The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

30 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: Posting Your Stats
04 May 2013, 13:17
Azureblue, maybe you need to go into progress tracker, edit your stats and then choose the option "public" :?:
Re: Posting Your Stats
04 May 2013, 13:18
:cool: I like the idea. I love to see people who have well and hope that at will be me one day. I have now pressed the button to link to my stats. Not very interesting yet, but they will be.....
Re: Posting Your Stats
04 May 2013, 13:19
Crunchier, I agree. I too would like to see heights included as often I am bemused by BMI, weight and clothes sizes that different members post.
Re: Posting Your Stats
04 May 2013, 13:42
Yes, we had a couple of really interesting threads for people of 5 foot 4 and 5 foot 8 - it was good to compare target weights with people of a similar height.
Re: Posting Your Stats
04 May 2013, 13:58
Good question Dhana, would be nice to hear from people who choose not to display their stats!
Re: Posting Your Stats
04 May 2013, 14:10
Love looking at the stats and proud to post mine in the hope that they might encourage someone like the stats do me.....
No I'm not Irish! Hope you get the idea.
Re: Posting Your Stats
07 May 2013, 20:29
I don't check other people's stats but when I reply to someone and catch a glimpse of how much weight they lost, if I see a nice number I do feel motivated to go on and hit that number meself.
Re: Posting Your Stats
07 May 2013, 20:53
Well for what its worth, here's my excuse. I messed up at the joining up stage (my first venture into the forum world) and didn't enter my 5:2 starting date. So for the short time that I posted my stats it didn't show a true picture, which frustrated me so I disabled it again. I have been doing 5:2 for 14 weeks and have lost 13 lbs, which is not far off the expected weight loss, but my tracker doesn't show this. Plus I lost 56lbs previous to starting 5:2. I suppose I could do a blog and make my progress public that way. Believe me when I hit my target weight which is another 28lbs you will all know, I will be shouting loud & clear. :lol:
Re: Posting Your Stats
07 May 2013, 21:16
Franglaise wrote: Yes, we had a couple of really interesting threads for people of 5 foot 4 and 5 foot 8 - it was good to compare target weights with people of a similar height.

I agree franglaise, it really helped me realise how different we all are, even people of similar height. It is impossible to say what the ideal weight/ bmi is because there is so many variation in build, weight distribution and so on. I am going to go on how well I feel and how happy I am with how I look rather than a prescribed number!

I find it really interesting and inspiring to see stats. It helps to put questions in context and also, when you are not losing, it can be consolation to see everyone else's ups and downs.
Re: Posting Your Stats
15 May 2013, 17:29
So many newbies, thought it would be a good reminder to you all to share your weight loss journey with other forum members! We really like to know a bit about you all, where you are living, your BMI and your progress, big or little. It is so helpful for those of us who have been doing this WOL for a while to give you even BETTER advice! We're all in this together, so to speak, so go on, fill in your Progress Tracker (Blue Bar on left) and don't be shy, make it public :grin: Thank you newbies ( and any oldies for that matter, go on.... :smile: )
Re: Posting Your Stats
15 May 2013, 17:35
I thought I'd posted mine but apparently hadn't . Maybe 2nd time lucky
Re: Posting Your Stats
22 Jul 2013, 06:34
dhana wrote: So many newbies, thought it would be a good reminder to you all to share your weight loss journey with other forum members! We really like to know a bit about you all, where you are living, your BMI and your progress, big or little. It is so helpful for those of us who have been doing this WOL for a while to give you even BETTER advice! We're all in this together, so to speak, so go on, fill in your Progress Tracker (Blue Bar on left) and don't be shy, make it public :grin: Thank you newbies ( and any oldies for that matter, go on.... :smile: )

Just thought it was about time to repost your lovely post, Dhana :)
Re: Posting Your Stats
22 Jul 2013, 07:31
Well, there are some reasons I haven't used that tracker thing. I don't mind sharing them. I started 4:3 and ADF some 17 months ago in Feb 2012 long before I joined here. I already have several apps, sites, and devices that I use for tracking, many that I have been using since I started.

Probably, one of the bigger reasons I haven't activated is the whole conversion thing...I struggle to think in kilometers. When I see the stats on the side bar it doesn't really register with me at all since my brain works in pounds.

I frequent several weight loss forums. Most of them simply have a stats goal line in the user profile where people can enter their start weight/current weight/goal weight for example 200/175/150. Many of them you can actually label whether your stats are in pounds, stones, kilos, dress sizes, measurements, or something else. Whenever I update pounds lost, I already have lots of places to go and update my info and tons of charts, data, etc. so I decided not to start another.

I agree with the poster above that said the height would be helpful to include. A tall male's goal weight might be equal to morbidly obese on a much shorter woman. Sure wish I could figure out how to grow taller!
Re: Posting Your Stats
22 Jul 2013, 08:11
I agree, I like to see peoples' stats and in particular where you are all from. As it's my first week here and on 5:2 there's nothing to see in mine yet, but I'm looking forward to hopefully entering a lower number each week!
Re: Posting Your Stats
25 Jul 2013, 06:02
Ah come on 43 tweaker, what is one more place to update? i agree the conversion is a little tricky but on the monthly weigh ins Moogie provides a formula. And just to keep my brain from hurting, I just double any amounts shown in kg. I admit though, the stone/pound combination is more challenging. But I think the US is in the minority on how we measure everything.
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