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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

62 posts Page 4 of 5
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
23 Oct 2013, 06:04
Sorry to sound stupid on this subject - But when everyone talks about a 36 hour liquid fast, is that just with water (i.e. zero calories in 36 hours) or with miso and stock cubes and tea etc (i.e. not zero calories in 36 hours)?

Because if it is with miso and other hot drinks to keep it as a 'liquid fast' then you are having your calories and in theory as long as it was a liquid you could have your 500 calories.

I would say it's zero calories, and this "liquid fast" term is confusing despite its popularity. It might be because ome say the hunger reflex doesn't kick in if you avoid solid foods. "Zero cal fast" fast would be more precise.
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
23 Oct 2013, 07:25
al4285 wrote: Sorry to sound stupid on this subject - But when everyone talks about a 36 hour liquid fast, is that just with water (i.e. zero calories in 36 hours) or with miso and stock cubes and tea etc (i.e. not zero calories in 36 hours)?

Because if it is with miso and other hot drinks to keep it as a 'liquid fast' then you are having your calories and in theory as long as it was a liquid you could have your 500 calories.

Yes, you could have 500 cals in liquid (although it would be quite hard to get to 500 in my view) Its not a prescription, everyone is doing something that works for them, between water only, and, as you say, calories up to 500 with milk in their drinks, clear soups etc. I have water, black tea and one white coffee, which I hope gives me health benefits, is helping me lose weight, and I enjoy doing it.
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
23 Oct 2013, 07:41
As I do a 70 hours liquid fast every week (from Sunday 19h to Wednesday 14h), you can imagine that yes, I have calories or I wouldn't be abble to get out of bed. However I usually have around 200, often cal, sometimes even less with water, black coffee and black tea and light soup or broth. As I only have a liquid intake it is a liquid fast, even if it is not a 0 cal liquid fast.
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
23 Oct 2013, 08:30
OK, good that al4285 asked the question, my assumption was wrong and obviously the term "liquid fast" on this forum is simply used for a day without chewing. I guess I'll have to use the term "zero calorie fasts" from now on to avoid adding to the confusion.

I'm not all that clear if it really matters if your calories are chewed or not, perhaps it does.
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
23 Oct 2013, 09:04
I guess there should be another term for zero liquid fast as, by definition, a liquid fast is when you only have liquid in my opinion :wink:

Now to answer your question if it really matters, I can only talk for my experience but, since the beginning I do a 70 hours liquid fast as I explained and a more normal fast on Thursdays, lost 30 kilos, only have 3 kilos to lose before reaching my goal, and never had a plateau. I guess it has something to do with how I do my fasts, as well as my diet history (I never diet before).
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
15 Jan 2014, 23:22
Hi everyone. Just been reading through everyone's posts on this topic, v interesting. But I wonder, surely this method means you aren't getting all the important nutrients your body needs, eg: vitamins, protein etc...!? On my last fast day my dinner didn't have much veg so I felt guilty and had a vitamin tablet, but I feel if you're only having liquid your body will be lacking all those important things? Just wondering what you guys think about that, rather than criticising :) x
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
16 Jan 2014, 11:19
I no longer do 36 hour, zero calorie fasts but when I did I didn't worry too much about lack of nutrition on those days because I ensure I eat nutritionally well on all other days.
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
16 Jan 2014, 12:08
I don't think that going without food for one day is going to do the average, healthy person any harm, on the contrary I feel so much more energised, healthy and light after I do it. I do not need to lose weight but I still do it occasionally for all of the above benefits. I honestly feel that a lack of vitamins on fasting days is of no relevance, just my own thoughts on the matter.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
09 Apr 2014, 08:22
Where did all the liquid fasters go? I'm starting liquid fasting today using homemade mushroom soup. Eventually I want to reduce it to zero calorie fast but will do it gradually. Can't find the liquid fasters anymore - I've not been gone that long
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
09 Apr 2014, 09:22
@jmousey I think they're all still here but just haven't been posting in a specific thread for liquid fasting. I have seen several people mention that they are liquid fasting. It seems to have gone 'mainstream' now ;-)
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
09 Apr 2014, 09:45
yikes time flies and this place changes fast. Ok thanks for that :-) It was nice to see what people were consuming for liquid fasting etc
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
09 Apr 2014, 10:28
Why not start a thread @jmousey? I'm sure that would bring the liquid fasters out of the woodwork!
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
09 Apr 2014, 10:32
Why not start a thread @jmousey? I'm sure that'll bring the liquid fasters out of the woodwork!
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
09 Apr 2014, 11:12
I'm still here, I was away for a month and when I got back, it seemed that the liquid fast thread was no longer a "thing". But it's my preferred way of fasting, just drinking tea and of course lots of water.
Re: 36 Hour fast - worth it?
09 Apr 2014, 11:34
@carorees good idea - I think I will. It's just motivating to know you're not alone
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