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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 11:51
Just wondering what the theory is with the '600' Calories on our Fast Days, and whether its adviseable or better/worse for a complete Fast on Fast Days, - ie NO food consumed - just water and drinks......

Is the theory that it is better for the body to burn something and therefore keep the metabolism going ?

Just wondered....... :)
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 12:00
No, the theory is that Dr M thought he couldn't manage on less, and it was what was used on the studies by Krista Varady on alternate day fasting.

Some forum members have tried the 0 cals approach for a period of around 36 hours and some find it no problem, others have trouble sleeping so have opted for a small nightcap.

If you want to try it, that's fine. Remember the IF motto: "whatever works for you" ;-)
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 12:01
the idea of 500 / 600 calories is to get the benefits of proper fasting without the challenge that many would find unsurmountable. If you can do a fast with no-calorie drinks alone that will very likely be better.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 12:11
My two fasts last week, Tuesday and Thursday, were food free, my only calorie intake was skimmed milk in my tea. I intend doing the same this week as well, my reason is, I'm afraid if I start eating, that will make me want to continue. I feel quite relaxed about it, and knowing that there is a 600 calorie "safety net" there if it gets too much, is very comforting.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 13:26
I see......I might try it and see how I get on.

My only reasoning being not so much to do with 'weight loss', but rather the health benefits that may come as a result of a 'true' fast etc, - ie a slightly harsher shock to the system might perhaps trigger 'repair mode' even more.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 13:38
Can you let us know how you get on. I'm thinking of going zero once a week and sticking to 500 the other day. Also can you tell us if you have been 5:2ing at 600 cals previously. Just wondering how hard it might be going from 500 to nil.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 14:12
wildmissus wrote: Can you let us know how you get on. I'm thinking of going zero once a week and sticking to 500 the other day. Also can you tell us if you have been 5:2ing at 600 cals previously. Just wondering how hard it might be going from 500 to nil.

Hi wildmissus,

if your post was aimed at me, I only started last week, so far today I've had 1 cup of tea with a splash of semi skimmed milk, and 1 cup of bovril. Not feeling hungry or stressful at all, just been out and walked the dog, and I'm off to work later.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 14:37
....and if it was aimed at me......I'll update asap.
Todays a Fast day for me, (Mon/Wed), and to date, ive preferred the 'nothing all day till evening meal' route, and didnt find that difficult particularly.
So far today, only a Cup of tea with splash of semi milk at 7.30am, and a coffee at lunch, - so i'm primed and ready to perhaps not eat at all till my porridge at 8am tomorrow.

Thats the plan........:-)
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 15:43
When I was mulling over whether 0 cals would be an option for me I had two thoughts: one is that I think my insomnia would be a big problem for me if I hadn't eaten and the second was that I do eat lots of healthy veg in my one meal on a fast day and those 2 meals are probably the healthiest meals I have all week so to drop them would perhaps make me a bit less healthy!

If you are just doing 5:2 for health benefits I wonder whether having a 36 hour fast twice a week would end up with you losing too much weight. Perhaps such a long fast once a week would be sufficient to give the health benefits without too much weight loss.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 15:46
I couldn't eat nothing at all. 500 cals is just about doable for me. I ned something to look forward to in the evening too.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 16:36
I may be able to cope with less than 600 or maybe even 0, but what is better?

£1.01 is better than £1 but not "better" enough for me to go without food all day. Until I know the health benefits are significantly increased I wont be trying 0 cal days.
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 16:53
I'm with Jem on this one - 500 cals is doable! Would be difficult (I think) to ignore the stomach rumbling all through the night 'til breakfast the following day :lol:
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 16:58
When I say i'm only doing it for the Health Benefits, thats true, long term, but the weight loss is a fabulous potential benefit that I cant ignore !

I'm sat here at 5pm, without any great hunger urges, so am quite tempted to carry on and see how I far so good......

Maybe if & when I get to a point where I want to stabalise, it may not be neccessary, but I'd better reconsider that if & when I GET there ! :shock:
Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 18:49
Guys, What do u class as zero? This is what I've tried twice now so give me
your thoughts. After eating at 7pm in the evening I've then had nothing then until 7pm next night the 24hours was ok with just tea and water twice during the day up to the 7pm night meal about 500 calories then sleep then ate normal the next day so the 24 hour fast was how I see the benefit...

Anyone else do it ths way...

Re: No Calories ??
18 Feb 2013, 19:06
Hi Dano,
This is my third day fasting and I, like you, do the same eat nothing from the night before until my 500 calories the next evening, having only water and my 1 cup of coffee in the morning! This seems to work for me, as I know that if I have anything to eat it will kick off my hunger pangs big style!!
My first weigh in, I have lost 3llbs so something must be working with this! This appears to be the only diet where I am not fixating on food all the time as I know I can eat the next day!! Plus, when the 'next dAY' comes I find that I don't want to pig out anyway!! Bonus!!
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