF tent. They don't mind.

I too have been doing 4:3 from the start. Every time I tried to switch to 5:2 I found it too difficult to have such a big gap between fasts, plus I was worried the weight loss would slow down.

Anyway, yay 4:3!
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 10:58
Can i come into the tent. Started with 5:2 in April and switch to 4:3 I think in June. Just seemed like the natural thing to do.. if 5:2 helped then i can make it work even better with an extra day.

4:3 keeps me focused on my new eating behaviour as the maximum days between 2 fasts is 2.

I fast on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday unless appointments or social activities intervene then i just move the days around. Think ive only missed on 3 day fast week and that was just after Christmas.

I still see myself as a 5:2er as that's the "broader" generic term for selecting certain days for fasting (or in my opinion).. what i mean is that if someone asks how i am losing weight i describe myself doing 5:2 even if secretly im actually doing 4:3. Also if im in "evangelising mode" i find 5:2 is less scary to people cause they only need to think about 3 days to deprive themselves of food. Indeed i sometimes suggest people start on 6:1 and ease themselves into 5:2. Have a neighbour up the street who is planning to attend her son's wedding this September and she is really keen. She insisted on starting 2 days as she is so keen to lose. In due course, ill suggest 3 days to her.

Also once I remove the need to lose more weight (i.e. I reach maintenance) i will indeed go back to the 2 day a week plan. So in a way I consider 3 days as the way to get healthy when you are not.. i.e. 3 days gives you the armour to get to a healthy state

I think i mentioned on another thread. that 2 days fasting not 1 day fasting in my opinion provides maximum health benefits (in my opinion)
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 11:57
Hi guys is there room for a little one? :wink:

I did 5:2 for a whole year and overall I'm pretty happy but I have been maintaining for far far too long now.
I lost 1 1/2 stone on 5:2 over last year but now (since last week) I'm switching to 4:3 until I've lost another 1 1/2 stone than I'll go back to 5:2 for maintenance I think :-)
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 13:17

A very sheepish "I would like to join the 4:3 tent..."

I am new to 5:2 and find it the best way of losing weight I've ever tried - and, believe me, I've tried them all!

However I am inspired reading some of weight loss achieved on 4:3 and, as I have quite a lot of weight to loose, and I'm not getting any younger (!), I feel the tent is calling me in!

I intend on fasting Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Here goes...!
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 13:20
JennyH10 wrote: Hi guys is there room for a little one? :wink:

I did 5:2 for a whole year and overall I'm pretty happy but I have been maintaining for far far too long now.
I lost 1 1/2 stone on 5:2 over last year but now (since last week) I'm switching to 4:3 until I've lost another 1 1/2 stone than I'll go back to 5:2 for maintenance I think :-)

Yeah why not give it a go @JennyH10. It could be the extra "boost" you need. If you have the 5:2 thing under control, 4:3 is so easy cause honestly its just another day to be ultra ultra careful. Too easy. No need to think about how many hours of eating / not eating, and you get to do it by consistent "day of week" which I find is a "no brainer"
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 13:23
Pookie wrote: Hi,

A very sheepish "I would like to join the 4:3 tent..."

I am new to 5:2 and find it the best of losing weight I've ever tried - and, believe me, ivevtried them all!

However I am inspired reading some of weight loss achieved on 4:3 and, as I have quite a lot of weight to loose, and I'm not getting any younger (!), I feel the tent is calling me in!

I intend on fasting Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Here goes...!

Now thats a Plan @Pookie! all the best in the 4:3 plan.. We are all here to support you.

I love your positive thought that its the best, having "tried them all". I havent tried them all indeed I admit its the only diet plan ive ever been on. And i love it. I was lucky not to waste my time on any other kind of diet. when i saw the Horizon program for the first time in April, it just made so much sense and next day i was fasting! 4.5kg lower weight and only 2.5kg to go to get to my "ultimate"
Re: The 4:3 tent is up!
31 Jan 2014, 13:25
Auriga wrote: Ok this is for those of us doing 4:3!!! Hello my fellow 4:3ers! :victory:
On which days do you fast? I fast, Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. Works really well for hubby and me.
Why did you start 4:3? We both found that we didn't lose weight doing 5:2 so we started 4:3 and it works like a dream.
Will you continue with it? Yes, until we reach our goal weight and then we will switch to 5:2 for maintenance! Well that's the plan anyway.

thanks @Aurigafor setting up this tent. i feel so at home here
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