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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Re: Booze!!
10 Feb 2013, 22:44
Well, if I eat normally my feed days come in around 1600-1800 cals, so that leaves me enough for a glass of wine and still stay within the 2000, but I don't have a drink every feed day so I can have more than one glass at a weekend.

Dr M recent investigated the current guidelines on drinking and found that new scientific research suggests that they should be changed to no more than 2 units on any one day and 2 alcohol-free days a week, because giving an allowance for the week as in the current guidelines allows binge drinking. I can do the 2 alcohol free days a week easily cos of fasting, it's the no more than 2 units in a day that I have trouble with!
Re: Booze!!
10 Feb 2013, 23:13
... it's the no more than 2 units in a day that I have trouble with!

Yes that is so unfair!
Re: Booze!!
12 Feb 2013, 18:20
I really couldn't see the point of that, that would mean you were either drinking because you were thirsty, or that you enjoyed the taste.

I can't see that catching on anytime soon!
Re: Booze!!
12 Feb 2013, 18:35
Er sorry boboff, as its a non-fasting day for me my brain is evidently in its usual fuddle not its clear incisive fasting state. Can you explain your reference? Not sure whether you were commenting on what I wrote or carorees or... well dunno!
Re: Booze!!
12 Feb 2013, 19:23
Contrary to what I posted earlier, after reading this thread, I've decided I should have at least one alcohol-free day per week.

So, yesterday - a fasting day - I had no beer or wine. This gave me an extra almost 100 calories - which I squandered on a square of dark chocolate (Lidl's Fairtrade, dairy free) 55 cals, and a dried apricot, 16 cals.

I sure know how to live! :lol: :lol:
Re: Booze!!
12 Feb 2013, 21:43
I have a drink or three on most feed days although I never binge drink, and as I've said elsewhere I've yet to fail to lose weight week-on-week.
Re: Booze!!
12 Feb 2013, 22:08
I've been drinking on my feed days, I'm doing 4:3, I normally stick to wine as it's lower cal content than beer. Never drink on my fast days. It doesn't seem to make much difference whether I drink or not so far...but I did have a mate visit this weekend, and we tucked into a fine selection of Belgian beers, probably around 3000 cals worth I would will see if it made a difference this next way in.
Re: Booze!!
13 Feb 2013, 07:55
dominic wrote: Er sorry boboff, as its a non-fasting day for me my brain is evidently in its usual fuddle not its clear incisive fasting state. Can you explain your reference? Not sure whether you were commenting on what I wrote or carorees or... well dunno!

Well both really, it was a joke you see.

Drinking alcohol to excess is something I am really good at but see the complete and utter pointlessness of it!
Re: Booze!!
13 Feb 2013, 10:12
Sorry boboff as you see I was being a bit dense. Nothing worse than having to explain a joke.

A drunk meanders in through the front door of a bar, the barman says "We don't serve drunks here, please leave!" The drunk wanders out.

Five minutes later, he comes in through the side door, again the barman says "You're drunk, we're not serving you, get out!" The drunk wanders out.

Ten minutes later, he comes in through the back door, staggering towards the bar. The barman shouts "I've told you before, this is not a place for drunks, so get lost!"

The drunk stares at the barman and there is a dim light of recognition in his eyes. "So how many bars do you work in anyway?"
Re: Booze!!
13 Feb 2013, 10:55
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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