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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

29 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 19:19
Same as Torbay... I've tried this way twice and it seems ok? I bought 3frozen weight watchers meals for £5 so I can just whack them in the micro and there ok as t saves messing about and the one tonight was only 340 calories so cup of tea and one biscuit treat later and tomorrow gonna get muellered on cakes mcdonalds and kfc ...ha ha only joshing

Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 19:24
I am on second fast day. First one I managed the 36hours with no solid food, today thus far I am feeling fine and think I'll get thru the 36 again. Famous last words :mrgreen:

Like some others, I think it's easier not to think about having food at all, whilst psychologically knowing I have the 500 to fall back on if need be. As others have also said, worried that if i start eating I might not stop :roll:

Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 19:30
Well,good luck everyone!! Here's to another successful week.... & hopefully another loss at the end of it!!
I just can't believe that you can eat (within reason) pretty much what you want on the non fasting days, still can't get my head round that one :) but like the fact of it!! I hate diets with a passion, but hate being overweight too :-( so this seems to be something that is going to work for me!!
Enjoy your 500/600 calories all!! :-)
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 21:13
Why is it that people can't get to sleep on no food? I'm not sure I understand the difficulty.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 21:25
Update: I decided that it wasnt a good idea, and so had a bowl of soup and 1 slice of bread, which incredibly, I feel very full on !!
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 21:31
Just curious why it wasn't a good idea. Did the hunger pangs take over?
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 22:09
If you suffer from insomnia, almost anything can stop you from sleeping! Fasting results in greater alertness...not a good thing for an insomniac!
Re: No Calories ??
19 Feb 2013, 07:30
I got through my fast without solids, managed on 1 tea with skimmed milk, 2 mugs of bovril and 1 black coffee. I am now just having a cup of tea, and will eat my brunch at my normal time of 11am. I found it quite easy and I'm not hungry at all
Re: No Calories ??
19 Feb 2013, 08:38
Wildmissus: In all honesty, I decided that I should have something, as my wife was too, as she's doing it with me. I thought if I moved the goalpost's again and 'didnt eat anything', (which I dont think she would/could do) - she might lose heart and falter, so I stuck with the 'plan', so to speak.

She's been a 'fluctuating' dieter for years too, and knowing how much better she feels about herself when she does get in shape, I thought i'd stay on the same path, so to speak.
After all, if she sticks with it too, & has the same results, I'll feel some benefits perhaps too ! ;) :lol:
Re: No Calories ??
15 Aug 2013, 15:00
I'm now inte the evening of my fifth or sixth zero calorie 36 hour fast. It seems to get easier every time. Anyone else with the same or different experience?

I've been very energetic, no hunger, being busy with cleaning out an apartment and various little projects.

Do people over dramatize the horrors of not eating for a day or two, is it really that horrible for most people?
Re: No Calories ??
15 Aug 2013, 16:41
Hi Michael, I've been liquid fasting, ie. water and herbal tea since April I think. I believe the thought of it is worse than actually doing it. I have good fasts and not so good fasts but as more time goes by I am more relaxed about things which makes it all a lot easier.
Re: No Calories ??
15 Aug 2013, 17:01
Yes, I agree, its physically easier now than it was at the start, but also its part of my routine, and I'm relaxed about it, which makes it feel easier.
Re: No Calories ??
15 Aug 2013, 19:00
My body seems to switch to burning fat for fuel fairly easily and efficiently. As a result, I can eat 0 cal. from food/drink on my two fast days a week with no problems - I don't even get hungry.

As so many people here say, it works for me.
Re: No Calories ??
15 Aug 2013, 20:09
Late in the evening now on my 0 cal day. I began to feel quite apatethic, low and very introverted.

Instead of just sitting there, feeling miserable, I pulled out my rowing machine. 30 minutes of rowing really helped. No more hunger, and I feel a lot better.

Not what I would have expected before 5-2, but exercise seems to be a great way to feel better when you're having trouble with your fasting.
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